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The health status of young people is a big issue related to the prosperous and national prosperity of China. China's youth sports participation in sports activities is very low, and almost became a society "vulnerable" status. Improving young people's participation, building sports organizations support system to meet the needs of youth sports is a priority.
     Development of American youth sports organizations in the world is very representative. Based on the relevant theory, literature review, case studies, interviews, observation were used in this study. the entry point for organizations involved in youth sports in the United States system, examine the organization of youth sports in the United States on the macro level, micro-level cases social investigation, analysis of the operation mechanism between the organization of American youth sports activities, expectations in the context of China's new round of reform of government institutions and functions change, for the construction and development of our youth sports organizations can learn from the model reference.
     The conclusions are:(1) Values of youth sports in American society, the U.S. political system and sports management system are social foundation for support of the youth organization.(2)Youth sports participation and diverse types of activities, the diversified sports organizations is the protection of the youth sports activities. School sports clubs, interscholastic sports management agency, the National Association of State High School Association. Community sports organizations can be divided according to categories1, public, supported by the tax community recreation organizations.2, public non-profit community organizations.3private non-profit sports organizations.4, private for-profit clubs. There are differences among sports organizations, complementary, their own characteristics to provide a variety of sports for youth. Nonprofit organizations play an important role in the provision of youth sports. School and community sports organizations to jointly promote the social mechanisms involved in youth sports and develop talented children in sports.(3)The U.S. central government promotes the development of youth sports through specific course of action. American society have a network supporting system from government, schools, non-profit sports organizations, corporate, family seamless links to organizations supporting network, to achieve the goal to maximize. The organizations focus Sports recognized the value of young people in American society, and their respective interests meet. Existing problems:the U.S. loose community-based youth sports organization and management; the parents'intervention in youth sports to the other extreme; too athletic competition to children caused psychological pressure. Multicultural society, ancient Greece, strong body concept, character, competitive spirit, religion, civil society and the political and economic system, the volunteer spirit, sports social and cultural prosperity youth sports in the United States involved in the organization support social causes.(4)Due to the long-term sports management system in China, the enthusiasm of youth sport was inhibited. We are facing the single source of social support and the poor support from the organizations. School sports, competitive sports, community sports developed separately. China should learn from.international experience, but it can not be copied. Organizational system of building youth sports participation requires government departments, school sports, community sports organizations, the joint efforts of the family, as well as teenagers physical exercise awareness. Will eventually be the community to work together to create the atmosphere of youth sports participation sports.
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    57 Sarah M.Lee, Ph.D.Charlene R.Burgeson, MA,Janet E.Fulton, Ph.D,Christine G.Spain,MA. Physial Education and Physical Activity:Results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006[J]. Journal of School Health.October 2007, Vol.77.No.8
    58 Gould, D., and Weiss, M. (eds) Advances in Pediatric Sport Sciences, Vol.2:
    59 Richard Bailey.Physical Education and Sport in Schools:A Review of Benefits and Outcoms. Journal of School Health,2006,Vol.76,No.8
    60 Sarah M.Lee, Ph.D.Charlene R.Burgeson, MA,Janet E.Fulton, Ph. D.Christine G.Spain.MA. Physial Education and Physical Activity:Results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006[J]. Journal of School Health.October 2007, Vol.77.No.8
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    63 National Standards for Athletic Coaches. ERIC Digest Jody Brylinsky, ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education, Washington, DC.01/2002
    64 Haynes, Richard. Power Play:Sport, the Media, and Popular Culture.:Edinburgh University Press,. p 58
    65 http://www.stltoday.com/schools/high-schools/honorees-by-school/collection_eac2acc0-8e55-11el-8a4b-001a4 bcf6878.html
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    67 http://www.nays.org/who_we_are/mission and history,cfm
    68 http://www.nays.org/Resources/national standards.cfm
    69 http://www.nays.org/CMSContent/File/National_Standards08FINAL(2).pdf
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    90 Source:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Washington, DC:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2008.
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    109 Wuthnow,Robert. Between States and Markets:the Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective [M].Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press.1991
    110 Reprinted with permission from Guidelines for Children's Sports, R. Martens and V. Seefeldt (Eds.)., Washington, D.C. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,1979
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    [2]北京晚报《青少年体质持续下降怪谁?想锻炼花钱难找地方》2010-12-7 9:37
    [12]门丽,HUI M.clark,吴加利.美国青少年体育发展现状给我国学校体育带来的启示.沈阳体育学院学报,2006,Vo1.25(3):41-42
    [19]周丽君,Larry D.Hensley.中美青少年参加体育活动影响因素的比较研究.北京体育大学学报,2008,Vo1.31(9):1247-1249
    [24]L.M.Salamon,"Partners in public service:The scope and theory of government-nonprofit relations",in W.W.Powell, (ed.),The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook,New haven:Yale University Press,1987财政部,财政科学研 究所编:(热点与对策:2002年度财政研究报告),中国财政经济出版社2003年版
    [35]Robert A. Mechikoff, Steven G. Estes. A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education (Fourth Edition):New York, McGraw-Hill,2004
    [36]David Shields, Brenda Bredemeier. Character Development and Physical Activity: Human Kinetics,1994
    [37]Lee Mabel A History of Physical Education and Sports in the USA (M) John Wiley and Sons New York 1983.
    [40]Boy Scouts of American National Council. (2004b). Chartered organizations and the Boy Scouts of America. Retrieved September 9,2004
    [41]http://www. scouting. org/factsheets/02-507.html
    [42]YMCA (2004a) A brief history of the YMCA movement. Retrieved March 31,2004, from http://www. ymca. net/about/cont/history.htm
    [43]Ewing, M. E. & Seefeldt, V. (1990). American youth and sports participation: A study of 10,000 students and their feelings about sport. North Palm Beach, FL: Athletic Footwear Association.
    [47]Seefeldt, Ewing, & Walk. Youth Sports in America:An Overview.1991
    [50]http://www. clayton.k12.mo.us//site/Default.aspx?PageType=6&SiteID=1&Search String= physical education
    [54]Humphrey, J. H.1994. Physical Education for the Elementary School.
    [55]Paul, MP Janet, B. P., Jerome, Q., Lucie, T. Contemporary Sport Management. Human Kinetics:ChaiTipaign,2011.171.
    [56]http://www.nfhs.org/content. aspx?id=3282
    [57]Sarah M.Lee, Ph. D,Charlene R. Burgeson, MA, Janet E.Fulton, Ph.D, Christine G. Spain, MA. Physial Education and Physical Activity:Results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006[J]. Journal of School Health.October 2007, Vol.77. No.8
    [58]Gould, D., and Weiss, M. (Eds) Advances in Pediatric Sport Sciences, Vo1.2:
    [59]Richard Bailey.Physical Education and Sport in Schools:A Review of Benefits and Outcoms. Journal of School Health,2006, Vol.76, No.8
    [60]Sarah M. Lee, Ph.D, Charlene R. Burgeson, MA, Janet E.Fulton, Ph. D, Christine G. Spain, MA. Physial Education and Physical Activity:Results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006[J]. Journal of School Health.October 2007, Vol.77. No.8
    [61]http://www. cdc. gov/arthritis/publications/healthy_people. htm
    [63]National Standards for Athletic Coaches. ERIC Digest Jody Brylinsky, ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education, Washington, DC.01/2002
    [64]Haynes, Richard. Power Play:Sport, the Media, and Popular Culture:Edinburgh University Press:58
    [65]http://www. stltoday. com/schools/high-schools/honorees-by-school/collection_eac2acc0-8e55-llel-8a4b-001a4bcf6878.html
    [68]http://www.nays.org/Resources/national_standards. cfm
    [76]http://www.littleleague.Org/1 earn/about/structure, ht
    [77]http://www.popwamer.com/aboutus/pop. asp
    [78]http://www.popwamer.com/scholastics/pop. asp
    [79]http://www.popwamer.com/aboutus/benefits. asp
    [81]http://www.usyouthsoccer.org/aboutus/StateAssociationDirectory. asp
    [86]2010 AAU Membership Growth by Sport. A Guide to AAU leadership from local to national, Section7, Event Statistics,2010,36.
    [87]2010 AAU Membership Growth by Sport. A Guide to AAU leadership from local to national. Section7, Event Statistics,2010,35.
    [89]http://www. cdc. gov/mmwr/PDF/rr/rr4606. pdf
    [90]Source:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Washington, DC:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2008.
    [93]http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/som/hrc/pdfs/Frost%20APHA%202010%20School%20PA%20an d%20Environment%20FINAL%2011-4-10.pdf
    [99]https://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/en/home/advocate/title-ix-and-issue s/history-of-title-ix/history-of-title-ix
    [100]Kramer, B.1993. Title IX in intercollegiate athletics:Litigation risks facing colleges and universities. Washington, D. C.:Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. Public Policy Series No.93-2. Novermber.
    [101]Vargyas E. J.1994. Breaking down barriers:A Legal guide to Title EX. Washington, D. C
    [105]http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/physicalactivity/toolkit/factsheet_pa_gui delines_families.pdf
    [106]http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/physicalactivity/toolkit/factsheet_pa_gui delines_communities.pdf
    [107]http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/physicalactivity/toolkit/factsheet_pa_gui delines_schools. pdf
    [108]http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/physicalactivity/toolkit/userguide_pa. pdf
    [109]Wuthnow, Robert. Between States and Markets:the Voluntary Sector in Comparative Perspective. Princeton, N. J.:Princeton University Press.1991
    [110]Reprinted with permission from Guidelines for Children's Sports, R. Martens and V. Seefeldt (Eds.).Washington, D. C. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,1979

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