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In "WTO post-transition period", some modest protection after three years of industry will be the end of the transition period, began to arrive, "WTO" commitment to the ultimate goal. In agriculture, China entered the "WTO post-transition period" after, WTO rules require countries of agricultural trade is limited only by tariff measures to restrict imports of agricultural products, can not or minimize the use of non-tariff. With the national step-by-step liberalization of agricultural markets, and the regional differences in agricultural policies led to international trade of agricultural products can not be completely carried out in accordance with the principles of free trade, with the accession to WTO agricultural trade and more open markets, China's overall competitiveness of agricultural products will reduce the become an irreversible trend in the complex international situation, China's trade in agricultural products are faced with various pressures and risks. Against this background, this article in order to "WTO transitional period following the export of Heilongjiang Province, on trade issues of agricultural research" as the title of Heilongjiang Province in the "WTO transitional period after the" export trade of agricultural products to conduct in-depth analysis. The main purpose of the study is to interpret WTO rules in Heilongjiang Province and Policy Research from exports of agricultural products to domestic and foreign-related theory, the study area of agricultural exports and the application of WTO rules, according to the Heilongjiang provincial export trade of agricultural products and the status quo policy system, the establishment of Heilongjiang Province WTO agricultural model of agricultural policy interventions and to set up groups of different parameters by means of Heilongjiang grain, livestock products and fruit and vegetable exports to achieve a good assessment of policy adaptability and goodness of fit, and in accordance with the model prediction and evaluation , Heilongjiang Province, for exports of agricultural products trade-related adjustment of policies and measures are proposed.
     Based on the WTO and the interpretation of the relevant rules, both at home and abroad and the corresponding effects of response measures and policy adjustments, focusing on combining Heilongjiang Province the actual situation of agricultural export trade, analysis of the use of these rules in Heilongjiang Province and measures, and to establish evaluation index system, the establishment of model empirical test of the policy change on agricultural trade, and based on the evidence given in the corresponding policy recommendations. From the theoretical basis for macro-policy analysis, Heilongjiang province, the evaluation index system and the application of empirical models and policy proposals on several levels, such as analysis and discussion started. First of all, focus on trade policy and the pattern of evolution of the world's response to and effectiveness of research for this article provides a practical reference, the logical framework of this article, and agricultural agreement focuses on the main contents of the process and, secondly, to include China agricultural policy in the market's adjustment and adaptation, under the premise of the application of the rules of domestic agricultural support and the role of content, with the foreign policy of agricultural support and contrast different content, including the exploration and study, both at home and abroad in the history of analysis and comparison based on the optimization and improvement of China's agricultural domestic support policies of the corresponding measures. Third, the former parts of the theoretical explanations and China opening up measures to deal with agriculture, based on the actual conduct of empirical Heilongjiang Province, and exports through the establishment of evaluation index system of efficient quantitative measurement of the Heilongjiang Province of the efficiency of agricultural exports, through policy intervention model Establishment and applications, to examine the establishment of the transitional period after WTO agricultural exports in Heilongjiang Province of the many problems that exist. Finally, is the full text of the summary and suggestions, mainly drawn from the above analysis of the basic summary and summary of conclusions and put forward the premise that the use of rules to promote international trade of agricultural products in Heilongjiang Province, the relevant measures.
     In this paper, the system of WTO rules, WTO transitional period after the characteristic of agricultural export trade of Heilongjiang Province of the status quo, existing problems and development trends in a detailed analysis, at the same time a systematic analysis of regional policies on the agricultural export trade. To domestic support, financial subsidies, market access and animal and plant health for the pilot, focusing on an analysis of China's post-WTO transitional period to adjust the policy level to deal with complex international trade environment for agricultural products, which focus on an analysis of Heilongjiang Province, on trade issues of agricultural exports.
     In the concluding part of this paper should be made full use of the international division of labor and the comparative advantages of Heilongjiang Province, to lay a good brand strategy. Heilongjiang Province, the use of land and water resources advantages and climatic conditions, the development of the pillars of the province's exports, such as the soybean industry in Heilongjiang in China can make use of the special advantages of the labor resources to strengthen agricultural trade exports of processed products. Advanced processing of agricultural products is to enhance product quality and competitiveness, to improve agricultural efficiency an important way. Enhance the processing of agricultural products, to strengthen the export trade of agricultural products is an expansion of exports and the surplus labor force to solve too many resources appropriately. Continue to strengthen Russia's border trade, the further development of Japan, North Korea, South Korea and other countries and African countries, the border trade market. China and Russia have more than 4300 km common border, and convenient transportation conditions, highlight the geographical advantage. Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in recent years become increasingly active, in order to further expand China's exports of agricultural products to Russia to create a favorable external environment and is conducive to the further development of Heilongjiang Province, the potential of agricultural exports. Establish and improve the exports of agricultural products quality control system. The existing quality management system of export of agricultural products there are still multiple management, divide and rule phenomenon. Such as livestock and poultry products, domestic export commodity inspection process to detect and quarantine sector, the livestock sector to detect and quarantine, and宽严between the different standards. This multi-Frederick, Frederick duplication, contradictions and seizure has not only made the dilemma export enterprises to increase the burden of unnecessary, but also the quality of export products are not the fundamental guarantee. Improve infrastructure, increase the value-added agricultural products. This is to strengthen the expansion of trade in agricultural products to improve the hardware and software needs, conditions are ripe in the Russian territory of locations to choose suitable base or wholesale storage centers and product development of fruit and vegetable processing business, the development of fruit juice, canned food and all kinds of deep processing of products, improve the the added value of export of agricultural products to Russia. Establish a sound early warning mechanism to deal with. Sound early warning mechanism to deal with timely guidance to enterprises to improve production, improve product quality, to avoid export risks, and improve enterprise management and the active participation of the respondent to ensure that the development of export trade of Heilongjiang Province.
     This article focused on the topics of innovation, research methods, research point of view, etc., from the subjects of this study on agricultural exports from the region in terms of policy analysis of agricultural export trade of Heilongjiang Province, not only limited to the WTO rules as the external interpretation of further significant impact on regional trade in agricultural exports of the evolution of regional policies and systems analysis and adjustment, therefore, this choice has some innovative. In the evaluation index system, due to policies and their effect of the nature of the problem, in this study, the evaluation index system of study, the large scale introduction of qualitative variables, a point to face, to build a complete and true evaluation of the policy system. Methods in the study of the impact of policy interventions, the establishment of intervention analysis model to study the issue of agricultural exports, and a statistical analysis and forecasting.
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