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Under the background of the development of the information and knowledge economy,knowledge-intensive industry has gradually transformed from emerging industries tomainstay industry in China, and it plays an important role in the development of China'seconomy. Knowledge-intensive industry in China is still in its infancy stage, and the wholeorganization form and the business model of the industry are still not mature, especially thetechnological innovation system is not perfect, with a big gap from the international advancedlevel. For the knowledge-intensive industry is competitive on its creativeness andadvancement, the shortage of the system and the level of technological innovation in theindustry inevitably leads to the lack of China’s competitiveness in the international market,and the occupying of foreign enterprises in China’s market. In the above situation, it hasbecome the inevitable strategic issue in the process of economic development in China toexplore technological innovation law of knowledge-intensive industry, to seize the directionof technological innovation in knowledge-intensive industry, and to enhance the ability oftechnological innovation in knowledge-intensive industry in China. Therefore, it is conduciveto enrich related theory of knowledge-intensive industry and technological innovationevolution to study the technological innovation path in knowledge-intensive industriesindepth, with the integrated use of technological innovation theory, life cycle theory, decisiontheory, and the theory of evolution, and to discuss the inertial mechanism and gamemechanism of the evolution process of technological innovation path. And it has importantguiding significance to improve the ability of technological innovation in knowledge-intensive industry in China to explore the effective ways of promoting and upgradingknowledge-intensive industries in China from the perspective of technological innovationpath. The main research content of this dissertation is as follows:
     First, this dissertation studied the connotation, elements and characteristics ofknowledge-intensive industries and its technological innovation path. It defined the scope ofthe study, which including five industries, by empirical and on the basis of the connotationand characteristics of knowledge-intensive industries. At the same time, it put forward theconnotation and features of the technological innovation path in knowledge-intensive industries, divided technological innovation path into three types depending on the dominantelement in decision-making, and analyzed main bodies from the evolution process of thetechnological innovation path in knowledge-intensive industries and the relationships amongbodies, to specify research subjects.
     Secondly, this dissertation studied the basic elements, stage division and decision-making mechanism of three types of technological innovation path respectively. It analyzedthe structure of the basic elements under each type of path, including the market-orientedtechnological innovation path, the cost-oriented technological innovation path and theknowledge resources-oriented technological innovation path. Based on the elements structure,it found out the stages of the industry and the technology life cycles for each type of path, andproposed decision-making mechanism and timing for each type. In the meantime, with thecase studies of the electronic manufacturing industry in China, this dissertation summarizedthe structure of the basic elements and the stages of the technology and the industry lifecycles for technological innovation path in knowledge-intensive industries in China,exploring the decision-making factor and mechanism for the technological innovation path,and thus built up the decision models for each type of technological innovation path.
     Thirdly, this dissertation studied the evolution process of technological innovation pathin knowledge-intensive industries. It discussed and constructed an analysis framework of theevolution model of the technological innovation path, and put forward decision-makingcriteria for industrial technological innovation path. With the theories of inertia and game,this dissertation expounded the evolution process of industrial technological innovation path,dug into the inertial mechanism and the game mechanism among innovation bodies in theevolution process, elaborated on the content and operation principles of those twomechanisms, and thus built the evolution model of the industrial technological innovationpath.
     Finally, this dissertation carried on empirical research and countermeasure analysis ofthe evolution of technological innovation path in knowledge-intensive industries in China. Bybuilding a diffusion matrix for technological innovation path in knowledge-intensiveindustries, the evolution process of the technological innovation path in knowledge-intensiveindustries in China were studied. Meanwhile, this dissertation proposed correspondingmeasures and suggestions for our government departments, industry associations, and knowledge-intensive enterprises, from the perspectives of macro, meso and micro.
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