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Objective: To study and research the effect of aerobics exercises and combining withnutritional intervention in middle-age and young professional women and to explore themeaning of improve the health by this way.
     Method: The subjects of this paper are 17 professional women who take part inaerobics exercises in the gym in their spare time, aged 30-45.They are not diseasedseriously, and do not participate in sports often. Before the training, test their bodyweight, body fat percentage and BMI; blood is taken from everyone to test CLU,TC, TG, APO-A, APO-B, HDL-c, LDL-c, LDH, ALT, AST, HBDH, CK,SOD and NOS .Everyone practises aerobics exercises 60 minutes a day and 4-5 timeseach week in the afternoon following the instructor. At the same time, nutritionalintervention is came into force during the 8 weeks later blood is taken again to tset CLU,TC,TG, APO-A, APO-B, HDL-c, LDL-c, LDH, ALT, AST, HBDH, CK, SODand NOS. Use SPSS statistics software to carry on the statistical analysis.
     results: It shows that after the 8-weeks training and combining with nutritionalintervention, the values of TG and AST in serum are remarkably lower than thosebefore the training(P<0.01), APO-A、HDL-c are higher than before(P<0.05); there isno obvious change in the values of CLU、TC、APO-B、LDL-c、LDH、ALT、HBDH、CK in serum before and after the training(P>0.05); the value of SOD in serum ishigher than that befor the training(P<0.05), the value of NOS in serum is remarkablyhigher than that befor the training(P<0.01).
     Conclusion: Long term aerobics exercise and combining with nutritional intervention inmiddle-age and young professional women can help them to induce the improvement ofmetabolism and alternation of body fat; decrease their the level of the blood fat andadjust blood fat elements; can help them to maintain or enhance the level of ALT、AST、LDH、CK in blood; can raise the vigor of serum SOD and NOS; preclud disease ofcardiovascular system and delay apolexi.
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