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City is the carrier of social civilization, while logistics is the bloodline of a city. Technology innovation and management innovation has brought the unprecedented impact to the city's economy, society and environment, as the increase of traffic volumes, the cooperation with industry, the comprehensiveness of services and the urgent requirements to reduce cost, all of which is inseparable of a clear, efficient, safe, economic logistics system of cities. City logistics is an important part of city economy and the intermediate links of production, circulation and consumption, which plays an important role in promoting the city industry development and improving the efficiency of economic, and attracts much attention on its extensive industrial relevance, unique social attribute, and significant environmental externalities.
     Establishing scientific and systematic performance evaluation system is the premise and foundation of effective management of city logistics. Through the performance evaluation of city logistics system, managers can clear city logistics activities on the influence of many aspects, such as economic, social, environmental, guide the development of city logistics, and realize the synchronization in the speed and quality of national economic growth, accordance in the level of social development and urbanization, synergy in the expanse of urban scale and ecological environment.
     Performance evaluation of city logistics is the objective need to improve the urbanization and perfect the urban function in our country. In the two decades from1992to2011, the quantity of China's cities increased from517to661, the urbanization rate from27.46%to51.3%. How to manage the city logistics scientifically and effectively in the process of urbanization, optimize the city logistics activity overall, minimize the negative externality of city logistics in maximum limit and improve the overall performance of the city logistics, it is not only the inherent requirement of perfection of city function the city, but also the inevitable result of the city developing to a certain historical period in China.
     From the point of current situation of theory research, although scholars have made certain progress from the study of city logistics performance, the progress of research is relatively slow, especially the empirical research is more scarce, even hasn't form the universal evaluation framework and index system, which is limited to the multiplicity of goals, openness of contract, multiple factors of performance impact, input and output's difficult to quantify, cognitive biases, etc. Given that, in this paper I first conducts a theoretical study on city logistics performance, trying to construct basic model of city logistics performance evaluation; Second, on the basis of evaluation model constructed, I have made a selection on the evaluation indicators and established index system; Finally, I have made an empirical research and analysis for China's deputy city at or above the provincial level, analyzed the performance situation of economy latitude, social latitude and environmental latitude of city logistics, found out the developing gap of the cities, reference to the existing research results and experienced practice and put forward improved suggestions. Based on the above thinking, the study of this paper launches according to the following chapters.
     The first chapter is introduction. This chapter first confesses the topic selection background, and points out theoretical significance of this paper lies mainly in systematically combing the theory of city logistics development, and having constructed the evaluation model and index system of city logistic performance on the basis of deeply exploring the features and affecting factors of city logistics; The practical significance mainly is to enhance the city's logistic performance and achieve its development goal. Then this chapter makes an explanation on the two key concepts of city logistics and city logistics pcrformance, pointing out the difficulties of the city logistics performance evaluation. Finally this chapter expounds the content of research in this paper is mainly to establish city logistics evaluation model, set up performance evaluation index of city logistics and empirical study on the city logistics performance evaluation, and provide research framework and technical route.
     The second chapter is the analysis of city logistics functions. This chapter puts forward and argues the four functions of city logistics--service, concentration, radiation, and synergy, then performs data analysis and inspection on various functions by using input-output tables, and finally points out that effect of agglomeration and radiation on the city's logistics industry is obvious, has extensive industry correlation, and the obvious effect of limitation on the city's economic development, which belongs to the industry given the priority of development.
     The third chapter is literature review. This chapter analyzes the overall situation of the literature, and points out that the literature is relatively scarce. The research focus mainly concentrates in three aspects:the evaluation model, evaluation index and evaluation method. At the same time, this chapter also has analyzed the index system of performance management practice of foreign logistics, in order to achieve the state that "The stone of his mountain, can offend jade".
     The fourth chapter is the establishment of city logistics performance evaluation model. This chapter first elaborates the theoretical basis of model constructing including city economy theory, system theory, sustainable development theory and stakeholder theory. Then this chapter analyses the development vein of the goal of the performance evaluation of performance evaluation of city logistics:from the minimum cost to the maximum performance, develop to the collaborative performance and currently tend to pursue the maximization of social value. Then this chapter embarks from the basic principle of evaluation, pointing out that the city logistics performance evaluation system is composed of the evaluation subject, evaluation object, evaluation ideas, evaluation requirements, evaluation content, evaluation index, evaluation method and evaluation results, and provides a general model framework according to logical relationship of this eight parts. Finally the city logistics performance evaluation model is put forward in this chapter, pointing out that the characteristics of the model are to regard human as the subject and pursue the maximization of social value when making the city seen under the background of relevant area, whose goals include multiple dimensions like economy, society and environment, etc.
     The fifth chapter is the selection of city logistics performance evaluation index. This chapter first has clear about the selection principles of evaluation index and these principles include:objectivity, systematicness, economy, comparability and maneuverability. Then this chapter has done screening for the primary indicators of economic performance, social performance, environmental performance of city logistics based on the above principle, and uses the correlation degree and distinction degree for the test of statistical indicators on the basis of the above principles. In order to reflect the contact of the city and the area it located, control the correlation degree between the indexes, the paper selected location quotient to perform compound operation of multiple evaluation index and also chose the right way to dispose other specific indicators some other special indicators. Finally this chapter builds up index system of the city logistics performance evaluation, which mainly includes3first-level indicators, namely economic performance, social performance and environmental performance of city logistics;13second-level indicators, including dimensions of the index of agglomeration capability, radiation ability index, the index of logistics service, the location of city logistics, the input-output efficiency, managers, carriers, shippers, residents, energy consumption, air quality, degree of congestion, environmental protection and so on.
     The sixth chapter is the empirical of city logistics performance evaluation. This chapter explains the sample cities of empirical design and choice basis of empowering ways, using the entropy-weight method to perform performance evaluation to the annual of data in2010of China's deputy city at or above the provincial level. In economic performance evaluation of city logistics, this paper adopts the DEA data envelopment analysis model to replace the input-output table to measure the input-output efficiency, and standardizing data based on entropy-weight method, calculating the weight of each index, finally calculates dimensions'performance score of each city's logistics, until the results of city logistics performance evaluation are obtained.
     The seventh chapter is analysis and suggestion of city logistics performance evaluation. This article analyzes the order of the bits performance, economic and population according to maximization of the social value, and draws the following conclusion:The order of the bits the performance in city logistics of Xiamen, Ningbo, Dalian, Hangzhou and Nanjing is ahead of order of the bits of economic and population, which illustrates those cities'logistics development is healthier:it can not only satisfy the current demand, but also retain certain amount in advance and promote the city's economic development; Scores of logistics performance of the city of Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou are at the top, but the order of the bits of logistic performance is basically consistent with the order of the bits of cities' economy and ahead of order of bits of population, which illustrates that the city's logistics is in reasonable condition, and can meet the current demand of cities'development; The order of bits of city logistics performance of Tianjin, Wuhan, Qingdao, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shenyang, Xi'an, Jinan, Harbin and Changchun lags behind the ones of the order of bits of economy and population, which illustrates that the city's logistics development has the potential to be the bottleneck of city developing, and needs to pay close attention to it and take measures to prevent obstacles to the development of the city logistics. Next, the paper analyses each latitude and related indicators of city logistics performance and puts forward to the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions:The government can promote economic performance of the city logistics by the ways of enhancing infrastructure construction to improve the ability of concentration; attaching importance to the economic and trade development to strengthen the ability of radiation; using information technology to improve the service ability; highlighting regional advantages to build characteristic service and controlling the price of the elements to improve the input-output efficiency. The government can also promote social performance of the city logistics through the countermeasures of drawing on international experience to relax the market regulation; strengthening the coordination to set up a three-level linkage mechanism; enhancing the Government's supports to promote the development of modern logistics industry; accelerating the development of TPL and reducing logistics costs. And the government could also take measures of introducing green logistics, reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion, improving green laws and policies to improve the environment performance of city logistics.
     The eighth chapter is conclusion and outlook.
     The innovative achievements and contributions of this paper are mainly reflected in:
     (1) It has built the performance evaluation model of city logistics. With the help of relevant theories of economics, management science and systems theory, this paper has built the performance evaluation model of city logistics which lays foundations for the follow-up study. The performance evaluation model of city logistics is the research focus in theoretical circle, but studies generally stay at the city level, concerned about the costs, benefits, or synergies. While the model established in this paper sets out from the maximization of social value, making the city seen under the background of relevant area for investigation, which has few similar studies at present and the attempt in this paper can be said to be a little improvement for the performance evaluation theory of city logistics.
     (2)It has set up the performance evaluation index system of city logistics. Use the method of combining the literature analysis, logical analysis and empirical analysis to form a set of performance evaluation index of city logistics. This index system adopted plenty of composite indexes, which are rarely seen in previous studies.
     (3) An empirical analysis of performance evaluation of city logistics. Using the performance model and index of city logistics built in this paper, selecting the entropy-weight method to do empirical testing on the15cities above the vice-provincial level, demonstration proves that the evaluation model is also an open system, which may adopts different methods according to different evaluation objects, and can be further enriched and improved.
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