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With the continuous increase of air transportation and the expansion of airports, the movement and management on airport surface is becoming complex. To guarantee safety of surface movements and improve the efficiency of airport operation, it is an urgent need to develop the advanced surface movement guidance and control system (A-SMGCS). This paper focuses on the controller synthesis and route planning technology of A-SMGCS, and processes some theoretical investigate for the development of A-SMGCS.
     The discrete event supervisory control theory is used for A-SMGCS in this paper. Firstly, the runway,taxiway and apron is dispersed. The surface structure model is built according to the mapping between the discretizations and the Petri nets elements. Surface movements control regulations are described as linear inequality. The conflicts among aircrafts are transformed into forbidden states in the Airport Surface Movements Model. Then, the surface controllers satisfied the regulations are designed by controler’s design method based on concept of Petri nets place invariants. Once the controllers are completed, the runway incursion conflict and taxiway opposite conflict are avoided. Considering the intersection meets, the inhibitor arc conception in extended Petri nets is adopted to design controllers which can make aircrafts move orderly at the cross. The surface movement model built with Petri nets fulfils the airport running rules.
     According to A-SMGCS route planning requirements, the three-layers and two-staged scheduling general framework is proposed for aircraft taxi route planning. The static preelection route database is gained through improving the traditional Dijkstra algorithm. The dynamic route plan is implemented based on the static preelection routes. The optimal routes and their movement time windows are calculated. According to the surface state change, the time windows are adjusted dynamicly to avoid conflicts among aircrafts. With the implementation of A-SMGCS, surface control automatic level is improved, and the workload of controller is reduced. Finally, the simulation system of A-SMGCS is designed in this paper.
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