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目的:代谢综合征是以中心性肥胖、糖尿病 或糖调节受损高血压、血脂异常为主要内涵,以胰岛素抵抗为共同病理生理基础,以多种代谢性疾病合并出现为临床特点的一组严重影响人类健康的临床症候群。纵观代谢综合征的发展演变,由早期的超重、肥胖,继而出现高血压、高血脂、糖尿病(或糖耐量低减)等疾病,随着病程的迁延又会出现诸多并发症,如冠心病、中风、视网膜病变、神经病变、肾功能衰竭等。目前中医界还没有与其相对应的名称。
Objectives: The main content of MS were central obesity , DM, impaired glucose regulation, hypertension, and abnormal blood fat., and IR was its pathology and physiology base. Many specialists looked DM as the main part of MS. The course of DM included the beginning obesity or over-weight and the following disease as hypertension, DM, and hyperlipidemia, and many complications resulted from the development of those disease.While there is no a suitable name for MS in Chinese Medicine now, many Chinese Medicine scholar thought the mechanism of MS were Qi Yin Liang xu being essence and Tan Shi, Qi Yu, Yu Xue, Nei Re being appearance, and treatment of it were Yiqi Yangyin and Liqi Huoxue. As a treatment of Yiqi Yangyin , Huoxue Tongfu, and Runchang Tongxia, Jiawei Taohe Chengqi Soup could reduce the factors which induce or strengthen the lack of insulin receptor, so that reduce insulin resistance by the way of Yiqi Yangyin and Liqi Huoxu. Jiawei Taohe Chengqi Soup could also better the appearance of Qiyu of the MS patients and cut down their blood fat. In this study, the MS patients were selected as the object to know the effect of Jiawei Taohe Chengqi Soup on IR, and different treating methods were compared about their curative effect on DM. The aim of this study was to provide scientific basis for the appliance of Jiawei Taohe Chengqi Soup.Methods: All 220 DM patients were treated in our hospital during Jan 2002 to Jan 2004. They were divided into three groups. Group A was the treating method of Glipizide and Jiawei Taohe Chengqi Soup. Group B was the treating method of Glipizide other Chinese medicine treatment of Yiqi Yangyin and Huoxue Tongfu. Group C was the treating method of Glipizide only. The following Targets of every patient in different group were tested: blood glucose, GHbAlc, insulin, blood fat, SI, IRG. The effect of different curative
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