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With the rapid economic development in China and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, and affected by some factors such as the external cultures, people’s conception and psychology toward consumption are changing constantly. As an importance group of consumers in the society, the well-educated undergraduates are profound in theory, but are liable to be affected by various factors due to the lack of experience in the social life. Their consumption behavior is not adequately ideal and rational.
    This study attempts to make up for the defect that the theoretic researches and the investigations are often disconnected with each other. With the undergraduates in Beijing University of Physical Education as the objects, the study aims to understand the consumption behavior of the modern undergraduates, such as their needs, motivations, purchase and usage, appreciate their consumption conceptions and values from other related aspects, and propose the strategies and suggestions regarding the characteristics and defects in their consumption.
    An individual experiences a series of psychological and physical activities since he or she has the consuming desire until he or she finally makes the purchase. This is an ever-changing dynamic system. This series of activities may be simply analyzed using five W, namely, What, Why, Where and How. A conclusion may be draw initially as follows:
    1 The overall consumption of the undergraduates in Beijing University of Physical Education is in a robust state. Their consumption is moderate and well matched with their incomes.
    2 In terms of the overall consumption behavior: ① The consumption structure is diverse, where the consumption for communication and internet access ranks on the top and that for lovers and entertainment is also considerable; ② The primary purchasing motivation is the quality, together with the price; ③ The demonstrations of classmates and friends are the most important factors to determine the undergraduates’ purchasing decision; ④ Most undergraduates are basically satisfied with their present consumption; ⑤ When encountering any unsatisfactory consumption, most of them only take private actions.
    3 The undergraduates’ most important consuming need in the future is to buy such high-grade products as computers, cars and houses, followed by to make savings.
    4 The poor students and the high-consumption students are clearly seen in the undergraduates. They are faced with the conflicts between the traditional and the modern, and the local and
    the western consuming conception, and thus their values are diversified.
    5 Some irrational consumption behavior is found among some undergraduates, such as consumption for unrealistic comparison, consumption for vanity and consumption blindly in advance. Their consumption conception should be appropriately guided.
    6 Some students hope the university to help them apply for the student loans.
    Those problems and complexities are concerned with many negative impact caused by the impetuous social transition in China, and also with the lack of consumption-related education in the university and a proper guidance. Healthy consumption conceptions should be cultivated and rational consumption behavior should be induced among the undergraduates to enhance their “Financial Quotient” and to guide the development of a reasonably frugal consumption conception. In addition, the undergraduates should be the pioneers of green consumption.
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