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China is a country with the largest volume of coal in the world. In recent years, driven by the economic growth and energy demand increasing, coal production continues to grow at a rate of 10%. With the price of the coal continuously upgrading, our country also accelerates highly efficient and safety coal mine construction, and has built a large number of efficient and safety coal mines. But at the same time, the coal disasters occurrence frequently, and with a high death toll.
     In this large number of security incidents, because of the low standard of small coal mines, a lot of incidents happened frequently, the number of the death toll was more than 70%of all the accident. The farmer miners groups are the major source of coal miners, but they suffered deeply. So how to fundamentally solve the problem of the small coal mines is now we have to do.
     In a word, the analyses on the small coal mines’are less, they always focus on economics, laws and managements field. The shortcoming of all the analyses is that they simplify the relevant practitioners to rational people who are under the level of the society and receive the institutions passive; all the analyses are lack of the concern about the condition if the external institutions can be implemented effectively; the existing analyses always only have one theory centre., such as the economics often concern about the allocation of the resources, but they do not care about the multiple pursuit and action logic of different actors. Base on the inadequacy of the above analyses, my perspective is the institution research of the sociology. It will avoid excessive modeling the study.
     Although the institution research of sociology always contains the external and internal aspects of the study, in the actual institution study, for the study and application of the institution always incline to the external aspects. The discussion of habitus and tactic by Bourdieu can be seen as an attempt to the integration of the internal institutions and the external. The habitus stressed the understanding of the tendency aspect and practice. Then body has got its core status, because no matter what kind of institutions all require actors’constant reproduction, and play a role in this way.
     Although the internal institutions and external institutions can not be separated, in order to facilitate the analysis, in this paper, we call the institution mode which comes from agricultural production as internal institutions, and the mode that comes from the industrial production as external institutions. This paper will base on this relationship and talk about the incidents of the small coal mine.
     The internal institutions which develop from agricultural production environment are in habit to compliance the institution. But the external institutions that formed under the industrial production environment compliance the institution from the reflection level. The attitude of the internal institutions is negative, but the external institutions are positive controlling. The understanding of purpose and means of selection are different between internal institutions and external. The internal institutions are pragmatism, just to reach the purpose. However, the external institutions have a strong ritual, and link the specific purpose and means. Due to long-term live in the stability agricultural environment, farmers often have no expectations and demands of citizens’rights. Therefore, they have week sensitivities about the external inequality and their own interests which original belong to them.
     Through the surface of these reasons, the deep reason is that although we have been constantly stressed and improved the external institutions, we still have not developed the internal institutions which enable the external institutions implement effectively. For the coal mine incidents, the central government concern more about the safety issues, the requests of the safety completely follow the external institutions, but after all the central government has limited capacity. It is not possible to monitor everywhere of the local, especially most small coal mines which in the remote areas. This requires the local governments are able to combine the specific situations, and implement effectively the requirements of the central. However, the local governments are always in a contradictory position. The pressure of the local governments comes from the economic performance, not the constant incidents of the coal mines. Therefore, the governments which can not comply with external institutions often take advantage of the internal institutions’legitimacy, and in order to ease the pressure of the external institutions. Regardless of the local government officials, local coal mine owners, or the mine workers, they all base on only one-side understanding of the internal institutions. For example their understanding of the safety still remains in the understanding of famine during the agricultural production. And not understanding the safety as a requirement of institutions to achieve a purpose. In fact, the three groups create an interests union which bases on the legitimacy of the internal institutions. Therefore, there is a confrontation between the central government which in stand of the external institutions and the local union which acts in accordance with the legitimacy of the internal institutions. This confrontation has created a vicious cycle, on the one hand, the central constantly adjustments the policy, on the other hand, the local union becomes more robust under the maintenance of the internal institutions.
     Based on the above analysis, we have got the following conclusions:
     1、Although various laws and regulations are improving constantly, related practitioners have not developed the internal institutions that adapt to the external institutions of the industrial introduction. The related practitioners still action under the mode of the original internal institutions, and construct a union of interests which is legality and firm. Therefore, the external institutions can not be implemented effectively. That is the reason why the incidents always occurrences in the small coal mines.
     2、Because of the distance feeling of the external institutions, as well as the affinity of the common internal institutions, even the related practitioners are not active consent, they also negative tolerance, during the specific production for the operational mode of the existing coal mines. The existing concerning often focuses on the business groups which are specific and related, but they do not see there is a union of interests among the local government, the miners’owners and workers. The legitimacy actions of the union all base on their internal institutions. Therefore, we should concern the conflicts between internal institutions and external institutions, and catch it as a breakthrough point to solve the problem. That is the reason why the problem is difficulty to solve.
     3、The condition of the effective implementation of the external institutions is whether the related practitioners own the internal institutions that adapt to the external institutions. Although the clear, perfect external institutions are necessary, it also needs the specific implementation of the related practitioners. Therefore, the related practitioners need the corresponding internal institutions to ensure the executive willingness and implementation capacity. Moreover, there is no absolute perfect external institutions, the nature of the external institutions always constructs on the basis of the relationship with the internal institutions.
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    [1]王玉霞:《认知失调与我国矿难—我国矿难频发的一个行为经济学解释》,《财经问题研究》,2007 年第 10 期。
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