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The so-called coal mine safety regulation refers to various measures in the feilds of law, technology, organization policy and education. These measures are taken by the government for the protection of mine workers' safety and health in the labor process. Coal mine safety regulation belongs to work place safety regulation area of the social regulation which is increasing rising nowadays. As an important component of mine safety regulation, workplace safety regulations policies caused widespread concern in academic circles and acquied a series of research results in developed countries. In recent years, domestic scholars also turned their attention to the field of research on workplace safety regulation. The research on mine safty regulation mostly focuses on the analysis on the cause of mine accidents and the disadvantages of existing coal mine safety regulation as well as the improvement measures of mine safety regulation system. All in all, the awareness and research on mine safty regulation has been greatly improved in China. Researchers in different disciplines have explored in different aspects. However, due to lack of theory, especially lack of research on coal mine safety regulation from the perspective of regulation economics, the economic anylysis on mine safty regulation is not deep and systematic, which largely affects exact understanding on the coal mine safety regulation system and the regulation policies.
     This paper has great theoretical and practical significance for coal mine safety regulation reform. On the one hand, from the theoretical point of view, this paper not only makes more detailed study on Chinese social regulation 1 research, but also makes clear theoretical analysis path. From the practical point of view, the frequent occurrence of mine accidents in our country seriously hindered the exploitation of coal resources in China to develop healthily and orderly and threatened labor safety of the miners. Therefore, in the backgroud of building a harmonious society, deep anylysis on China's coal mine work safety regulation system reform has great practical significance in realizing the harmony between humans, human and nature as well as the hamarny between elements in the internal system.
     This innovation is mainly embodied:one is the medium coal labor safety regulation framework for the study of Chinese coal labor safety regulation provides a new perspective, Through the analysis of the two is the regulation by the regulation, and the regulation of the beneficiaries of China coal tripartite game analysis problem of labor safety regulation and profound reason, Three from the regulation system and regulation system, put forward two aspects of deepening the reform of Chinese coal mine safety regulations of labor policy Suggestions.
     The research object of this paper is coal production safty regulation issues. The analytical tools such as regulation economics, game theory, institutional economics, law economics and other relative theories are used in this paper. Combined with the development status of China's coal mine work safety regulation, and with the reference of successful experience of other countries, this paper offers proposes and solutions to improve China coal mine work safety regulation
     The paper is divided into five parts to conduct in-depth anylysis on mine safety in China.
     The first part is about the theories on coal mine work safety regulation. The coal mine safety researches at home and abrord are summarized and categorized in this paper. And from an empirical point of view, some major theoretical viewpoints have been learned.
     The second part is the economic anylysis on coal mine work safety regulation.In this paper, dynamic game theory has been used to make in-depth and detailed economic anylysis on China's coal mine work safety. The paths to optimize regulation policies in China are proposed in this paper.
     The third part is status, issues and causes of coal mine work safety regulation. This paper makes in-depth analysis on China's coal mine safety situation, and points out the background and important issues of China's coal mine safety.
     The fourth part is the comparison and reference of coal mine work safety regulation in main developed countries. Some developed countries has made some achievements in coal mine safety management regulation. It will have great significance for the improvement and extension of China's coal mine work safety regulation to combine the reference with the reality of China.
     The fifth part is research on the reform countermeasures to China's coal mine work safety rules and regulations. In the previous background of studying and learning foreign experience, the paper offers constructive suggestions for the future reform and improvement of China's coal mine safety regulation.
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