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In the era of globalization, world city network and global value chain which take global network as the object of study has become a hot research issue of geography. In the context of the function division has become the major form of urban economic ties as well as a major force shaping the urban network system, the dissertation studies world city network from perspective of global value chain, seeks theoretical foundation of global value chains and the world city network links, and builds analytical framework of world city network under the division system of global value chain.
     The dissertation is divided into eight chapters. In terms of theory research, organizational model of world city network is discussed under global value chain system. In terms of empirical study, starting from the spatial distribution of global value chain and multinational value chain, the dissertation builds multi-world city network by means of value chain system of multinationals, analyzes the Chinese city network that merged between the value chain and producer services, and studies the value production differentiation of city network in Yangtze River Delta.
     Chapter1is an introduction. The dissertation introduces the research background and topics foundation, points out that the function division of the value chain has become the major form of urban spatial economic contact in the context of globalization. It is great importance to understand the constitution and the intrinsic link of city network by global value chain.Based on this, research ideas, frameworks and methods are put forward accordingly.
     Chapter2is about the literature review of world city network theory. The dissertation summarizes the study Progress and defects of world city network and regional city network which based on the classification of spatial scale. The theory of world city network is not yet out of single-center study modes of world city, and the cities that have global functions are excluded from the study scope. The regional city network includes city agglomerations, giant city areas and global city areas; And it explores the network contact between global city and its hinterland city, which expands the geographic scope of the World City Network. However, there is little discussion about the convergence of global city network. At last, the research progress of world city network is discussed based on the global value chain, and it is considered that global value chain provides a reliable analytical tool for the research of world city network.
     Chapter3is about the value chain model of world city network. The functional specialization of value chain is the main form of production value of urban node in city networks, and trade within the value chain between cities is the main way to realize the value of the city. The basis of functional specialization of value chain is determined by the absolute advantage, comparative advantage and competitive advantage which owned by Cities in the value chain. The advantage of functional specialization of value chain that different cities owned is the result of joint action of urban location advantage, changes in transaction costs, agglomeration economies. The advantage of functional specialization of value chain that different cities owned in city networks is not static, and it changes with World system, the core-periphery structure, product life cycle, economic long wave. Multinational corporations are the main shapers of global value chain, and spatial organization of their value segments determines the organizational structure of various cities in city network. Producer service, an important outside part of the global value chain, is the glue that connects different value sectors within city network.
     Chapter4is about the value production and spatial organization of global value chain. After the study of value chain of smart phones in national scale, it is found that standards formulating and brand marketing which located in high value sector are mainly controlled by the United States and South Korea, and China Taiwan and European countries also occupy a certain position in the core component manufacturing and brand marketing sectors. OEM and assembly areas are controlled by the major companies from Taiwan. China, as the representative of the developing countries, is mainly responsible for the manufacturing capabilities of value chain in the global value chain of smart phones. Through case analysis of ICT MNCs in the city-scale, it is found that the main part of R&D mainly distributes in the high-tech city of developed countries, so it also formed R&D function gathering cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Bangalore. And the main production processes of manufacturing gather in the city center in emerging economies.Marketing and service sectors mainly locate in the capitals or economic centers.
     Chapter5is based on the multi-world city network of MNCs value chain. Based on the spatial distribution of value chain of52ICT MNCs, the chapter analyzes the structure and networking of city network. Composition structure of multi-world city network includes not only world cities, but also includes a number of cities specialized in production and R&D. World cities in developed countries undertake the functions of headquarters control and marketing of the value chain. World cities in developing countries undertake not only local management and marketing functions, but also undertake the function of manufacture that lies in the lower production output of the value chain. And world cities in few developing countries such as Shanghai, Beijing and Bangalore undertake the function of R&D of value chain. Cities specialized R&D mainly locate in technological central city of western developed countries, such as Boston,Cambridge and Bristol. Cities specialized in manufacture mainly locate in developing countries, for instance, Suzhou, Tijuana and Manaus. The multi-world city network has spatial structure of core-periphery in which world cities are the core and specialized cities of R&D and production locate in the periphery.
     Chapter6is about the research of Chinese city networks from the perspective of integration between value chain and producer service. The result shows that China has formed city network of Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai that acting as the core of service-oriented city.In addition, Beijing is a national influence service-oriented city, and city network centered on Beijing has the most extensive cyberspace contact of network. Shanghai provides the main producer services for the cities in Yangtze River Delta, and has less contact with the outside urban areas. Shenzhen is service-oriented city that provide services for Pearl River Delta.
     Chapter7is about the research of spatial differentiation of value production in urban city network. This chapter starts from the manifestations of value production and distribution, building the value production model of the Trinity between corporate profits, wages and government taxation. In the overall value distribution of city network in the Yangtze River Delta, Wages are the main forms of distribution value, Followed by corporate profits, government revenue occupy the smallest ratio of the total value. In internal city network of Yangtze River Delta, the spatial distribution pattern of various value forms are affected by technical rentals, human resource rents, rents organization, the relationship between rent, natural resource rents and rent policy. ICT industry in Suzhou can create the highest value, and Shanghai came next, followed by Hangzhou, Nanjing, Changzhou, Ningbo, Nantong, Jiaxing and Yangzhou. From the position of ICT industry of city network of Yangtze River Delta in global value chain, ICT industry as a whole is to undertake the low end production and distribution transfer of global value chain in terms of manufacture in ICT sector. It formed economic ties dominated by the division of value chain between cities in Yangtze River Delta.
     Chapter8is the conclusion. Based on theoretical and empirical analysis mentioned above, it can be found that geographic models of world city network and global value chains are linked intrinsically under the background of the globalization. World city network is the space vector of global value chains, and global value chain is a major contact of world city network. Multi-world city network based on Global Value Chain can characterize the intrinsic link of city network from a wider geographical scope.
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