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Our country's leisure tourism activity have passed through near 20 years development process especially has entered the new century, along with the development of our country's economy,the enhancement of the people receive and the extension of paid holiday, under the imputes of tourist market unceasing and the inspiration of the national many policies, the leisure tourism activity has awarded generally in each region, scale and the quality had enhanced comprehensively. At this point, the leisure tourism had already become the important way of the Chinese resident’s leisure and vacation.
     Yanling County is heartland at the Henan Province, the history is glorious, the culture is bright, the tourist resources are rich, In recent years, the Yanling County party committee, the county government defers to the development request of“the agriculture to make, the industry to make big, traveling service industry does superiorly”, gent out one to leads second-tertiary industry, the impetus county territory economy leap frog development new pathway initially by the characteristic agriculture. Has the honor to receive“national science and technology Xianjin County”and“the national plain afforests Xianjin County”and so on titles, by the determination is“the national agriculture technology zone core area”,“the national agriculture standardization produces the model district”,“township of the Chinese flowers and trees”,“the national agriculture traveling model district”,“township of the Chinese Chimonathus Praecox culture”,“the national sustainable development experimental plot”and the province“the sustainable development experimental plot”, Under the background of domestic leisure tourism vigorous development's big, Yanling County's leisure tourism has also inserted the soar away wing.
     However, along with leisure tourism activity has thorough advanced, tourist's demand level unceasingly is also enhancing, so the new higher request to the leisure tourism development. Regardless of being the development of the domestic other place leisure tourism and the Yanling County's leisure tourism, is facing many questions. Needs to summarize unceasingly theoretically and to explore in theory and profits from the advanced experience unceasingly in the fact.
     This article in overall consideration foundation, the system summarized to some elementary theories about the leisure travel, takes these theories as the instruction and the Yanling County's leisure tourism development as the example, has discussed the question which must pay attention and the concrete development strategy emphatically in the Yanling County's leisure tourism development. The paper includes eight parts.
     Part one: Introduction. First the author analyses the background of leisure tourism, then elaborated this article’s research goal, the significance, and design the research technique and the technical route.
     Part two: Summary of tourism. This part mainly summarizes the theories of leisure and leisure tourism in the domestic and international fields, through the analysis current related literature material, elaborated the domestic and foreign leisure tourism's research development, and points out the shortage of current research.
     Part three: Summary of leisure tourism. Mainly elaborates the leisure tourism definition, the characteristic, the leisure tourism product type.
     Part four: Research the actuality of leisure tourism industry in China. First, this part analyzes the leisure tourism’s original background in our country. Then introduces the leisure tourism’s actuality and the exist problems. At last, simply reviews the development process of our country leisure tourism, according to the tourist market as well as the source of tourists market's present situation, propose that our country leisure tourism prospect is magnificent.
     Part five: Research on development present situation of Yanling County’s leisure tourism. First, introduces the Yanling County’s tourism overall situation, then with emphasis elaborates the Yanling County’s leisure tourism obtains the result as well as the development leisure tourism significance, in the ultimate analysis that Yanling County’s leisure tourism has existed question.
     Part six: The SWOT analysis of Yanling County’s leisure tourism, obtains the Yanling County‘s leisure tourism to have certain superiority and the magnificent prospect. Part seven: Developmental mentality of Yanling County’s leisure tourism. In view of questions which exists the Yanling County's leisure tourism ,gives the suggestion, in order to have a feasible theory instruction for the Yanling County’s leisure tourism, Continually, healthy development.
     Part eight: The end . Has carried on the simple induction and the summary to this article research, simultaneously has pointed out insufficient and the further research plan.
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