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     关于青藏高原隆起的时间、形式和隆升过程,国内外学者已从不同学科、不同的角度进行了研究,但至今观点分歧较大的原因除不同学者所用研究方法与证据的差异外,研究的广度、深度和精细度不够是十分重要的因素。例如个别岩体和断层仅是点状或线状地域,并且断层往往又具多期(或继承性)活动特点,他们难以代表高原的整体性质或具体的隆升序列。青藏高原内部的沉积盆山是在高原的挤压变形和隆起过程中形成,而盆地中充填的沉积物是盆地水系范围内造山带岩石经风化、剥蚀、搬运和沉积的产物,这些沉积物不仅连续记录着盆地在接受沉积物充填过程中周围造山带构造活动特征,而且还记录着沉积物在各种地质作用过程中气候和环境变化信息(Métivier et al,1997)。因此,根据盆—山耦合关系,通过对高原内外与造山带毗邻盆地的精细沉积盆地分析、构造和环境信息的提取,是最有希望恢复青藏高原隆升历史的一条重要途径(李吉均等,1998)。近年来根据与高原造山带毗邻的沉积盆地及其内部沉积记录的各种信息来反演山脉隆升历史已取得了许多重要进展,但是,前期研究都局限于单一“盆-山”关系探讨或缺乏精细年代研究,这些局部盆地记录捕获的构造事件是否能代表高原具普遍意义的构造隆升事件?是否存在未发现的重大高原构造隆升事件?构造隆升是否存在南北和东西方向的差异或递次增生过程?因此,迫切需要从更大范围进行高原不同部位隆升事件序列及其年代精细研究,合理建立具普遍意义的高原重大构造事件时间序列和高原北部构造活动规律,为检验或构成新的高原形成模式、深化和完善青藏高原隆升及其环境效应理论提供可靠的基础资料。
The Tibetan plateau, the youngest and most spectacular continent-continent collision belt, has long been known as the natural laboratory to study the continental dynamics and global change. Thus the study of its formation, tectonic uplift process and environmental effect are present-day important subject in international geological research. Recent decades, the study on the Tibetan Plateau has made great progresses, which not only contribute to deciphering of the mechanism of global tectonics and global change but also induce the occurrence of some significant hypotheses. However, the debates on these issues still exist, and the key problem is the lack of the constraints on the age and the process of its uplift.
    Even scholars have done a lot of work in variety of aspects, they can not approached to a
    consensus with regard to the age, formation and tectonic uplift process of the Tibetan Plateau. This
    would be resulted from the discrepancy in the methods used and the evidences obtained. For
    instance, the data from the individual magma intrusion exposed in an area or a fault extending
    locally and activated periodically can not used to interpret the sequence of uplift process of whole
    Tibetan Plateau. The basins and mountains in the adjacent region and interior of the Tibetan
    Plateau were formed in the process of deformation and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. The
    sediments filled in the basins were the result of rock weathering, denudation, transportation and
    deposition within drainage area. These sediments continuously recorded information of the
    tectonic evolution of orogenic belts, the climatic and environmental changes in the process of
    basin formation. Thus, according to the mountain - basin coupling hypothesis, the probable
    approachable way to reconstruct the uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau should base on the high
    resolution analysis of sedimentary, tectonic evolution and environmental information of the basin
    in the interior and adjacent Tibetan Plateau. In recent years, the great progress has been made in
    reconstruction of the tectonic uplift events of the Tibetan Plateau by revealing the information
    recorded in the basin. However, the previous studies are often limited in discussion of relationship
    of single basin and its adjacent mountain, or lack of accurate chronological data. Could these
    tectonic events captured from a single basin be revealed the sequence of tectonic uplift through the
    whole Tibetan Plateau? Dose there exist still important tectonic events that had been not
    discovered? Is the Tibetan Plateau obliquely stepwise rise and growth from south to north and
    from east to west? Therefore, it demand urgently that set the age sequence of the tectonic uplift
    events and its deformation process in detail from the various parts of the Tibetan Plateau, to
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