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     首先我们研究了加性及乘性Levy过程驱动的动力系统的同步化现象.具体的,我们考虑欧氏空间Rd上Levy过程驱动的耦合动力系统和其中a,b, c, d为实数或向量,Lti,i= 1,2,3,4是独立的Levy过程,连续函数f,g满足单边耗散Lipschitz条件,u*是两个Langevin方程随机稳态解之和.
In this thesis, we study synchronization phenomena and invariant stable and un-stable manifolds for dynamical systems driven by non-Gaussian Levy noises.
     First we investigate synchronization of systems under additive as well as multi-plicative Levy noises. In particular, we consider coupled SDE systems in Rd, driven by Levy motion and where a, b, c, d are constants, Lti,i= 1,2,3,4 are independent two-sided Levy mo-tions, continuous functions f, g satisfy the one-sided dissipative Lipschitz conditions, and u* is the sum of stationary solutions of two Langevin equations.
     After discussing the stationary orbits and random attractors, a synchronization phenomenon is shown to occur. The synchronization result implies that coupled dy-namical systems share a dynamical feature in some asymptotic sense. This further develops the results of Caraballo and Kloeden.
     Random invariant manifolds are geometric objects useful for understanding com-plex dynamics under stochastic influences. We consider a Marcus system
     Under suitable assumptions on matrixes S, U and nonlinear terms f, g, invari-ant stable and unstable manifolds for random dynamical systems generated by above system are considered. The existing work in this area is for stochastic differential equations driven by noises that are continuous in time. Moreover, when the noise in- tensity is small, the random invariant manifold is represented as a perturbation of the deterministic invariant manifold.
     Finally, the slow manifold of the following system is considered and an asymptotic result forε↓0+ is shown.
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