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本论文首次报告了包头地区奶牛球虫病和隐孢子虫病的流行病学调查情况。通过对该地区不同地点的10个奶牛场中的265头奶牛采用常规方法进行粪便检查和临床症状观察,及对奶牛艾美耳属球虫(Eimeria spp.)和隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium)的感染率和感染强度的分析,结果发现:(1)8个奶牛场球虫阳性,阳性率最高的场为64.3%,平均感染率为28.7%;1岁以下犊牛球虫感染率为44.7%,OPG(即每克粪便中的虫卵数量)值为3860;1~2岁青年牛球虫感染率25.6%,OPG值528;2岁以上成年牛球虫感染率为14.6%,OPG值为200。共检查出9种艾美耳属球虫,分别是:1.邱氏艾美耳球虫(Eimeria zurnii)(检出率39.8%),2.牛艾美耳球(Eimeria bovis)(检出率22.1%),3.亚球艾美耳球虫(Eimeria subspherica)(检出率11.0%),4.椭圆艾美耳球(Eimeria ellipsoidalis)(检出率8.6%),5. 柱状艾美耳球虫(Eimeria cylindriac)(检出率5.7%),6.皮利他艾美耳球虫(Eimeria pellita)(检出率2.4%),7.加拿大艾美耳球虫(Eimeria canadensis)(检出率7.0%),8 阿拉巴艾美耳球虫(Eimeria alabamensis)(检出率为2.6%),9.拨克朗艾美耳球虫(Eimeria bukidnonensis)(检出率为0.7%)。(2)在6个奶牛场中有隐孢子虫感染的病例,隐孢子虫阳性率最高的奶牛场为64.3%,平均感染率为20.8%;犊牛、青年牛和成年牛隐孢子虫的感染率分别为33%、17.1%和11.2%;初步鉴定为小球隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium parvum)。(3)6个奶牛场中同时存在艾美耳属球虫和隐孢子虫的混合感染,混合感染率最高的场为28.6%,平均混合感染率为10.6%,其中犊牛、青年牛和成年牛艾美耳属球虫和隐孢子虫的平均混合感染率分别为37.2%、6.1%和6.7%。(4)调查数据处理结果表明:奶牛的艾美耳属球虫和隐孢子虫感染存在着年龄和地点性差异,无论是单独感染还是混合感染,犊牛的感染率和感染强度都明显地高于青年牛和成年牛,而且感染率和感染强度高的奶牛其临床上所表现出的腹泻及血便等症状均较感染率和感染强度低的奶牛明显的多。综合性的防治措施是目前控制这两种寄生虫病的最优选择。
The epidemiological investigations of dairy cow Coocidiosis and Cryptosporidiosis in the area of Baotou were firstly reported in this paper; By using the routing methods of fecal examination and observing the clinical symptoms of 265 dairy cows selected from 10 different cow farms in the suburban districts of Baotou , the infection rate and infection intensity of the Coccidiosis and the Cryptospridiosis in dairy cows were analyzed respectively.The results showed that: (1) Coccidia present in eight dairy cow farms in which the highest infection rate was 64.3% and the average infection rate was 28.7%;the infection rate of calves(under the age of one year), young dairy cows(1~2 years old )and adult dairy cows(over 2 years old)were 44.6%,25.6% and 14.6% respectively, The OPG(Oocysts per gram feces) values of faecal samples from calves ,young dairy cows and adult dairy cows were 3860,528 and 200 respectively. Nine species of Eimeria were identified as follows: 1.Eimeria zurnii(39.8%),2.Eimeria bovis(22.1%),3.Eimeria subspherica(11.0%),4.Eimeria ellipsoidalis(8.6%),5.Eimeria cylindriac(5.7%),6.Eimeria pellita(2.4%),7.Eimeria canadensis(7.0%),8 Eimeria alabamensis(2.6%),9.Eimeria bukidnonensis(0.7%). (2) Cryptosporidium oocysts were also detected in the feces of 55 dairy cows in the six dairy cow farms with the highest infective rate being 64.3 % , and the mean infectious rate being 20.8 % ,of which calves under the age of one year had a 33 % infectious rate much higher than that of 17.1% in the young dairy cows and 11.2% in the adult dairy cows. It was preliminarily identified as Cryptosporidium parvum.(3) the mixing infection involving Coccidia and Cryptosporidia were found in six dairy cow farms ,of which the highest mixing infection rate was 28.6% and the mean mixing infection rate was 10.6%.(4) The investigation outcomes revealed that there were differences in dairy cows infected with both Coccidium and Cryptosporidium between ages and areas. The simple or mixed parasitical infections may exist in the dairy cows and both of the infection rate and intensity were evidently higher in the calves than in the other two groups of cows. Those had a higher Coccidium and Cryptosporidium infection rate and intensity also had obviously clinical symptoms such as diarrhea and feces with blood . As a result, comprehensive measures of preventing the above mentioned two kinds of parasitoses should be the first of all
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