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胃食管反流病(Gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)是指过多胃、十二指肠内容物反流入食管产生的症状和并发症。在我国GERD的发生率约为5.77%,故为常见病、多发病之一。
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was the symptoms and complications of contents of stomach and duodenum refluxing to the esophagus. The incidence of this disease was about 5.77%. It was a common disease in our country.
     This disease was belong to traditional Chinese medicine concepts, such as "acid regurgitation", "acid swallow". This thesis reviewed its etiology, pathologic mechanism, and treatment principles in TCM from ancient books and modern research. We came the conclusion that spleen deficiency and liver stagnation, failure of stomach Qi descend with abnormal flow of stomach Qi were the principal mechanism of this disease. The location of this ailment was in spleen and stomach. It was closely related to the regulation function of liver. This thesis also reviewed its pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment according to modern science findings. The treatment principles, to strengthen spleen and soothe liver, regulate Qi and descend adverse flow of Qi were established. The principles of how to form the prescription were also been discussed.
     In the study we select 64 patients of Gastroesophageal reflux disease from the outpatient department were divided randomly into to groups:the treatment group and the control group. There were 32 patients in each group without significant in sex, age, symptom pattern between two group(p>0.05).The control group taking 10mg,third daily. The treatment group taking traditional Chinese herb of Weining particles, one pill daily and taking Omeprazole and Motilium. The treatment time was composed of 6 weeks.
     The result indicate, the traditional Chinese herb medicine Weining particles can obviously alleviate the symptoms and endsocopic manifestation of Gastroesophageal reflux disease . Weining particles can reduce reflue by increasing lower esophageal sohincter tone and enhancing esophageal acid and gastric emptying. Compared with western medicine, the traditional Chinese herb medicine Weining particles treating Gastroesophageal reflux disease have obvious superiority. Not only the curative rate of Weining particles is obvious, but also to reduce side effect and relapse rate of western medicine, opening a new way on treating reflux esophagitis.
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