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The aim of this thesis is to study the characteristics of pathogenesis and ckinical sign of baby' s refractory nephritic syndrome by means of theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the combination of Chinese Material Medica(CMM) with West medicine and to study the Bushen-Jianpi formula' s effects on sexual gland by virtues of clinical observation and experiments. To overcome the toxic side effects of ordinary medicine cytoxan(CTX) in treating with refractory nephritic syndrome on sexual gland, the experiments were designed and carried out to modify the side effects on sexual gland by making use of Bushen-Jianpi CMM. The effect of CTX and the co-effects of CTX combining with Bushen-Jianpi CMM on sexual gland were measured and the acting mechanism of CMM were preliminarily analyzed as well.
    The tests showed that the combination of Bushen-Jianpi CMM formula with CTX can raise the content of testosterone in blood serum of Rat relative to that treated with CTX, decrease the contents of follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) and Luteinizing hormone releasing factor, and adjust the level of sex hormone to ordinary states.
    The results of clinical observation and experiments showed that in 29 cases of the male disease, no one of their sexual gland were harmed by treating with CTX combining with Bushen-Jianpi CMM.
    The analysis on the results of the experiments show that Bushen-Jianpi CMM are able to prevent reproduction ability from being harmed by CTX and promote reproduction ability as well as may have effects on the organization morphology and endocrine through the hypothalamus-hypophysis-sexual gland axis. Bushen-Jianpi CMM formula can eliminate free radical and resist or reduce the toxicant effects of CTX on sexual gland of Rat.
    The experiments also show that the combination of CTX with Bushen-Jianpi CMM formula can promote the efficiency in dealing with refractory nephritic syndrome, and decrease the harm of CTX on sexual gland of Rat, which provides the experiment base on clinical applications.
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