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1.Objective and significance:
     In recent years, the incidence of the gynecomastia(GYN) is increasing, but the pathogenisis of the disease is still not clear. The major method of the treatment of the GYN is the operation. Most authorities think GYN is caused by the increased level E2 in local breast tissue. Aromatase is the key enzyme in the catalyzing androgens into estrogen, and play important role in the estrogen synthesis. There are still no reports about the correlation between the aromatase expression with the estrogen level change in the local breast tissue, especially with the E2/T ratio change in the local breast tissue. With my study, I want to do something in this field, to find out the correlation between the GYN pathogenesis with the aromatase in the local breast tissue.
     2.Material , Methods and Results
     Materials: The study is aimed at the nine patients who had the pain lump in the front chest wall, and diagnosed to gynecomastia in our hospital from Sept. 2008 to Jan.2009. Methods: Compare the variability between the local E2/T ratio and the serum E2/T ratio; detect the aromatase and ER in the breast tissue via IHC method; dectect the CYP19-mRNA in the the breast tissue via Rt-PCR. Results: In 9 patients, 8 patients are ER(+),1 is ER(-); 4 patients are AROM(+) , 5 are AROM( - ) ; 8 patients are CYP19-mRNA(+) , 1 is CYP19-mRNA (-);and the variation between the the local E2/T ratio and the serum E2/T ratio is significance(p<0.01)
     The GYN is one kind of sex hormone dependent disease, and the rise of the serum E2 is the whole-body etiologic factor of GYN, and the change of E2/T ratio in the breast tissue by the aromatse is an an important local etiologic factor of GYN
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