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With the deepening of the forest ownership reformation, many provinces and cities have already established trading centers for the forest ownership. Although the trading centers all around the countryto some extent,highly promote the forest ownership's trading, the problems such as asymmetric information and territorial restrictions, which are caused by the nature of such type of trading center, hindered the maximum benefits of the individuals involved in such kind of transaction. Therefore, in order to protect the interest of forest farmers, as well as to enhance the rapid circulation of the forest resources and assets, a national market is urgently needed to be established.
     In this thesis, the research was based on the business processes from the existing forest ownership transfer and management system, facing theinformation asymmetry, complexity and uncertainty during the transaction of the forest ownership transfer, proposes the way of improvement. In order to meet the needs of establishing a large transfer market, this thesis takes the advantages of the benefit and feature of XML (eXtensible Marketed Language), offers an XML based information sharing model, especially for the data exchange. The thesis also programs the interfaces. Through the integration of the three aspectsabove, the fairness of the forest ownership transfer will be appropriately supervised and protected.
     In order to achieve the transfer of forest ownership information sharing problem, we propose to create a XML-based platform, which has the XML interfaces. From the view of heterogeneous databases principles and key technologies, this paper discusses on the detailsof the solution, design, implementation and other issues of forest ownership platform. After that, this thesis propose the prototype systemby making use of the perfect support for the XML technology in the ASP environment.
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