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Scientific and Technological Innovation is the driving force of modern economic and social improvement.According to the New Growth Theory,technological advance is one of the Endogenous driving force.The facts in China and foreign countries prove that Scientific and Technological Innovation is the most important factor for a country's prosperity,and economic growth is the base of a country's sustainable development.The competition between modern countries and areas is the competition based on the Knowledge Economy.Scientific and Technological Innovation is very important for a country's economic growth,no matter we view from the point of technological advance or human resources.At present,to realize the Concept of Scientific Development,it is very important for us to transfer the way of economic growth and improve the capability of technological advance.
     Universities have become a main force of Scientific and Technological Innovation in China.With the development of Scientific and Technological Innovation in our state,Universities undertake more and more Scientific and Technological Innovation projects,especially for the knowledge Innovation. Universities have been becoming one of the main force of Scientific and Technological Innovation in China,(especially for the Foundation Innovation).We must fix our attention to the Knowledge Innovation and service the regional economic construction when carrying out the Scientific and Technological Innovation activities in Universities.With the powerful advantages of rich intelligence、knowledge information,Universities are the vital part of the Scientific and Technological Innovation system,on the background of Knowledge Economy,Universities step out the "Ivory Tower",establish all-round contacts with regional economic activities and Participate in the regional economic construction by undertaking its Scientific and Technological research work.On this point of view,it is meaningful to evaluate the capabilities of Scientific and Technological Innovation of universities in Jiangxi Province objectively and research its influence and functions to the regional economic development systemically.It will benefit to enforce the Scientific and Technological Innovation activities and provides the policy ground & some suggestions for the improvement of regional economy and international competition force of Jiangxi.
     To be the vital force of the technological innovation,Universities should undertake the following works;combining the scientific & technological advantages with the enterprise's scientific & technological requirements、playing the leading role in the practice of Enterprise-University-Research Institute combination、participating in the important research projects by following the requirements of products development and technological improvement to meet the demands of economic construction and industry development、building some vital research achievements transformation bases which links universities with enterprises together by utilizing the scientific & technological achievements、participating in the planning of regional scientific & technological innovation、undertaking regional scientific & technological key projects to function its combinative、driving、radiative effects in the field of regional scientific & technological innovation.
     This dissertation analyzes the High schools role and functions in the state Scientific and Technological Innovation system firstly,and specifies the inevitability of universities to be the principal part in the state Scientific and Technological Innovation system on research of universities functions.And then,it constructs the Universities' Scientific and Technological Innovation system in Jiangxi,specifies its principal parts and functions,analyzes its macro and micro operation mechanism.
     The definition and contents of Universities Scientific & Technological Innovation Capability is specified in this paper,including Scientific & Technological Innovation Foundation capability、Scientific & Technological Innovation Input capability、Scientific & Technological Innovation Output capability、Scientific & Technological Innovation achievements transformation capability and Environments Support Capability.Meanwhile,the evaluation index system(5 secondary indexes and 37 third level indexes)is established.In this paper,it analyzes the current scientific and technological status of universities in Jiangxi based on the establishment of evaluation mode by using Principle Component Analysis Method and compares with the other six provinces in Central China Area.It also analyzes the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of the 11 institutes which train graduates.It concludes that the scientific & technological capability of universities in Jiangxi is poor and drops behind in Central China Area,so it doesn't meet the requirements of economic and social development,then some measures and suggestions are proposed to improve the scientific & technological capability of universities in Jiangxi.
     On the contribution of scientific & technological innovation to economic promotion,the theory and empirical mode on contribution of Jiangxi universities scientific & technological innovation to economic promotion is constructed,when measuring the contribution rate of Jiangxi universities scientific & technological innovation to economic promotion,this paper measured the short-term effectiveness of the scientific & technological innovation in universities and research institutes of industries to technology advance,by using labor-simplified method,it separates the contribution rate of High schools scientific & technological from the whole,thus the important roles and functions of universities in the state scientific & technological system is cleared.The counting way of technological factors as increasing resources is defined.
     At last,based on the current status and the all-round analysis of Scientific & Technological Innovation capabilities、system、contribution to economy development in Jiangxi universities,From the view of New Growth Theory and Institutional Economics,this paper proposes the internal mechanism and policy suggestions to promote Scientific & Technological Innovation in universities and regional economy development in Jiangxi.
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