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Nowadays, with the water resource problems of China becoming more and more serious, the sustainable stormwater management with target of realizing flood detention locally, reducing rain flood disasters, controlling nonpoint source pollution, utilizing rain water resourcefully, are very important for the city.The urbanization rate of China is over50%, and a large quantity of urban regions has been built.The research focuses on exploring the strategy and method of optimazing green system in the built up area to realize sustainable stormwater management.
     This paper study the history experience at home and abroad,exlopre the development of sustainable stormwater management. With the qualitative and quantitative research method,the paper analyses the characteristic of the built up city area and its greenland system,as well as the main landscape factors and treatment train with its optimizing feasibility. The research includs setting optimizing target,optimizing design process and simulation method with software,which leads to he following conclusion:
     (1) Although the built up area of city are complex and difficult to be optimized, the construction of sustainable stormwater management must cover the built up area, otherwise the effect of management system is very difficult to guarantee. There are three basic patterns of optimization.With the reasonable framework of managerial system,the green system can be optimazing gradually through different pattern.
     (2) The building density is very high in build up area which greenland scatter,the traditional principle of "Close to the source"is not sufficient for the sake of optimization effect. Case study of Chengdu proposes strategy of " optimization close to source with distal compensation" with the small scale optimization measure on the site combining with regional level optimization measures in the city's edge,downstream to ensuring the overall optimization effect.
     (3) Greenland optimization should first address the optimizing target with present situation analysis through scientific and reasonable analysis of the possibility and measure of green space optimization.The experience of treatment measure are collected and explored. Diverse types of greenland of built up area are analyzed according to the treatment measures.The green land should built up connection with larger city area by the conventional rainwater system and ecological convey methods, thus a wider range of city regional stormwater runoff optimization can be realized.
     (4) Through the SBE and statistical analysis,the important visual elements of public are extracted.And with the development of sustainable stormwater system,the sociaty will have better understanding of this system which will influence the public awareness and perception. The visual perception will change,details about water element and construction will get more attention which sustainable stormwater management system greenland design should deal carefully with.
     (5) Research sets the Chengdu's optimization goal and exlpored multilevel optimization measures.Based on the case study,the paper put forward the design strategy of site,local region,regional scale of Chengdu.It can be illustration for the other city's sustainable stormwater system.
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