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With the increasing territory of human and the improving ability of transforming nature, the carrying capacity of the Earth's environment is facing the baptism, a systemic risk happened to the environmental resources of the global system. Therefore, ecological resources and climate resources have become the most important strategic resources. In the context of globalization and knowledge-based economy, the information civilization, the ecological civilization and the industrial civilization appear at the same time, impacting the using patterns of environmental resources and the operation of human society.
     In front of the environmental crisis, a great deal of resolution such as "Rio de Janeiro agreement" in 1992 "Kyoto Protocol" in 1997 "Bali road map" in 2007, "Copenhagen Protocol" in 2009, have been proposed by the international community. However, no reasonable mechanism has been established, resulting with unavoidable issues to the sustainable development of socio-economic. Meanwhile, facing the U.S. subprime-induced financial crisis, many developed countries are stepping up green technology innovation, and a new round of technological competition has already intensified. Whether can we seize this historic opportunity or not will have far-reaching impact of our country’s future. As a developing country, China is facing the problems of designing a reasonable mechanism to address the conflict between the economic development and environmental protection and how to assume responsibility for international environmental issues.
     The theory of Mechanism Design can fully overcome misunderstanding of the traditional economic on the understanding of environmental resources, and achieve the transcendence in the arrangement of environmental resources. Mechanism design theory makes full use of game theory, information economics. Economic efficiency and effective are improved by designing new modes of production and transaction. Effective solutions were addressed to the arrangement of environmental resource from the time and space dimensions, and the coordination among different interests. The strict assumes of the traditional economic theory is relaxed. And the best mechanism designs was chosen from the various pros and cons ones. Recognizing the limitations of the market trading mechanisms, it pointed out that the efficiencies of the government's macroeconomic regulation and control and other non-market-based mechanism design can also be maximized.
     Column methods from the market mechanisms to the collective action of game theory are provided by the mechanism design theory, which takes the institution design as a process of non-cooperative game, and the best institution was filtered out through comparing different mechanisms. Therefore, mechanism design theory can reconcile the contradiction between existing theories, and has advantage relative to traditional theory, and the study of sustainable mechanism design on environmental resources can be also useful in other fields. On the base of understanding the basic role of environmental resources in economic growth, one must recognize that the finite nature of environmental resources will become the constraints for sustainable development, and also understand the public goods and value added attributes of environmental. Under the new model of sustainable development, changes to the research paradigm, methods and innovative model should be achieved. The sustainable use of environmental resources is achievable under the utilization of the mechanism design theory.
     The Mechanism for the sustainable use of environmental resources is composed of coordination mechanisms, the market trading mechanisms, macro regulation and control mechanisms, technological innovation mechanisms and human resources introduction mechanisms. In this virtuous circle, the coordination mechanism becomes the basis of the mechanism, the market trading mechanism can achieve the efficiency and equity in the use of environmental resources protection, macro regulation and control mechanisms constitute the guidance and supervision duty of environmental resources using, scientific and technological innovation mechanisms provide the impetus for the use of environmental resources, human resources introduction mechanisms achieve the well interaction between the flow of talent resource and environment utilization.
     1. Coordination Mechanisms
     In the process of mechanism design, the unity of time and space should be fully taken into account, as well as the basic problems of economics equity and efficiency issues, these mechanisms complement with each other and constitute an organic mechanism together.
     (1) The application of basic laws of economics. The whole Mechanisms should enhance the linkage and alternative relations among the mechanisms, as well as the multiple needs of the development. The composing mechanisms should interact with each other; they have the relationships of reinforcing and restraint, which can avoid the inevitable drawbacks of a signal mechanism, this can enhance the coordination and efficiency of the whole mechanism.
     (2) To respect the objective laws. In the process of mechanism design, the constraints of the objective mandatory and the needs of efficiency enhancement should be noticed. It includes the constraints of the nature’s laws, such as self-purification capacity of the environment, the regeneration level of resource, the carrying capacity of ecosystems and others and the constraints of social factors such as maintain social stability, the coordination of development and social value orientation and so on.
     (3) To ensure the effectiveness of mechanism design. The develop degree, sustain degree, and coordinate degree can be used to guide and measure the environmental resource utilization mechanism. In the process of designing, the inherent conflicts and effective evaluation mechanisms are very important for the effective running of mechanisms, special attentions must be paid for the information asymmetry problem, clarifying the relationship between the interests of the main body using the game theories and the adoption of institutional analysis. The mechanism design should adept to the trend of economic globalization, achieving the balance between environmental protection and trade liberalization; so that a country’s economic strength matchs its international environmental responsibility.
     2. Market trading mechanisms
     (1) Property rights mechanism. Proper property rights mechanism is the premise of formatting the price mechanism of natural resources; also it is the premise of effective operation of market mechanisms. Through the building of property rights mechanisms, compensation mechanism, resource tax system and resources allocation mechanism, a fairly income distribution, restraint and incentive mechanisms can be composed.
     (2) The emissions trading mechanism. Under the premise of total control, through the building of well-defined property rights, allocation of emission rights authority, the implementation of emission rights standards and effective information exchange platform,transaction costs saving and efficiency improvement can be achieved.
     (3) Low-carbon trading mechanisms. Fully integrating the market space and location advantages, establishing an open carbon trading market can achieve domestic and abroad "win-win" results and mission reduction in the process of introducing capital and technology. Through building the stable growth market mechanisms, making the network transactions and the entity transactions compile with each other, increasing the trading members, expanding carbon trading partners, the development of carbon finance can be achieved
     (4) Compensation and cooperation mechanisms. On the basis of systematic environmental resources,the ecological and interest relationships were effectively streamlined in the system, clearing ecological compensation scopes, methods and objects. The institutional guarantees together with the economic cooperation and principles can achieve environmental equity within the system. Using the international assistance, the external transfer payments can address externalities issues of environment. Giving full role of non-governmental organization (NGO) in the environmental resource can well complement the compensation and cooperation mechanisms.
     (5) Sustainable consumption mechanism. Consumption can be guided sustainable through updating the consumer concept, developing green consumption preferences, adhering to the principles of sustainable consumption and improving the formal system of laws.
     3. Macro-control mechanisms
     Government should avoid its drawbacks in the course of environmental resources using. Through the reformation of government management system and restraint mechanism, the macro-control failure and government failure can be prevent, achieving the incentive compatibility between the government regulation and regulation objects.
     (1) The transformation of government functions. In the course of energy saving, emission reduction and environmental protection strengthen the coordination and service functions of government can change the philosophy regulatory and build a green government. Environmental policy should be revised in time, the costs of government's regulatory and regulatory effects should be maintained at the optimal level, meanwhile, the systematic, continuity, and cooperating of the policies mechanisms should be emphasized.
     (2) Establish a sound green finance, tax system, clear green incentives mechanism. The green procurement system can enhance the conduction and demonstration effect of government actions, and the incentives and leverage of tax can encourage the development and use of energy-saving products, guiding continual behavior of businesses and consumers.
     (3) Introduce environmental statistics and accounting methods to enhance real-time monitoring. Environmental data should be got authenticity, continuity, comparability, relevance and systematic, the using of environmental statistics, can achieve the function of controlling and supervision. The strengthening of the accounting of energy consumption at all levels and the green audit of environmental protection can achieve the functions of monitoring, examination and disclosure.
     (4) Establish monitoring mechanisms and green evaluation system, and guide all levels of government to establish green administration concept. The evaluation index system of environment resources sustainable utilization consists of the five-index-system including scientific and technological innovation capacity, ecological and environmental protection, resource allocation efficiency, entrepreneurship and human resource allocation efficiency as well as industrial development.
     4. Science and technology innovation mechanisms
     Environmental crisis provides the incentive for the innovation of technology, institution and organization. At the micro level, complying with the essence of knowledge, innovations generates within the minds and body, and continues to spread by the organizational systems and innovation networks of meso-level, leading to the formation system of national science and technology innovation of macro level. The science and technology innovation mechanism is an integrity mechanism, covering the whole micro, meso and the macro levels.
     (1) Technological innovation micro mechanism and its multiplier effect. At the micro level, tacit and explicit knowledge can be translated into each other, and they form knowledge innovation spiral within the organization. The innovation mechanism at the organizations level through the formation of innovation networks, the innovation mechanism can generates social effects by the formation of innovation networks, which expanses on the macro level. And by the scale effect, agglomeration effects, and the multiplier effect, the innovation completes the expansion on the macro level.
     (2) The dynamics compositions of technological innovation mechanisms. The mainstay source for scientific and technology innovation is people’s needs, interests, competition and environmental fluctuations. Human inertia and vested interests interference result in the resistance, the inherent inertia becomes the principal balance of scientific and technological innovation mechanism, the innovation sense determines its direction, and the mechanism with systematic characteristic complies with the law of economic evolution.
     (3) The dynamic mechanism design of technology innovation. On enterprise-level, the innovation mechanisms include the management mechanism, the individual self-realization mechanism, information transmission mechanism, innovation-oriented mechanism, constraints and incentives mechanism as well as the external environment pressure mechanism. The enterprise technological innovation mechanism has a path-dependent characteristic, the systematic and non-systemic risks the enterprises faces requires them to strengthen cooperation in the competition. At the industry or regional level, business cooperation and competition forms the complex adaptive network of innovative mechanisms, beyond the administrative areas and national boundaries, the innovative mechanisms becomes the regional cooperation and the national innovation mechanisms.
     (4) The promotion policies of green technology innovative. The establishment of market economic system should aim at realizing the organic integration and interaction of knowledge innovation, technological innovation and institutional innovation, and establish reasonable and effective patent system, strengthen scientific and technological innovation system, improve knowledge management and enhance R & D investment of resources, give tax policy and financial support to construct the incentives mechanisms of the green technology innovation.
     5. The talent introduction mechanisms
     Facing the financial crisis and the restructuring of the global intellectual resources, it is necessary to introduce innovation in talent recruiting mechanisms, which is thought to be systematic and comprehensive. Economic theories are introduced to build a long-lasting, dynamic, sustainable mechanism.
     (1) Talent introduction to change the mode of economic development. The essence of talent introduction is to introduce different types of intellectual capital and its knowledge. So the talent structures, introduction processes, and the allocation of intellectual resources adapt to the economic growth and the changes of environment.
     Talent introduction brings learning effect and competitive effect of knowledge spillovers leading to a concentration of talent effects. Social network helps to strengthen the concentration effect, forming regional innovation effect. In short, talent introduction can conduct the innovation in the market, the formation of human capital, technological innovation and deduce new industries, and results in a cumulative positive cycle.
     (2) The specific design of talent introduction mechanism.
     The talent introduction mechanism is facing the serious brain drain of our country systematic and standardized lacking, the management and utilization problems and international competition. Talent introduction mechanism design focuses on the building of procedural mechanism and efficiency, providing an effective platform from the source to the using of intelligence. By strengthening the macro-control, the intellectual stimulation, the intermediary services as well as the international exchange and cooperation mechanism the talent introduction countries can achieve the all-round design from the introduction, utilization and motivation of talents.
     It should be based on the“common differentiated responsibilities”principle, to promote the transfer of low carbon intellectual. The low-carbon economic should be developed by strengthening the introduction of the improved technology, new energy technologies and carbon capture and storage technology.
     In summery, by the systematic design of mechanisms for the sustainable use of environmental resources, this thesis breaks through the limitation of the traditional economic theories. Using the mechanism design theory, it systematically analyses the composing mechanisms of the sustainable use of environmental resources and the internal linkages among the mechanisms, then establish the well targeted and synoptically model. From the economic mechanism, institutional design, government intervention and other perspectives, it designs a multiple-level-mechanism. The dynamic mechanism, implementation mechanism, sustainable mechanisms were deeply excavated, providing a systemic solution to achieve the sustainable use of environmental resources in China.
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