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With the development of economic globalization, network of information and the reform of high education, new questions and requirements of China's traditional high schools' educational management concept and patterns have been raised. All these not only influenced the effects of college students' political and ideological work, but also challenged the quality and ability of the workers in the colleges. University counselors, as one main force of the high school works, their construction and development of quality had a close relation with the college students' affairs effects and the quality of personnel training.
     The writer, as a counselor worked in the university for many years, has deep feelings of high school works and experienced the pressure and difficulties faced by the university counselors. Therefore, how to solve the problems of the university counselors' construction effectively and explore the new measures and systems have become a task facing by all the university workers of no delay.
     To solve those difficulties, in the writers' view, we have to strengthen the university counselors' ability. Although there are still many difficulties in front of the university counselors, specialization is not only the inevitable trend of the time, but also the most effective way in solving the problems that exist among the construction of full-time counselors in institutions of higher learning. Only by specializing can we fundamentally change the full-time counselors' awkward position, and promote the overall quality of the counselors so as to strengthen the effectiveness of their work and ensure the well-cultivation of the students in schools of higher learning.
     According to his own practice, the author has conducted the exploration and research of the specialization of the full-time counselors in institutions of higher learning by taking Ningbo University as an example. Drawing upon the successful experience of the specialization of the College Student Affairs management in the United States and other developed countries and regions, the author proposes some Countermeasures and suggestion towards the specialization of the full-time counselors in institutions of higher learning in China. The full text is divided into five parts:
     The first part is the introduction. The author mainly expounds the background, the significance, the basic way of thinking and the methodology of his study, as well as the actuality of the study both home and abroad. Meanwhile, he also demarcates some core concepts like full-time counselors in colleges and specialization.
     In the second part, the author conducts some researches about the undergoing specialization of the full-time counselors in Ningbo University (NBU) through questionnaires, interviews and other means. By comparing the constructions in other schools of higher learning, the author recognizes that non-specialization is the principle problem that drags behind the construction of the college counselors in NBU and other schools of higher learning.
     The third part is mainly about the theoretic research and exploration. The author elaborates the basic connotation, specific criteria and postulate about the specification of the full-time counselors in colleges. Then the author demonstrates the need of the specification of the full-time counselors in terms of the adaptation of the current situation, the promotion of students' development, the reinforcement of self-improvement, and the maintenance of the team's ability. Finally, the author illustrates the possibility of the specification of the full-time counselors' from the historic conditions and current basis.
     In the fourth part, the author mainly analyzes the successful experience in terms of the building of the College Student Affairs management in America, Britain, Hongkong and other developed countries and regains out borders, and then concludes some positive revelation on the specification of the full-time counselors in institutions of higher learning in China.
     The fifth part is mainly about the solutions towards the specification of the full-time counselors in institutions of higher learning, which are the key of the paper. According to the orientation of development, the optimization of the management mechanism and the improvement of security system, the author puts forwards the track for China to blaze on while constructing the specification of the full-time counselors in schools of higher learning.
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