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Agricultural water saving has very important strategic position and role to ensure the national watersecurity, food security, ecological security and sustainable development of agriculture, the development ofagricultural water saving irrigation is imperative. Jing Hui Canal Irrigation District is one of channel wellcombined with large-scale irrigation district, and also one of major grain producing areas in shaanxiprovince. with the rapid development of social economy in the irrigation area, water resources demand hasincreased dramatically, the obvious contradiction between supply and demand of water resources appeared,forcing large-scale over-exploited groundwater, which lead to groundwater environmental deterioration inthe irrigation area is more and more serious. After water-saving improvement project carried out, theunderground water level decline have been controlled. This paper through hydrology system simulation inthe irrigation area, to quantitatively evaluated the influence of groundwater spatial distribution on differentagricultural water saving measures in the irrigation area, to seek suitable agricultural water-saving measuresand reasonable development and utilization mode of groundwater, to provide reference for irrigation waterresources scientific and effective management. Through the study, the main results obtained are as follows:
     (1)Precipitation, evaporation, runoff, etc hydrological time series trend is analyzed by usingMann-Kendall nonparametric trend test, RS rescaled range analysis method and so on in the irrigation area.Nearly50years precipitation in the irrigation area experienced the " less-much-less " change process,annual average precipitation mutation time is about1969,1976,1984, in the late1970s average annualprecipitation produced a sudden drop change, the decline range is about45.20mm, the reduction ofprecipitation should be response on the global climate warming background monsoon forces increased.Annual average evaporation mutation time is approximately1969, and1976, in the1970s annual averageevaporation produced a sudden drop change, the decline range is about228.4mm, presented theevaporation decrease trend. Jing river annual runoff began to decline from1976, and started significantly in1998, temperature increase and rainfall decrease performanced by climate change is probable one of themain reasons lead to runoff reduction. The average temperature in the irrigation area, the lowesttemperature and highest temperature is increasing, wind speed, sunshine duration and relative humiditydecreased. The annual precipitation and the annual evaporation decreased overall, relative humidity has noconsistent tendency. The climate drought-affected development trend appeared because of the irrigationarea is located the edge of the east in the northwest area, adjacent to central China, and cause its climatechange and the northwest region of climate change the overall trend is different.
     (2)After the implementation of irrigation channel lining water-saving improvement project, canalwater use coefficient increases, the irrigation water supply declined obviously, and the groundwaterrecharge reduced about16.9%. The field water-saving measures to reduce groundwater resources about33.4%. The effect planting structure adjustment on groundwater is very small. Based on principalcomponent analysis groundwater level in the irrigation area change influence factors were analyzed, it is considered that the canal water intake and field irrigation water consumption reduction, the increase ofgroundwater exploitation is the main factors underground water level decline change drive in the irrigationarea, and secondly well canal irrigation water ratio, irrigation water use coefficient, the amount ofprecipitation factors and differently influences on underground water level change.
     (3) Groundwater depth spatial correlation degree embedded the weakening trend in Jing hui canalirrigation district, spatial heterogeneity increases, the main reason is the implementation of water-savingimprovement project and the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, and the competition situation ofthe well canal irrigation appeared, groundwater and canal water management seriously disrupted, greatchanges of local groundwater exploitation space distribution had taken place. According to analysis ofgroundwater water quality data in2010, show that most of groundwater in the irrigation area belongs to Ⅳclass water quality (45%) and Ⅴ class water quality (28%), some of the region groundwater TDS contentand total hardness is beyond life drinking water standard.
     (4) According to the borehole data of the irrigation area, using GMS established visualization model ofaquifer space structure, the irrigation area is the northwest tilt to the southeast, in irrigation area, lithofacieschange is not big, lithology is more onefold, mainly the quaternary unconsolidated sediments, lithologicparticles from the west coarse to the east slim. In southern irrigation area coarse sand, sand gravel is themain part, upper sand loam, and clay, local clamps silty sand, in northern irrigation area the clay, sand loamis the main part, local clamps sandy gravel layer, overlying new loess, old loess.
     (5) On the basis of analysis of hydrogeological conditions in the irrigation area, selected canalirrigation water intake, groundwater exploitation quantity, engineering facilities such as present situationhas representative and other material relatively complete10years in irrigation area,(November1,2001tothe end of October2009), groundwater resources evaluation calculated, and the results of calculation andphreatic dynamic change keeps the basic consistent. Throuh water balance calculation and analysis, inrecent years many years average total recharge for267.67million m3/a, average groundwater resources for161.39million m3/a.
     (6) The effect simulation of agricultural watersaving to groundwater level spatial distribution wasanalyzed by comprehensive application GMS、PMWIN and ArcGIS software. Irrigation field water-savingprojects can reduced well irrigation water of18.5%~33.4%, to control the ground water levels fall effect isobvious; the most effective measures to control groundwater level decline is to increase the fieldwatersaving projects investment to reduce well irrigation water, the second is through the canalwater-saving irrigation system projects to increase canal water intake. Agricultural planting structurereasonable adjustment also do not allow to ignore, irrigation water pollution should be effective control inorder to improve the utilization ratio of water resources.
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