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In order to research the stage characteristic of coal spontaneous combustion andthe critical temperature point, through the study of10different metamorphic degreeof coals about the simultaneous thermal analysis experiment, the infrared functionaltest and the temperature programmed to access the impact of the differentinfluencing factors to the characteristic parameters in the process of coalspontaneous combustion, and the each stage characteristics, the critical temperaturepoint in low and high temperature period. The temperature programmed experimentsand the simultaneous thermal analysis experiments are used to measure thecharacteristic parameters during the low-temperature and the high temperature in theprocess of coal spontaneous combustion. The variation law of oxygen consumption,activation energy value, and oxygen intake and heat enthalpy are obtained. At last,the temperature is sectioned according to the changes of the activation energy valueof coal, and the critical temperature in various stages is found. The internal changesof the number and the species the functional groups in the process oflow-temperature oxidation are tested by Fourier infrared analysis technology. Andthen the macro and micro critical temperature are summarized by the results of thetests. At the same time, in order to inspect the relationship between characteristicparameters of coal and the critical temperature point, the correlation between thecharacteristic parameters of coal and the critical temperature point is fitted, the mathematical formula is also got and the further investigation of the relationshipbetween the influence parameters is preceded.
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