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In the era of globalization, the economic ties between different regions have much tightened and the spatial structure of the world economy has witnessed profound changes. With the advanced producer services, including the financial industry, gradually becoming more concentrated in main cities, global cities have become major units of the world economic activities. As the highest development level of cities, the "global city" is a concept proposed on the basis of New York, London, Tokyo as prototypes of world metropolises. A number of scholars have carried out empirical studies to prove the universality of the theoretical model of the "global city". The economic features and labor market of global cities, the polarization or professionalization of social structure, and the roles of market factors and government regulations are gradually becoming the focuses of recent studies.
     This dissertation attempts to focus mainly on two aspects of global cities--the economic features the dual labor market. The former is the economic base of global cities, while the latter is the social structure particular to global cities. Based on theoretical research, this dissertation takes Shanghai as the major subject of the empirical analysis and explores the economic features of Shanghai and its dual labor market. The main perspectives of the dissertation are as follows:
     I. The rise of global cities is closely related with the development of globalization since the latter half of the 20th century. What distinguishes global cities from ordinary cities is the fact that a global city is a key city that controls and determines the world economic operations. Hence the producer services are the most important industries in global cities. Coexistent with advanced service industries are a large number of informal sectors within the global cities, both of which constitute the economic features typical of "global cities".
     II. The disparity between foreign labor force and local labor force in terms of work places, income structures, etc. results in the segmentation of the urban labor market into the local labor market and the foreign labor market with their own distinctive features, both of which contribute to the formation of the dual labor market of global cities. There have been heated discussions as to whether the social structure of global cities is marked by polarization. An increasing number of scholars have come to the realization of the need to explore the above-mentioned issue from the perspectives of the national development mode and the government regulations—in particular, from the perspective that the features of the urban labor market and the government regulations have become an important aspect in interpreting the changes in the social structure of global cities.
     III. Shanghai is the economic center of Chinese Mainland, with the country's biggest inflow of capital from around the world. The development of the financial industry in Shanghai has undergone vicissitudes, but no doubt Shanghai has enormous potential to become an international financial center. Shanghai is shifting to an economic structure with the service industry as the pillar, in which the importance of the producer services is gaining ground. With quite a large scale, the informal employment in Shanghai is mainly staffed by floating labor. Shanghai has been ranking higher among the global cities, which means a closer link with other global cities.
     IV. As a global city on the rise, Shanghai has seen equal significance of the market factor and the government factor in the formation of the city's dual labor market. The household registration system, in particular, has become a major factor that exerts an influence on the segmentation of the city's labor market. There are disparities between the local labor and floating labor in Shanghai, in terms of the occupational structure, the industrial structure and the income structure. While educational background fails to adequately account for the disparities, discriminative administrative policies contribute to these differences. Through the comparison of the labor markets in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taipei, we can find that discriminative administration imposed by the urban governments is a shared characteristic of the Eastern Asian global cities.
     V. The Shanghai downtown dual labor market, Shanghai's downtown whole labor market and Shanghai's urban whole labor market each feature different occupational structures and income structures. Some of them are in accordance with the polarization theory of the global cities labor market structural changes, while others manifest the development trend of professionalization. The occupational structures in the local labor markets of some Eastern Asian global cities, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, etc., do not comply with the predictions of the classic social polarization in "global cities", but their income distribution has manifested the trend of polarization, as is the case in Shanghai.
     VI. The socio-spatial differentiation of global cities reveals the spatial differences between different social groups within a city in the context of urban industrial transformation and the government regulation policy adjustment. The socio-spatial differentiation of the floating population in Shanghai exhibits an inverted U-shape. The spatial differentiation of vocational hierarchy within Shanghai's whole labor market and the floating labor market is mainly influenced by economic factors, but is also closely related with the urban industrial restructuring and the industrial transfer. Shanghai's social space is being reconstructed under the dual influence of traditional and modern factors. The direct consequence of the socio-spatial differentiation in "global cities" is the formation of the residential segregation and the residential agglomeration within the same space. The mixed-income housing may be an effective remedy for spatial differentiation and segregation, but whether it can work effectively depends on more practice and exploration.
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    [2]就业准证(employment pass)主要提供给国外高级专业人才赴新工作使用:个人化就业准证(personalized employment pass)提供给更高层次的全球精英人才赴新工作使用:S准证(S pass)提供给国外中等专业技术人才赴新工作使用;工作准证(work permit)包括两类,分别提供给非熟练或半熟练的普通劳工(work permit for foreign worker)或者家政劳工(work permit for foreign domestic worker)使用。
    [2]“抵垒”(touch base)是网球术语,意指球员只要及时碰及网,即不用离开出局。抵垒政策是香港政府于1974年11月宣布实施的一项针对非法移民的政策。大陆内地的非法入境者若在偷渡到香港后能抵达市区,并接触到香港的亲人,便可在香港居留;如果偷渡者在边境范围被执法人员截获,则会被遣返内地。
    [3]Kit-chun Lam and Pak-wai Liu.1998.“Immigration and the Economy of Hong Kong”.Hong Kong:City University of Hong Kong Press.
    [4]Ronald Skeldon.1994.“Turning Points in Labor Migration:The Case of Hong Kong”,Asian and Pacific Migation Journal,3(1):93-118.
    [1]Lu Chien-Yi,2000,“Politics of Foreign Labor Policy in Taiwan”.African and Asian Studies.35(1):113-131.
    [2]Kanjanapan W.,1992.“White-collar Foreign Workers in Taiwan”.Asian and Pacific Migration Journal.1(3-4):569-83.
    [3]Prema-chandra Athukorala,1993.“International Labor Migration in the Asia Pacific Region:Patterns.Policies.and Economic Implications”.Asian-Pacific Economic Literature.7(2):28-57.
    [4]Abella MI,1994,“Turning Points in Labor Migration”,Asian and Pacific Migration Journal.3(1):1-7.
    [1]Tsai HH,1996,“Globalization and the Urban System in Taiwan”.in Fu-chen Lo and Yue-man Yeung(Eds),“Emerging World Cities in Pacific Asia”.Tokyo:United Nations University Press.
    [4]Allan M.Findlay,Huw Jones and Gillian M.Davidson,1998,“Migration Transition or Migration Transformation in the Asian Dragon Economics?”.International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.22(4):643-663.
    [5]参见“Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics 2003”(香港统计年刊2003)
    [6]Po-Fen Tai,2006,“Social Polarization:Comparing Singapore.Hong Kong and Taipei”,Urban Studies,43(10):1737-1756.
    [7]参加“Hong Kong 1991 Population Census”(香港人口统计1991)和“Hong Kong 2001 Population Census”(香港人口普查2001)。
    [2]Po-Fen Tai,“Social Polarization:Comparing Singapore.Hong Kong and Taipei”,Urban Studies.43(10):1737-1756.
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    [1]Allan M.Findlay,Huw Jones and Gillian M.Davidson.1998.“Migration Transition or Migration Transformation in the Asian Dragon Economics?”,International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.22(4):643-663.
    [2]Ronald Skeldon,1996.“Hong Kong in An International Migration System,in Ming K.Chan,Gerard A.Postiglione(Eds),The Hong Kong Reader:Passage to Chinese Sovereignty,New York:M.E.Sharpe.
    [3]David Wen-wei Chang and Richard Y.Chuang,1999.“The Politics ofHong Kong's Reversion to China”.Palgrave Macmillan.
    [4]参见台北市统计摘要(2004),转引自Po-Fen Tai(2006)。
    [5]Shirley L.Chang.1992.“Cause of Brain Drain and Solution:The Taiwan Experience”.Studies in Comparative International Development.27(1):27-43.
    [1]Po-Fen Tai.2006.“Social Polarization:Comparing Singapore.Hong Kong and Taipei”.Urban Studies,43(10):1737-1756.
    [1]表格转引自Po-Fen Tai(2006)。
    [1]表格转引自Po-Fen Tai(2006)。
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