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Art is an inherent instinct of human being, the origin of Art is just the origin of the culture. All the other spirits is growing in it. The coming forth of the bronze is one of the important symbols of culture. The early Chinese culture has already declared itself highly oneness and complete independence. One of the best example is the Culture of Bronze.The age of bronze in china was started in about BC 2000.It has gone through the Xia D-, the Shang D- and the Zhou D- in about 15 century. Late in the Shang D- and Early in the zhou D-, the foundry industry of bronze has reached the top of its development. Late in the ZhanGuo D-, the foundry industry of bronze has declined. Of the time, the culture of bronze that created by Chinese people, who invented the lofty technics of foundry, is like a shining star in the continent of Asia.Early days, Chinese bronze has did not effect much on people's life and the society industry. But their appearance showed us that an new matter form was coming into being in late Stone Age. Because of abundance of the mineral resources of copper, and the knowledge and experience which came from the ceramics, foundry of bronze has grown into an industry of the time. Bronze is exquisite and strong, and the noble of the time loves it, so culture of bronze has rapidly spreaded abroad after the Xia D-.it has became the carrier of the culture of matter of the time, and finally formed a great system of civilization and culture.This article starts with the culture of bronze, make all-around probe into it and meticulous general research on it. This article is trying to analyzing and concluding the technical factor and the technical beauty in culture of bronze, so that it could be brought to bear in modern design. Concept of "tradition" and "modern" is very broadly; "technology" and "art" can not exist without actual actions. The great culture of bronze has offered us a superexcellent base to thinking about the two questions. The sprouting, developing and declining of Culture of bronze has formed the Bronze Age of China. This culture has its unique complete independence, and the
    independence was badly needed in our country, especially in this age that all the cultures are being same. This article is trying to start at the "distillate of tradition", depend on the "same base of our culture" and "unique mentality form and language modality", so that technology and art can combine perfectly, and our design can be more modernistic.
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