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     我们通常说的技术性贸易壁垒,是由WTO《技术性贸易壁垒协定》Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT Agreement)来规范的,由技术法规、标准和合格评定程序三个要素组成。本文所指的TBT,当我们称其为壁垒时,显然是从其对国际贸易起阻碍作用的角度说的。另一方面,当我们尝试构建自己的技术性贸易措施管理体系时,笔者倾向于使用“技术性贸易措施(Technical Measures to Trade)"这一中性的名词。
     本文尝试在理论和实务相结合的基础上,探讨如何构建即体现中国自身特色,又不违背世贸规则的技术性贸易措施体系。第一章介绍了技术性贸易措施的定义、形式、特点、地位和作用。技术性贸易措施包括技术法规、标准和合格评定程序,还包括为保护人类健康和动植物安全而实施的卫生与植物卫生(SPS)措施及绿色环境壁垒和专利壁垒等形形色色的贸易措施。文章分析了其最新变化,提示其既有合理正面的作用,又有对贸易阻碍的负面作用。第二章则通过介绍以美国和欧盟等经济体为代表的典型国外技术性贸易措施体系的情况,着重从其技术法规体系、标准体系和合格评定制度等方面逐一探讨分析其构成和运行特点,,并总结分析了欧美应对国外技术壁垒经验。第三章以《中国技术性贸易措施年度报告(2010)》为基础,分析了国外技术壁垒对我国经济贸易的影响。第四章是实例剖析,着重介绍了美国应对欧盟化学品新法规(REACH)、日本对食品农产品建立的肯定列表制度(Positive list system)和以法国为代表的欧洲国家的技术壁垒执法案例分析。第五章着重分析了我国技术性贸易措施的现状、面临的新形势和存在的问题。第六章尝试从法律和实务层面探讨建立和完善我国的技术法规体系、标准体系、合格评定体系及卫生与植物卫生措施体系等四个方面探讨如何建立我国自己符合国际规则的技术性贸易措施体系。
Ten years has elapsed since China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on December 11,2001. Being a member of WTO means a full enjoyment of the rights under WTO structre, and also a great opportunity for promoting international trade. More responsibilities have to be taken by China at the same time.This process is becoming more challenging because the using of traditional trade management measures, such as custom tariff, quota and licence are becoming more restricted. As a result, more and more foreign goods enter into Chinese market, and export is becoming more difficult than before due to various non-tariff technical barriers to trade (TBT) used worldwide.
     When using the word TBT, we are referring to Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. Three main elements, namely technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures are the basis of TBT. In this paper, when the word technical barriers to trade is used, it is more likely to reveal its negative role, while the word technical measures to trade is used as a neutral word.
     It is quite important to have a comprehensive research of TBT Agreement, learn its rules and practices when trying to establish China's own TBT system with Chinese Characteristics. With that, we can fulfil the legitimate objectives of TBT Agreement:national security requirements; the prevention of deceptive practices; protection of human health or safety, animal or plant life or health, or the environment. Only by thorough research of TBT can we block the goods that are not in line with Chinese national interests out of our border by technical measures so that to better protect the national economy and trade. On the other hand, as the largest manufacturing economy, the industry needs more support from the competent Chinese government authourities to break through technical barriers to trade from foreign economies so that to promote the international trade.
     The paper trys to discuss how to establish Chinese system of technical measures to trade in line with international practices. Charpter One touches the definition, models, characteristics and roles of TBT measures. Besides technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, technical barriers also include Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures, environment measures and patent barriers. The positive and negative roles of these measures are analysed along with the newest trends in recent years. Charpter Two presents the typical technical measure systems of the US and the EU, analyses their characteristics and experiences of dealing with foreign technical barriers to trade. The 2010 Report of China's Technical Measures to Trade is the basis of Charpter Three with the analysis of the influence to China by foreign technical barriers to trade. Charpter Four introduces three cases of TBT, namely the case of the US coping with EU REACH regulations, Japan's Positive List System and typical French custom law enforcement. Charpter Five analyses the current situation and problems of China's TBT system while Charpter Six trys to discuss the ways of establish a comprehensive Chinese TBT system according to international rules.
     With this paper, the author would like to attract more professionals into TBT area, to introduce more about the system, to focus more on China'TBT situation so that to explore a better way of establishing Chinese TBT system according to WTO rules. Wish all these could lead China to better fulfil its commitment to WTO, enjoy the lawful rights under WTO structure and to protect its national interests.
    2 WTO/SPS Committee, specific trade concern,G/SPS/GEN/204/ev.1, March 5,2001。
    1 Lionel Fontagne(CEPⅡ), Friedrich Von Kirchbach & Mondher Mimouni (ITC-UNCTAD-WTO), a first assessment of environmental-related trade barriers, October 2001。
    1 Office of the US Trade Representive,1999,1999 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barrier, Washington
    2 Office of the US Trade Representive,2001,2001 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barrier, Washington138
    1 WTO,2001, Sixth Annual Review of the Implementation and Operation of Agreement. Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade,Geneva
    1 Keith E.Marskus,John S.Wilson.Quantifying the Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade:A Review of Past Attempts and the New Policy Context[J].World Bank,2000
    2 Paarlberg,Philip Land John G.Lee 1998,Import Restriction in the Presence of a Health Risk:An Illustration Using FMD, American Journal of Agricultural Economics
    1 Office of the US Trade Representive,2002,2002 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barrier, Washington
    2 Wilson,John S.,1998,The Economic Benefits of Removing Technical and Regulary Barriers;Mutual Recognition Agreement and Other Trade Faciliation Models,International Organization for Standardization Workshop on Mutual Recognition Agreements, Geneva
    1 Office of the US Trade Representive,1999,1999 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreien Trade Barrier-Washington
    1 Office of the US Trade Representive,2002,2002 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barrier, Washington
    1 European commission,2000,Report on United States Barriers to Trade and Investment(2000),Brussels
    1 General Guidelines for cooperation between the European standards organizations and the Commission and the European Free Trade Association.
    2 Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998确定了技术法规和标准的制定程序
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    1 A Modeling Framework for Assessing the Trade Effects of Technical Trade Barrierss,Economic Research Service.US Department of Agriculture
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    2 Cosbey A. and Burgiel S., The Catagena Protocol on Product safetv:An analysis of results ⅡSD Rriefing Note ⅡSD, Manitoba, Canada,2000
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    1 Keith E.Marskus,John S. Wilson.Quantifying the Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade:A Review of Past Attempts and the New Policy Context[J].World Bank,2009
    2 A Modeling Framework for Assessing the Trade Effects of Technical Trade Barrierss,Economic Research Service.US Department of Agriculture
    1 A Modeling Framework for Assessing the Trade Effects of Technical Trade Barrierss,Economic Research Service.US Department of Agriculture
    1 A Modeling Framework for Assessing the Trade Effects of Technical Trade Barrierss,Economic Research Service.US Department of Agriculture
    1 高持久性、高度生物富积化学物质
    2 2008年6月1日后正式接受提交注册文件
    3 http://www.aplac.org/,亚太实验室认可合作组织
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    1 Lionel Fontagne(CEPⅡ), Friedrich Von Kirchbach & Mondher Mimouni (ITC-UNCTAD-WTO), a first assessment of environmental-related trade barriers, October 2001
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