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本试验以富士(Malus domestica Borkh cv.Fuji)为试材,将果实用1-MCP和蜂胶处理后,分别置于(20±2)℃和(0±1)℃贮藏,一方面研究了常温和低温贮藏过程中,1-MCP和蜂胶对富士果实的保鲜效果;另一方面研究了低温贮藏过程中,1-MCP和蜂胶对富士采后生理变化的影响。
     1在(20±2)℃和(0±1)℃贮藏环境中,1-MCP和蜂胶均能有效地降低富士苹果的呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率峰值,延缓硬度的下降,抑制TSS、TA、Vc的降解。1-MCP在整个贮藏期都能发挥其功效,推迟果实衰老进程,具有高效性和持久性。蜂胶的保鲜时间较1-MCP短,在(20±2)℃约56 d内、在(0±1)℃约105 d内与1-MCP具有同样的保鲜效果,之后蜂胶处理果实与对照无差别。其中,1-MCP和蜂胶在(0±1)℃时的作用效果不如(20±2)℃显著,但以(0±1)℃下的贮藏效果好。试验也表明1-MCP和蜂胶都延缓了(0±1)℃贮藏期果实色度L*、a*、b*的变化,降低了果皮花青苷的降解速度,达到保持果实色泽的目的。
     2 1-MCP和蜂胶都能降低(20±2)℃和(0±1)℃贮藏期果实失重率和腐烂指数,但(0±1)℃贮藏的蜂胶处理果实在贮藏150 d后腐烂指数上升,与对照无差别。
     4(0±1)℃条件下,1-MCP和蜂胶均能够维持活性氧清除体系酶SOD、POD和CAT活性水平高于对照,降低PPO活性和MDA含量,从而降低细胞膜脂的过氧化程度,对果实起到了较好的保护作用,但蜂胶处理果实在贮藏150 d后抗氧化活性下降,略低于对照。
Taking“Fuji”apple fruit as experimental materials, fruits were treated with 1-MCP and propolis, then sperate stored at (20±2)℃and (0±1)℃.On the one hand,the experiment studies the preservative effect of 1-MCP and propolis treatment on“Fuji”apple fruit stored at ambient and cold temperature.On the other hand,the post-harvest physiology effect of apple fruit with 1-MCP and propolis under low temperature were investigated.
     Main research results are as follows:
     1 When the stored at (20±2)℃and (0±1)℃, that 1-MCP and proppolis treatment could reduce the respiration rate and the peak of them, delay the decline of fruit firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, preserve the content of vitamin C.1-MCP have the high efficiency and persistence of fruit storage,could be at work on the whole storage time to postpone fruit deterioration.Propolis have similar effect to 1-MCP within 50 days prior during (20±2)℃and 105 days prior during(0±1)℃,and then there is no differences compared with the control. By contrast,the effects of using 1-MCP and propolis at (0±1)℃is not as significant as (20±2)℃,but the good effect of conservation is storaged at (0±1)℃. At (0±1)℃tempreture,1-MCP and proppolis treatment could defer the change of fruit colour (L* value,a* value, C* value), declay the degradation of anthocyanins contents,maintain fruit natural color.
     2 1-MCP and proppolis treatment can reduce rotting and prevent fruit water loss when fruit stored at (20±2)℃and (0±1)℃.But in (0±1)℃,propolis has promoted fruit decay index after 150 d.
     3 The flavonoids of Fuji apple are mostly located in epicuticular wax, polyphenols contents are located mainly in the pericarp.1-MCP and propolis have more flavonoids and polyphenols contents than control in epicuticular wax, pericarp, pulp of apples with (0±1)℃tempreture. Flavonoids and polyphenols of propolis have good quality in adhesion, that were higher than 1-MCP and control group on epicuticular wax of apple fruit.
     4 At (0±1)℃,1-MCP and propolis treatment can improve the activity of protective enzymes (SOD,POD,CAT),debase MDA content and the activity of PPO, restrain the peroxidation of the cell membrane so as to protect againt cell membrane damage and slow down the mature ageing of fruit.But the later period of storage(after 150d),the antioxidation activity of apple fruit with propolis treatment lower than control group.
     5 1-MCP and propolis have similar fresh-keeping effects for a short time, but the content of polyphenols in the fruit with propolis treatment have improved markedly.This chemical has a very high healthy function.Taken the quality into consideration, propolis treatment achieves good effect for a short time.
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