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     1.图像分割的变分模型包含数据项和正则项,通常,数据项利用L2范数,正则项由先验假设确定。在最大后验概率框架下,给出了一个新的离散模型。数据项利用迭代重加权L2范数,同时具备L2范数计算简单和混合L21范数对野点鲁棒的优点;在正则项中,给出了一个新的边界罚函数,增强了模型去除野点的能力,并能保弱边。提出一种改进的graph cuts算法求解模型。数值实验表明,新模型具有很好的图像分割效果,尤其体现在去除野点和保弱边两方面。
     3.将图像超像素分割看作子空间聚类问题。给出一个约束条件,等价于以干净数据为字典。利用系数矩阵的非凸迫近p范数作为稀疏约束,利用系数矩阵奇异值的非凸迫近p范数作为低秩约束,建立非凸极小化模型。运用增广Lagrangian方法和交替极小化(AM, alternating minimization)方法给出数值计算方法。数值实验表明,新约束条件下的分割效果优于原始数据作为字典;非凸迫近p范数的分割效果优于凸的核范数和l1范数。
     4.给出总变差(TV, total variation)正则化的两种改进模型。第一种是加权总广义变差(TGV, total generalized variation)正则化的Mumford-Shah模型。给出了加权TGV的定义。新模型利用图像的2阶加权TGV半范作为正则项,利用水平集函数的2阶加权TGV半范近似边界长度。对未知函数分别利用交替split-Bregman方法、Fenchel对偶方法及FISTA(fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm)给出数值计算模型。仿真实验结果表明,利用图像的2阶加权TGV半范的去噪效果优于常用的梯度模2范数和加权TV半范正则化;利用水平集函数的2阶加权TGV半范近似边界长度的边缘检测效果优于传统的TV半范和加权TV半范约束。第二种是非局部总变差正则化的活动轮廓模型。在活动轮廓模型的全局连续极小化方法基础上,利用非局部总变差作为边界长度正则项。数值实验表明,新模型能将图像中的主体结构和有用的精细结构很好地分割出来。
Recently, many researches are focused on the applications of variationalregularization method in image processing. Many classical models and methods werebuilt up. Some new notations, models and methods are proposed in this thesis. Imagesegmentation is mainly concernd. The main work of this thesis includes the followingaspects:
     Variational model for image segmentation consists of data term and regularizationterm. Usually data term is chosen as L2norm, and regularization term is determined bythe prior assumption. We present a novel model in the maximum a posterior probabilityframework. A new reweighted L2norm is used in the data term, which shares theadvantages of L2and mixed L21norm. An edge weighting function is addressed in theregularization term, which enforces the ability to reduce the outlier effects and preserveweak edges. An improved region-based graph cuts algorithm is proposed to solve thismodel efficiently. Numerical experiments show our method can get better segmentationresults, especially in terms of removing outliers and preserving weak edges.
     A general equivalent model is introduced based on the convex relaxation model ofa class of vector-valued minimization problems. The presented model can be solvedwith the split-Bregman algorithm. Therefore the computational efficiency is greatlyimproved. The method is applied to the Vese-Chan multi-phase segmentation model andMumford-Shah model. Numerical experiments show our method has fast computingspeed and good segmentation results, and is robust to the initial condition.
     Image superpixels segmentation is considered as the subspace clustering problem.A new constraint condition is presented to be equivalent to use the clean data asdictionary. The nonconvex proximal p-norm of the coefficients matrix is used forsparse constraint, and the nonconvex proximal p-norm of the singular values of thecoefficients matrix is used for low-rank constraint. Then a nonconvex minimizationmodel is proposed. The augmented Lagrangian method and the AM (alternatingminimization) method are applied for solving the unknown matrices. The numericalexperiments show that the presented constraint condition is better than using the originaldata as dictionary, and the nonconvex proximal p-norm has better segmentation resultthan the convex nuclear norm andl1norm.
     Two improved models of the TV (total variation) regularization are presented. Oneis the Mumford-Shah model based on weighted TGV (total generalized variation). Theweighted TGV is defined. The second order weighted TGV semi-norm of images isused as the regularization term. Besides, the second order weighted TGV semi-norm ofthe level set function is used for approximating length of the boundary. The numericalcalculation model for solving the unknown functions is presented by using alternatingsplit-Bregman method、 Fenchel dual method and FISTA (fast iterativeshrinkage-thresholding algorithm) separately. Simulation results show that the use ofsecond order weighted TGV semi-norm of images has better denoising effect than thecommon L2norm of gradient norm and the weighted TV semi-norm. And the result ofedge detection is better than the traditional TV semi-norm and weighted TV semi-normby using second order weighted TGV semi-norm of the level set function toapproximate length of the boundary. Another is the active contour model based on thenonlocal TV regularization. Based on the continuous global minimization approach forthe active contour model, the nonlocal TV is used for the regularization term ofboundary length. Numerical experiments show the new model can segment the mainstructures and the useful fine structures well.
     The nonlinear complex diffusion method based on topological optimization ispresented. Based on the topological optimization idea, the linear complex diffusioncoefficients at each pixel are perturbed. The diffusion coefficients corresponding to thesamllest topological derivative are optimal. Then the pixels having the enough smalltopological derivatives are chosen, and diffusion is applied to them using the optimaldiffusion coefficients. Stop criteria of the algorithm is introduced. Diffusion coefficientschosen here have the anisotropic property thus can remove noise along edges andpreserve edges well. Experiments show the real part shows better denoising effect andedges are well preserved in the imaginary part after the original noisy image isprocessed using our method. Besides, our method can reduce staircase effect effectively.
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