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As material basis of human existence and development, energy is an importantdriving factor of economic development, and its security is also an aspect ofnational security. Due to the complexity of energy system, a survey on the energyissues which china faced is made in the view of input and output based on systemtheory, and a research is made on the relationship between the economic developmentand the energy consumption in aspects of both total energy consumption and energyefficiency. The main work and innovations of this dissertation include:
     (1) Construction of the total-factor energy efficiency input-out index system.Environmental pollution and human capital are introduced into the total-factor energyefficiency index system. Compared to the traditional total-factor energy efficiencyindex system, this dissertation has improvements in the following two aspects:considering environmental pollution as a negative output of the productive process tostudy the ecological effect of energy utilization and embodying the importance of thehuman capital. Then based on the index system, the performance of each DMU isstudied in the situation that the joint goal includes energy conservation, economicgrowth and emission reduction, and there is no alternative effect between energy andother input factors.
     (2) Construction of the energy efficiency evaluation models. The structure ofthe relative preference cones are defined on the basis of the discussions on thefollowing situations: economic growth is preferred or emission reduction is preferredand the energy price regulation exists. Then the preference cones are introduced intothe CCR model, so the DEA models with the preference cones are built up to measurethe efficiency of each DMU. Through this, the Pareto solutions are developed into thenon-dominated solutions and the different preference to the input and output factorsare considered. Besides, in order to study the affect of evaluation method on themeasurement results, both DEA methods and SFA methods are used to evaluate theenergy efficiency performance and the change rate of total-factor productivity, and thedifference between the results is examined by using the statistical test
     (3) Construction of the Influencing factors analysis model of the energyefficiency. The model is built up which includes both single-factor energy efficiencyand total-factor energy efficiency and has the form of simultaneous equations. When consider the relationship between the energy efficiency and its influencing factors, thelatters are divided into direct and indirect factors. Then the single-factor energyefficiency and total-factor energy efficiency are both introduced in to build up thesimultaneous equations model with the direct influencing factors, and the coefficientsare estimated both by SUR and PCSE method to study the relations between theinfluencing factors and the different energy efficiency indexes and the difference ofthe relations. This model can both consider the influence of the definition of energyefficiency on the relation between the variables and great possibly eliminate the affectof endogenous variable in model construction.
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