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The issues of peasant-workers, especially how to protect their rights and interests, have been paid great attention to by all levels of governments. The great cost is the biggest obstacle in safeguarding the rights of peasant-workers, which has become the main concern for all circles, so that many solutions have been raised theoretically and practically. This problem not only affects the life of peasant-workers and their families, but also has effects on the stable and harmonious development of society. On the basis of the detailed study on first-hand materials, this paper includes:
     1.Based on the theories of human capital and hierarchy of needs, the paper defines peasant-workers, explains the definition and constitution of the rights and interests of peasant-workers, lists the main contents in safeguarding the rights and interests and puts forward the focus of controlling the high cost.
     2.Explaining the definition and constitution of safeguarding the rights and interests of peasant-workers, the paper analyzes the effects of the high cost on the peasant-workers, their families and the society.
     3.With the purpose of exploring how to measure the cost in safeguarding the rights and interests, the paper makes use of the principle of fuzzy mathematics, designs the appraisal system and determines the weight coefficients, constructs the Fuzzy Model and makes analyses in detail, which is both the emphasis and rub of the paper.
     4.Measures on controlling the cost have been studied from three aspects of government policies, enterprises and individuals.
     Safeguarding the rights and interests of peasant-workers is not only the major concern of all levels of governments and the society, but also the key to solve the problems facing China's agriculture, rural areas and farmers as well as the crux in building a well-off society in an all-round way. By studying the lack of rights and interests of peasant-workers and analyzing the phenomenon and nature of the high cost, the main purpose of the study is to lower the cost in safeguarding rights and interests of peasant-workers, improve their living environment and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, so as to change the binary structure of society and promote the healthy and harmonious development of society.
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