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In the past few years, nonlinear optical materials have attracted much attention due to their application in optical telecommunications. Nonlinear optical glass-related materials have been widely studied according to their advantages. Glass ceramics having an aligned microstructure would exhibit anisotropy of physical properties. This dissertation mainly contributes to the control of micro/nano-crystallization in silicate glass in crystalline phase, distribution, size and orientation under additional field, particularly by femtosecond irradiation, to master the nonlinear optical properties of glass further. This work is significant for the design and production of novel nonlinear optical material with multi-function in future.
     In this thesis, thermal field was used to induce crystals in SrO-TiO2-SiO2glass. The crystallization behavior of glasses in different heat-treated condition and their second-order nonlinear optical properties have been analyzed by Maker fringes method and X-ray diffraction measurement, respectively. It showed that the oriented crystallization of nonlinear Sr2TiSi2O8crystals can be obtained in the surface layer by heat treatment. The polar axis of oriented crystals was perpendicular to the sample surface. Moreover, by applying higher temperature or prolonging the time duration of heat treatment, the maximum intensity of second harmonic generation shifting toward0°is likely due to the presence of randomly distributed crystals in glass and surface crystallization turns to be volume at this moment.
     However, since it is hard to control crystallization by heat treatment and time-consuming, femtosecond laser irradiation was proposed to realize the control of crystallization in glass owing to the accessible control of energy deposition in time and in space. It opens fantastic opportunities to manufacture novel multifunctional materials by manipulating the crystallization of nonlinear crystals embedded in glasses. Therefore, we achieved to precipitate preferential oriented LiNbO3and Sr2TiSiiO8crystals in glass with femtosecond laser irradiation at high repetition rate (typ.300kHz).
     In Li2O-Nb2O5-SiO2glass, we obtained micro-/nano-crystals in glass sample by varying pulse energy and polarization direction. Specifically, when applying low pulse energy and polarization parallel to laser writing direction, the oriented nano-crystallization has been obtained as shown by EBSD (Electron back-scattered diffraction). Second harmonic (SH) microscopy measurement illustrated preferred orientation of crystallization in laser lines. In order to understand the exact orientation of crystals with respect to the writing direction, a series of coherent SH measurement has been achieved in pairs of laser lines written in opposite orientation. EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectrometer) and nuclear micro-probe has been used to realize the chemical analysis in laser lines. The mechanism of oriented crystallization was discussed both in static mode and in dynamic mode through illustrating the distribution of different gradients.
     In SrO-TiO2-SiO2system, laser irradiation was applied both in stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric glasses. In the former case, not only the size and distribution can be controlled by varying laser parameters, but also the crystalline phase can be chosen in samples. SH microscopy measurement was used to characterize the nonlinear properties of glass and it implied that the polar axis of crystals is always along the writing direction. In non-stoichiometric glass, only pure Sr2TiSi2O8crystals were obtained. The asymmetric writing involving oriented crystallization has been studied by varying polarization and writing orientation. The orientational dependent is likely due to the combined action of oblique pulse front tilt affected by the polarization orientation plane leading to different anisotropic photosensitivity and its aftereffects to induce asymmetric distribution of thermal and chemical gradients.
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