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     方法:SD雄性大鼠35只随机分为4组,模型组、复方甘草甜素对照组和复方甘草甜素脂质体治疗组各10只,给予高脂饲料喂养,另设5只普通饲料喂养大鼠作为正常组。8周后开始药物干预:模型组生理盐水2.0ml/kg ;对照组复方甘草甜素注射液(SNMC)2.0ml/kg;治疗组复方甘草甜素脂质体注射液2.0ml/kg,以上三组均为隔日腹腔内注射,正常组未予任何药物干预。16周后处死全部实验大鼠。全自动生化分析仪检测血清ALT、AST及GGT水平,参照2006年2月份的NAFLD诊疗指南中脂肪肝分度和炎症分级(NASH-F(0-4)G(0-3))的组织病理学标准进行量化计分。
Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effects of compound glycyrrhizin liposome on the rats with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
     Methods:35 male SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups:the model group(n=10)、compound glycyrrhizin control group(n=10)and compound glycyrrhizin liposome treated group(n=10) ,the 30 rats all were fed with fat-rich diet,and the normal group(n=5) with normal diet.Drug was given to each group after 8 weeks:the model group were given normal saline (2.0ml/kg) ; the control group were given compound glycyrrhizin injection(2.0ml/kg);the treated group were given compound glycyrrhizin liposome injection(2.0ml/kg) , the three groups all were given by intraperitoneal injection every other day.No any drug was given in normal group.All rats were sacrificed at week 16.The serum levels of ALT、AST and GGT were measured with auto-biochemistry instrument.The hepatic histologic scores on fat-liver and inflammation of NASH were done according to the guidelines of the diagnosis and treatment of NAFLD in February 2006.
     Results:The weight and liver index of the three rich-fat diet groups were higher than the normal group,but similar among the three rich-fat diet groups. Compared with model group, the blood-serum levels of AST and GGT both reduced significantly in treated group(P<0.05及P<0.01), the hepatic histologic scores on inflammation of NASH reduced remarkably in treated group(P<0.01);Compared with control group , the hepatic histologic scores on inflammation of NASH and the blood-serum levels of GGT both reduced remarkably in treated group(P<0.01).
     Conclusion:Compound glycyrrhizin liposome is effective in treatment of rats with steatohepatitis induced by fat-rich diet .
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