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Destructive leadership is paid much attention by academe and business circle. The study of destructive leadership is important in both theory and application, which is helpful to widen the understanding on leadership efficiency and ability.
     The study is discussing the adaptation of destructive leadership measuring tool under the background of western culture in China specifically and the role destructive leadership plays in workplace deviance by the combination of theoretical exploration and empirical study, basing ourselves upon China and drawing lessons from the western, tradition method and modern science and technology, carrying forward the tradition and adapt the modern needs.
     The study sets up a train of thought on the employee individual level as destructive-work stress/organization justice-workplace deviance by searching the literature, clarifying the theory path, relying on the internal labor marke theory,the agent or principal theory,the social exchange theory, LMX, etc. and basing on the current study limitations. The study also brings forward the theory model and assumption, and makes a further effort on this topic. The study discusses issues from two sides. On one hand, there are two searches on the correction on destructive leadership scale under the background of western culture. On the basis of current destructive leadership scale, by investigating579effective subjects from different industries and units in7cities in Sichuan Province, the study revises the scale by using exploring element analysis. The study has got the demology and organization traits of destructive leadership by using testing element analysis and structure formulation to test the reliability and validity of the scale, meanwhile carrying out the difference analysis of demology and organization traits to test the reliability and validity of the scale further more on the basis of investigation to889effective subjects in different industries and units from Chengdu, Mianyang, Deyang, Aba, Fuzhou, Zhongshan, and Hangzhou. On the other hand, the study discusses the forecasting function destructive leadership to workplace deviance. The study inspects the reliability and validity of measure tool by using factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis method as well as tests the forecasting function of destructive leadership to workplace deviance, the intermediate effect of work stress and adjusting function of organization justice on the basis of the investigation to785effective subjects in different industries and units from Chengdu, Ganzhi, Taizhou, Lanzhou, Xiamen, Shanghai and Chongqing
     In the end, the study has attained following conclusions:
     1. Find out that destructive leadership structure after the EFA(exploratory factor analysis) and CFA(confirmatory factor analysis) is different from that Aasland's, which is likely to be the3-element model, which may reflect the influence of the Chinese culture.
     2. Tthe destructive leadership scale after being revised includes21items,and it's reliability and validity are good.We may think the rvised scale that was developed by Aasland etc can be used to measure the perception that Chinese staff perceive the destructive leadership behaviour.
     3. By the analysis of socio-demology, we have checked the reliability and validity in the further, and meanwhile find out that there are obvious differences of demology and organization traits on the all sorts of elements of destructive leadership for cognition and general cognition.
     4. The study sets up the relation model between destructive leadership and workplace deviance. It has proved destructive leadership's positive forecasting function to workplace deviance, but also tested work stress'intermediate function between they two, which supports the previous studies. The study still proves that organization justice is of obvious adjusting function in the newly combined tyrannical&self-centred leadership and workplace deviance relation, but not obvious in the adjusting function in the previous supportive-disloyal and workplace deviance. This conclusion reveals the negative results and influence systems of destructive leadership, which is helpful to understand the essence of destructive leadership further more, enriches the systems of leadership theory, but also perfects the workplace deviance theory, diagnoses the organization in time and eliminates the damage of negative behavior effectively.
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