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自从1992年8月24日中韩建交以来,特别是1998年全球金融危机后,上海出现了越来越多的韩国人。韩国人聚居在虹桥镇,形成了被上海人称为“韩人村”的韩国社区。这一上海“韩人村”中的音乐活动及其功能和意义,引起了笔者的注意。本文因此以拥有近二十年移居历史(1992—2009)的上海韩国跨境离散(diaspora)族群为考察和研究对象,通过历时三年的“参与观察(participant observation) "的田野作业方式,考察了位于该“韩人村”里的四万名韩国人的“飞地(enclave)"音乐生活。
     本文研究目的是阐释“飞地”传统音乐生活在上海韩国离散族群心目中的“意义(meanings)"。从“意义”的研究目的出发,笔者因而采取了“族群性(ethnicity)与音乐认同(music identity)"的理论视角。而考察和写作的思路则聚焦在个人、家庭、社团、社区、机构、学校和宗教组织的离散音乐经历,从中揭示出其音乐认同方面所体现出的各自的“族群性”或“族群立场”,其界限的构筑、维持和调适及原因。
     不同的立场及其所表现出的不同的族群音乐认同构成分布在笔者文中提出的“族群音乐认同链(music identity continuum)"上,成为了本论文的主要内容。总的来看,在全球化时代背景中,韩国离散族群在海外“飞地”社会文化冲突的适应过程中,产生了两大族群音乐认同的内涵和外延,即“作为表达文化差异、构筑族群界限”的韩国传统音乐及其生活,和“作为整合族群经济关系、缓和文化冲突”的变化中的韩国传统音乐及其生活。本论文也因为揭示出了具有社会意义的“飞地”传统音乐生活,而在学术价值和现实价值方面具有一定的积极意义。
After China and South Korea establishing diplomatic relationship in August,24,1992, there emerges many South Korean in Shanghai from then on, especially since the 1998 global economic crisis. The South Korean live in a compact community in Hongqiao town, which is a special ethnic phenomenon catches my attention. This paper thus takes the Shanghai South Korean diaspora as subject of study, whose population has reached to about 40,000. This paper is based on a 3-year long "participant observation" fieldwork from 2007 to 2009.
     The purpose of this paper is to find out the meanings in diasporic traditional music life. In that I have been studying from the perspective of "ethnicity and music identity". In order to find out the meanings, I have investigated and studied the subjects, including person, family, music society, institution, school, and religious'organization, focusing on their diasporic musical experiences in order to explain the relationship between music and diasporic individual ethnic positions, its construction, maintenance and adjustment, and to discover the reason further.
     The Shanghai South Korean economic diaspora is a new ethnic phenomenon in the context of globalization, most of which are businessmen and their family defendants. When still at home country, the Shanghai South Korean diasporic music life was dominated by Western art music. When "the elite" (that is Shanghai South Korean diaspora) came to Shanghai under the drive of globalization, they began to change their music life style, which has been dominated by Korean traditional music, including localized Christian and Catholic music life. I think there are two reasons behind the unusual phenomenon:on one hand, some of them found they have been facing strong cultural differences and in that they generated accordingly a sense of "anti-discrimination". On the other hand, some of them have been facing problems in the process of social adaptation, which aroused from the Shanghai migration policy and related, and from the situation of fierce economic competition that was the key to the South Korean "economic diaspora". In that, traditional "ethnicity" resurged.
     Because the most powerful method to identify, construct and maintain the ethnic boundary or ethnicity is South Korean traditional music and religious music, then the South Korean diaspora began a new style of traditional and religious music life. On one hand,60% of Shanghai South Korean adopted a hostile attitude to cope with the conflict aroused from the process of cultural adaptation, claiming their strong cultural and ethnic position. They thus used traditional music as a method in identifying or expressing cultural differences. What they have been maintaining was traditional music identity. On the other hand,40% on the contrary adopted a compromising attitude in coping with the conflicts aroused from the process of social adaptation for the purpose of expediency. They thus used traditional music as a method to integrate the diasporic economic interests, and also as a method of constructing new social and cultural relationship with the outside local society. They not only maintained the traditional ethnic identity through traditional and religious music life, but also changed it and constructed a new ethnic music identity in order to adapt to specific social and economic reality. Different ethnic positions and their corresponding music life styles form a "music identity continuum", a new concept in my paper.
     In general, there emerged two demands within the Shanghai South Korean Diaspora. One of it was to use traditional music life to identify the ethnic boundary, the other was to use and change traditional music life to construct ethnic social and economic relationship, together to solve the social and cultural conflict. Meanwhile, because this paper determines to discover the social and cultural meanings in music life, thus it is of academic and practical significance to certain extend.
     This paper consists five parts. The preface includes the background, concepts, theoretical framework, methodology and sources of data; the second part is an overview on the music life of Shanghai South Korean Diaspora in historic and present context; Chapter one is to propose the issue of study that on ethnic conflict arise in the process of cultural and social adaptation; Chapter two and three then will focus on respectively the cultural differences and social structural inadaptability in their music life, through which maintaining old music life and constructing a new one; The last part is a short conclusion on the meanings, which is traditional music is a valid method in integrating ethnic identity in Korean traditional music life in modern context of Shanghai.
    ②Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies, London and New York: Routledge,1998. pp.68-70.
    ③Robin Cohen, Global Diasporas:An Introduction, London:UCL Press,1997.②陆谷孙主编《英汉大词典》,上海译文出版社,2004年。
    ①洛秦、黄婉《八个城市的音乐文化:传统与变迁》之《前言》,刊《星海音乐学学报》,第20-25页,2009年第4期。原文见:Bruno Nettl ed., Eight Urban Musical Cultures:Tradition and Change, University of Illinois Press,1978.pp.3-18
    ②斯托克斯著,汤亚汀译《族群性,认同与音乐》刊《音乐人类学:历史思潮与方法论》,第200-218页,上海音乐学院出版社。原刊《庆贺钱仁康教授九十华诞学术论文集》,上海音乐学院出版社,第505-528页,2004年。原文参见:Martin Stokes, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, The Musical Construction of Place, Berg: Oxford,1994
    ③转引自汤亚汀《西方城市音乐人类学理论概述》刊《音乐艺术》,第32-39页,2003年第2期。原文见:Timothy Rice, "Music at the 1993 Los Angeles Marathon:An Experiment in Team Fieldwork and Urban Ethnomusicology," Musical Aesthetics and Multiculturalism in Los Angeles, Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology, volume X, (University of California, Los Angeles,1994), p.73.
    ④Su Zheng, Claiming Diaspora:Music, Transnationalism, and Cultural Politics in Asian/Chinese America, Oxford University Press,2008.
    ⑤Ronald Riddle, "Music Clubs and Ensembles in San Franccisco's Chinese Community", Eight Urban Music Culture:Tradition and Change, Bruno Nettl, ed., University of Illinois Press,1978. pp.223-259.
    ⑥Tina K. Ramnarine, Beautiful Cosmos:Performance and Belonging in the Caribbean Diaspora, Pluto Press 2007.
    ①Margaret Sarkissian, D'Albuquerque's Children:Performing Tradition in Malaysia's Portuguese Settlement, University Of Chicago Press; 1 edition (December 15,2000).
    ②Guangming Li, "Music in the Chinese Community of Los Angeles:An Overview", Musical Aesthetics and Multiculturalism in Los Angeles, Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology, volume X, (University of California, Los Angeles,1994), p.105.
    ⑤K.C.Kim & W.M.Hurh, "Adhesive Sociocultural Adaptation of Korean Immigrants in the U.S.:An Alternative Strategy of Minority Adaptation", International Migration Review, Volume, XVIII, No.2. p.188,1984.
    ⑥K.C.Kim & W.M.Hurh, "Religious Participation of Korean Immigrants in the United States", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol.29, Issue 1, March 1990.
    ⑦Pyong Gap Min, "Korean Immigrants'in Los Angeles", in Ivan Light & Parminder Bhachu eds., Immigration and Entrepreneur ship:culture, capital, and ethnic networks, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers,1993.
    ①Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies London and New York: Routledge,1998.
    ①斯托克斯著,汤亚汀译《族群性,认同与音乐》刊《音乐人类学:历史思潮与方法论》,上海音乐学院出版社,第212页,2004年。原文参见:Martin Stokes, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, The Musical Construction of Place, Berg:Oxford,1994.
    ②斯托克斯著,汤亚汀译《族群性,认同与音乐》刊《音乐人类学:历史思潮与方法论》,第200页,上海音乐学院出版社。原文参见:Martin Stokes, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, The Musical Construction of Place, Berg:Oxford,1994.
    ②Pyong Gap Min, "Korean Immigrants, in Los Angeles", in Ivan Light & Parminder Bhachu eds., Immigration and Entrepreneurship:culture, capital and ethnic networks, New Brunswiek,N.J:Transaction Publishers,1993,pp.185-204.
    ①《上海通志》编撰委员会, 《上海通志·第46卷‘特记’》,第二章《上海外国侨民社区》第四节《上海韩侨社区》,第7086页,上海社科出版社、上海人民出版社,2005年版。
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    ④《上海通志》编撰委员会, 《上海通志·第46卷‘特记’》,第二章《上海外国侨民社区》第四节《上海韩侨社区》,第7087页,上海社科出版社、上海人民出版社,2005年版。
    ①《上海通志》编撰委员会, 《上海通志·第46卷‘特记’》,第二章《上海外国侨民社区》第四节《上海韩侨社区》,第7088页,上海社科出版社、上海人民出版社,2005年版。
    ①《上海通志》编撰委员会, 《上海通志·第46卷‘特记’》,第二章《上海外国侨民社区》第四节《上海韩侨社区》,第7100页,上海社科出版社、上海人民出版社,2005年版。
    ⑥《上海通志》编撰委员会, 《上海通志·第46卷‘特记’》,第二章《上海外国侨民社区》第四节《上海韩侨社区》,第7106页,上海社科出版社、上海人民出版社,2005年版。
    ①Benedict Anderson, The New World Disorder, New Left Review 193 (May/June 1992), pp.3-13转引自王剑锋《世界化:当代韩国的全球化与民族主义》,刊《云南师范大学学报》,第38卷第3期,2006年。
    ②大韩民国驻上海总领事馆文化处官方网站文章《上海和韩国的情缘》,出处请浏览文化处官方网站:http://shanghai.korean-culture.org/navigator.do?siteCode=null&langCode=null&menuCode=200712260029&pro mImg=&menuType=CH&subImg=
    ①所有音乐形式和曲目的韩语拼音名称都来自以下韩国官方英文文献资料的索引部分,见'Korean cultural heritage:performing arts", Korean foundation,2004.pp.248-256.
    ①Timothy Rice, Music at the 1993 Los Angeles Marathon:An Experiment in Team Fieldwork and Urban Ethnomusicology, Musical Aesthetics and Multiculturalism in Los Angeles, Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology, volume X, (University of California, Los Angeles,1994), p.73.
    ①Nielsen, F.,"Toward a theory of Ethnic Solidarity in Modern Societies," A.S.R.,vol.50,1985, pp.133-134.转引自广田康生《移民和城市》,第63页,商务印书馆,2005年。
    ②K.C.Kim & W.M.Hurh,Adhesive Sociocultural Adaptation of Korean Immigrants in the U.S.:An Alternative Strategy of Minority Adaptation, IMR Volume,XVIII,No.2. p.188,1984.
    ①斯托克斯著,汤亚汀译《族群性,认同与音乐》刊《音乐人类学:历史思潮与方法论》,第214页,上海音乐学院出版社。原文参见:Martin Stokes, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, The Musical Construction of Place, Berg:Oxford,1994.
    ②Pyong Gap Min, "Korean Immigrants, in Los Angeles", in Ivan Light & Parminder Bhachu eds., Immigration and Entrepreneurship:culture, capital and ethnic networks, New Brunswiek,N.J:Transaction Publishers,1993, pp.185 —204.
    ①斯托克斯著,汤亚汀译《族群性,认同与音乐》刊《音乐人类学:历史思潮与方法论》,第214页,上海音乐学院出版社。原文参见:Martin Stokes, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, The Musical Construction of Place, Berg:Oxford,1994.
    ①Bruno Nettl, ed.,Eight Urban Music Culture:Tradition and Change, University of Illinois Press,1978.
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