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The hot concern cast on Korean Peninsula by major international political powers is traced back to its unique geopolitical position. Korean Peninsula lies in the northeast of Asia, with the continent at the back and the sea to other sides. Being a border zone between Asia-Europe Continent and the Pacific, it naturally becomes part of the 'Continent Heart' and the 'Sea Control Center'. That is why the hegemonies have been contending for the control of this area, as they all regard it a footboard to the control of the world. In addition, its guard at the North Korean Channel further increases its geopolitical value in the northeast Asia and even the Asian-Pacific Region, and pushes it into heated contending.
     With the disintegration of the two-extreme pattern, the North Korea and the South Korea both hold a dream of early reconciliation and unification. Since the cold war ended, the Korea Peninsula, which used to fight in the front, gradually lessens intensity: the North Korea and the South Korea convene summit meetings, the North Korea and the U.S.A. set off dialogue, and quite a few countries have established diplomatic relations with the North Korea. Though the Peninsula occasionally drops to intense atmosphere due to nuclear crisis, the bilateral relations between the North Korea and the South Korea basically develop toward reconciliation and cooperation. Under this situation, the reflection and discussion on the Peninsula's split helps to understand and analyze its current development: peace, stability and unification.
     This dissertation consists of six chapters. The first chapter explains the reason and importance of choosing the Korean Peninsula as the dissertation topic, along with the present research conditions and methodologies home and abroad. The second chapter, combs through the Peninsula issue by analyzing the historical background and points out the difficulties for solution. The third chapter is focused on the advantages and disadvantages in unification by analyzing the policies, attitude and actions taken by both the North and the South. The fourth chapter mainly illustrates the game of great powers in the process of the Peninsula's unification, and states that they are the key outer factors. The fifth chapter exerts a theoretical analysis on the prospect of the Peninsula's unification. The sixth chapter makes a brief conclusion.
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