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New changes of US Japan policy have occurred since Bush came into power, especially after“9·11”attack compared with the Clinton Government.“Japan Expectation”policy is becoming popular in Bush’s Administration after“Japan-Bashing&Passing”policy in the Clinton Government. Expanding Japan role and transforming US-Japan Alliance is one of the core objectives of the Bush Administration’s foreign policy, thus we see the unprecedented“Golden Age”of the modern US-Japan relation since it was established over 150 years ago.
     This dissertation consists of three main parts:
     The first part is principal part of the dissertation. Basing on the analyses of the Bush Administration mainstream strategic views on Japan, the author summarizes new changes of US Japan policy. For one thing,the Bush Administration is to make better use of Japan to support US hegemony by elevating Japan’s strategic status globally. For another thing, to continue and reinforce the“justness”and“legitimacy”ofUS-JapanAlliance exsistence, the Bush Administration is promoting US-Japan Alliance Transformation to a more liberal version:“Authoritative Alliance”;Besides,it is strengthening US“Authoritative”leadership in the Alliance in exchange of Japan’s more“willing”recognition as well as support for the Alliance.Both sides can face and tackle the divergence and frictions between them better than what the Clinton Government did with more strategic and global view.
     A comprehensive analysis of reasons for new changes of US Japan policy is made in the second part. Dramatic Aisa and China in the rapid developing globalization, reemerging Japan, and Gorge W. Bush as well as“Japan Stressing”school roles are all included.
     The third part analyses the impact of the new changes of US Japan policy on US-Japan relation as well as Asia-Pacific area and China.“To untie Japan is to control more,”Japan is more deeply integrated into America's globally strategic orbit in the 21st century during the process of promoting symmetrical rights and obligations between US-Japan. As for Asia-Pacific area and China, the transformation of US-Japan Alliance from traditional“threats- balance”model toward a more liberal version means challenges as well as opportunities.
     In conclusion, this dissertation provides a perspective view of the US-Japan relation development; besides, a discussion about the future“China-US-Japan”triangle relations is given. Finally, some constructive suggestions for China’s rational response to the latest developing trend of US–Japan Alliance are made.
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    ②参阅:Condoleezza Rice, “Campaign 2000:Promoting the National Interest,”Foreign Affairs 79,no.1(January/February2000),45-62;Robert B.Zoellick, “A Republican Foreign Policy,”ibid,pp.63-78.
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    ④The United States and Japan:Advancing Toward a Mature Partnership.Richard L.Armitage Joseph S.Nye,INSS Special Report,October 11,2000.
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    ⑥克林顿后期美日关系不协调的表现,详见: Michael Green “Japan: the Forgotten Player,” The National Interest, No. 60, Summer 2000
    ③王缉思等著:《美国在东亚的作用:观点?政策及影响》,时事出版社 2008 年版,第 76页。
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    ②J. Przystup and Phillip C. Saunders ,“Visions of Order: Japan and China in U.S. Strategy,” Strategic Forum(INSS), No. 220,June 2006,p1.
    ⑤The U.S.-Japan Alliance:Getting Asia Right through 2020,CSIS,Febrary2007,p14.
    ⑥Mike Mochizuki, “Paradigms Lost:Japans Nationalist Drift,”The American Interest September/October2006(Autumn,Vol.II.No.1),p88.
    ①Kenneth B. Pyle ,Japan Rising:The Resurgence of Japanese Power and Purpose NY: Public Affairs, 2007p44.
    ②Alan Dupont, “Unsheathing the Samurai Sword: Japan’s Changing Security Policy, ”Lowy Institute for International Policy ( November 23, 2004);相似观点见:布热斯津基《大抉择:美国站在十字路口》第 127 至 128 页。
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    ④The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right through 2020. CSIS, February 2007, p15.
    ⑤ibid, p26
    ①Ikenberry, G. John and Anne-Marie Slaughter (2006), “ Forging A World of Liberty under Law, ” final report of the Princeton Project on National Security. p48. http://www.wws.princeton.edu/ppns/report/FinalReport.pdf
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    ③王缉思等著:《美国在东亚的作用:观点?政策及影响》,时事出版社 2008 年版,第 69页。
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    ②Ikenberry, G. John and Anne-Marie Slaughter (2006) ,“ Forging A World of Liberty under Law, ” final report of the Princeton Project on National Security. P49. http://www.wws.princeton.edu/ppns/report/FinalReport.pdf
    ③Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right through 2020. CSIS, February 2007, p18.
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    ②Department of State Daily Press Briefing, March 24,2004 http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2004/30743.htm
    ③“美国操控中日关系走向,”香港《亚洲周刊》2005 年 9 月 18 日。
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    ⑤Robert Sutter, “China and Japan:Trouble Ahead? ” The Washington Quarterly, Autumn,2002 25:4 p 48.
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    ②Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report (Washington, DC: February 6, 2006),http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/QDR20060203.pdf. p30.
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    ⑤Brad Glosserman and Furukawa, “A New U.S.-Japan Agenda, ” Issues and Insights Vol.8, no.4 (March2008)p.v
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    ①Christopher Preble, “Two Normal Countries:Rethinking the U.S.-Japan Strategic Relationship” p2,Policy Analysis,No.566,(Cato Institute, April 182006)
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    ②Ikenberry ,and Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Forging a World of Liberty under Law,US Strategic Security inthe21st Century, ”Final Report ofthe Princeton Project on National Strategy, September 27, 2006;p49;J. Przystup and Phillip C. Saunders ,“Visions of Order: Japan and China in U.S. Strategy,” Strategic Forum(INSS), No. 220,June 2006p3.
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    ④Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right through 2020. CSIS, February 2007, p. 12.
    ⑤ibid, p. 24.
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    ①Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right through 2020. CSIS, February 2007, p. 24.
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    美国耶鲁大学东亚研究会 http://www.yale.edu/ceas/
    美国布鲁金斯学会 http://www.brookings.edu/
    美国亚洲研究局 http://www.nbr.org/
    美国传统基金会 http://www.heritage.org/
    美国企业研究所 http://www.aei.org/
    美国《国家利益》杂志 http://www.nationalinterest.org/
    美国《外交事务》杂志 http://www.foreignaffairs.org/
    《焦点日本》网站 http://www.japanfocus.org/
    “台湾安全”网站 http://taiwansecurity.org/
    日本冈崎(Hisahiko Okazaki)研究所 http://www.okazaki-inst.jp/?page_id=61
    日本外务省 http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/n-america/us/security/scc/index.html
    日本国际问题研究所 http://www.jiia.or.jp/en/publication/index.php
    日本防卫省 http://www.mod.go.jp/e/index.html
    日本防卫研究所 http:// www.nids.go.jp
    东京大学东洋文化研究所田中明彦研究室 http://avatoli.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~worldjpn/

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