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The relationship between the United States and East Asia always is the popular area in International Relations Studies, and U.S. East Asia policy have got more attention from the academic circle because of its close relation related to China's national interest under the situation of China's rising is gradually obvious in recent years. This thesis will carry on the research of the concept behind the policy's making, and try to see the future of the U.S. foreign policy towards East Asia.
     This thesis selects the U.S. concept of the regional order of East Asia which takes both policy and the idea dual meaning to study while carrying on the research toward the U.S. East Asia policy. This concept contained the view on the setting up and transforming of the East Asia's regional order holding by the United States. The U.S policy on East Asia and the point view holding by the different schools in the academic circle in United States both can be used in this research. We can achieve purpose which was set up in the beginning of this research by analyze the concept and the view behind the policy made by the government.
     The first part explains the basic concept which contains order, regional order in this research, and introduces the logic of this thesis. In this research, the regional order can not be seen as the brief performance of international order at region scope. The concept of the regional order is a method, provision, arrangement and system on dealing with the interacting between nations. It involves diplomacy, economy, military, law inside the region, society etc. And it emphasizes the importance of the geopolitics and the region norms of the value and culture compared with the international order.
     The second part discusses the international environment of the development of the U.S. concept of the regional order in East Asia. The international environment has the function of fostering and shaping on a country's political idea and the foreign policy. This thesis made use of a great deal of data to make conclusion that the regional order of East Asia is in the America's semi-hegemony. This kind of realistic structure and form controls the United States policy in East Asia always along the tradition realism route development. It emphasize the great power and balance of power, and then pay attention to strengthen a predominant region mechanism construction from the United States, with this prevent from rising big power of challenge and push forward an American benefits in that region of maintenance.
     The third part discusses the decisive significance which the U.S. grand strategy takes to the object in this thesis. The United States' grand strategy is the tallest layer of national security and development strategy influencing its diplomacy principle and policy deeply. The America's grand strategy contains a pack of concept such as realism, liberalism, new conservatism, isolationism etc. In East Asia, traditional realism is always been in the essential position of long-term making a important function on shaping a stable regional order in East Asia. Valuing balancing of power, fostering the region cooperation regimes had become the distinctly characteristic of the U.S. concept of regional order in East Asia.
     The evolution of regional order of East Asia is subjected to the predominance of this outside big power in the region by the United States. This progress will keep on very long period. Under the circumstance that American predominance and decision in East Asia not change, only big power's rising will cause the regional power structure's changing and the development of doctrine in East Asia can at basically influence this kind of evolution of history progress.
[1]代表作有;[美]约翰·伊肯伯里主编:《美国无敌:均势的未来》,韩召颗译,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年7月版;William C.Wohlforth,"The Stability of a Unipolar World",International Security,Vol.24,No.1(Summer 1999),pp.5-41.
    [1]代表著作有:David Shambaugh,"China Engages Asia Reshaping the Regional Order",International Security,Vol.29,No.3(Winter 2004/05),pp.64-99.;Robert S.Ross,"The Geography of the Peace:East Asia in the Twenty-1 st Century",International Security,Vol.23,No.4(Spring 1999),pp.81-118.
    [2]Robert S.Ross,"The Geography of the Peace:East Asia in the Twenty-first Century",International Security,Vol.23,No.4(Spring 1999),p.83.
    [3]Judy Pearsall,The New Oxford Dictionary of English.Eds.,Oxford University Press,1991,p.1305.
    [4]Hedley Bull,The Anarchical Society:A Study of Order in World Politics.New York:Columbia University Press,1977.或参见[英]赫德利·布尔:《无政府社会:世界政治秩序研究》(第二版),张小明译,北京:世界知识出版社,2003年,第2页。
    [2]Thomas J.Christensen,"Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster? The Rise of china and U.S.Policy toward East Asia",International Security Vol.31,No.1(Summer 2006),p.90.
    [3]Glen Stafford and Purnendra Jain,"Asia-Pacific and a new international order:responses and options",Australian Journal of International Affairs,Vol.59,No.3(September 2005),p.376.
    [1]Bjorn Hetten,"Globalization,The New Regionalism and East Asia",Globalism and Regionalism,http://www.unu.edu/unupress/globalism,html
    [2]Edward Cody,"China's Quiet Rise Casts Wide Shadow:East Asian Nations Cash Is on Growth",Washington Post,February 26,2005.
    [3]David Shambaugh,"China Engages Asia:Reshaping the Regional Order",International Security,Vol.29,No.3(Winter 2004/05),pp.64-99.
    [1]Liddell Hart,Strategy,New York:Frederick A1 Press,1967,pp.1335-3361.转引自门洪华:《冷战后美国大战略的争鸣及其启示意义》,载《太平洋学报》2003年第2期,第18页。
    [2]Barry R.Posen,Andrew L.Ross,"Competing Visions for U.S.Grand Strategy",International Security,Volume 21,Issue 3(Winter,1996-1997),p.6.
    [1]Arnold Wolfers,Discord and Collaboration:Essays on International Politics,Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1962,pp.1183-1841.转引自门洪华:《冷战后美国大战略的争鸣及其启示意义》,载《太平洋学报》2003年第2期,第22页。
    [1]Mortimer Zucherman,"A Second American Century",Foreign Affairs,May/June,1998,Vol.77,No.13,pp.19-31.
    [2]"The National Security Strategy of the United States of America",(NSS2006),The White House,March,2006,p.41.
    [3]G..John Ikenberry and Anne-Marie Slaughter,Co-Directors,Forging A World of Liberty Under Law:U.S.National Security In The 21st Century,Final Report of the Princeton Project on National Security,September 27,2006.p.48.
    [1]G.John Ikenberry and Anne-Marie Slaughter,Co-Directors,Forging A World of Liberty Under Law:U.S.National Security In The 21st Century,Final Report of the Princeton Project on National Security,September 27,2006.p.48.
    [1]关于美国大战略的讨论文本参见Barry R.Posen and Andrew L.Ross,"Competing Visions for U.S.Grand Strategy," International Security,Vol.21,No.3(Winteri996/1997),pp.5-53;Robert Art,"Geopolitics Updated:The Strategy of Selective Engagement," International Security,Vol.23,No.3(Winter 1998/ 1999),pp.79-113;Christopher Laync,"From Preponderance to Offshore Balancing:America's Future Grand Strategy,"International Security,Vol.22,No.1(Summer 1997),pp.86-124;Laync,"Rethinking American Grand Strategy," World Policy Journal,Vol.15,No.2(Summer 1995),pp.8-28;Eugene Gholz,Daryl G.Press,and Harvey M.Sapolsky,"Come Home,America:A Strategy of Restraint in the Face of Temptation," International Security,Vol.21,No.4(Spring 1997),pp.5-48;and Charles A.Kupchan,"Life after Pax-Americana," World Policy Journal,Vol.16,No.3(Fall 1999),pp.20-27.
    [1]See Richard L.Armitage,Joseph S.Nye,"The U.S.-Japan Alliance:Getting Asia Right Through 2020",February 2007.
    [3]Nicholas D.Kristol,“China's Rise,”Foreign Affairs,Vol.72,No.5(November/December1993),p.59.
    [4]有关美国作为世界唯一超级大国和崛起的中国在无政府状态下的国际体系中关系的最新理论论述,参见Barry Buzan,The United S totes and the Great Powers:World Politics in the Twenty2FirstCentury(Cambridge:Polity Press,2004);G.John.Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno,eds.,International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific(New York:Columbia University Press.2003).
    [1]有关这方面的研究,最有代表性成果有:Thomas J.Christensen and Jack Snyder.“Predicting Alliance Pattern,”International Organization,Vol.44,No.2(Sp ring 1990),p.168;John Mearsheimer,“Back to the Future:Instability in Europe after the Cold War,”International Security,Vol.15,No.1(Summer 1990),pp.5-56.
    [2]Aaron Friedberg,"Ripe for Rivalry:Prospects for Peace in a Multipolar Asia," International Security,Vol.18,No.3(Winter 1993/1994),p.7.
    [3]Michael Cox,US Foreign Policy after the Cold War:Superpower without a Mission?(London:Chatham House Papers,1996),pp.100-101.转引自朱锋:《“中国崛起”与“中国威胁”--美国“意象”的由来》,载《美国研究》2005年第3期,第50-56页。
    [1]Editorial,"Emerging China," Washington Post,July 10,2005.
    [2]Irving Kristoi,"The Map of the World Has Changed",in Wall Street Journal,January 3,1990;Irving Kristoi,"In Search of Our National Interest",in Wall Street Journal,June 7.1990.
    [4]Ellen L.Frost,"U.S.Policy Responses to East Asian Regionalism”,in Zhang Yunling,ed.,Emerging East Asian Regionalism:Trend and Response,Beiiing:WorId Affairs Prcss,2005,p.333.
    [1]Morton Abramowitz and Stephen Boswonh,Chasing the Sun:Rethinking East Asian Policy,New York.The Centur),Foundation Press,2006,p.136.转引自张小明:《美国与东亚国际体系的变迁》,载《国际政治研究》2007年第2期,第112页。
    [1]Mark R.Brawley,"The Political Economy of Balance of Power Theory," in T.V.Paul,ed.,Balance of Power:theory and practice in the 21st century,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,2004,p.81.
    [2]G.John lkenberry,"Strategic Reactions to American Preeminence:Great Power Politics in the Age of Unipolarity",The National Intelligence Council Report.July 28.2003.
    [2]Rosemary Foot,"China in the ASEAN Regional Forum:Organizational Processes and Domestic Modes of Thought," Asian Survey,Voi.38,No.5(May 1998),pp.425-440.
    [3]Allen Carlson,Unifying China,Integrating with the World." Securing Chinese Sovereignty in the Reform Era (Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,2005),pp.89-90.
    [1]Joseph Nye,Jr.,"East Asian Security:The Case for Engagement",Foreign Affairs.July/August,1995,p.55.
    [2]G.John Ikenberry,"America and East Asia",Report at the fiscal 2003 annual convention of the Japan Association for Asian Studies(JAAS),held at the Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall in Tokyo,November 8,2003.p.21.
    [3]See Eric Teo Chu Cheow,"China as the Center of Asian Economic Integration," China Brief.Vol.4,No.15(July 22,2004).http://www.jamestown.org/publications_details.php?volume_id?395&issue_id_ 3025&article_id_2368296.
    [4]Bates Gill,"China's Growth as a Regional Economic Power:Impacts and Imp lications,"presented before the U.S.- China Economic and Security Review Commission,Dec.4,2003,http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2003hearings/written_testimonies/031204bios/batsgiil,htm
    [5]Kelly,"United States Policy toward China:A Timely Restatement," NBR Analysis,Vol.16,No.4(December 2005),p.30.
    [6]柯庆生:“美中外交关系现状”,2007年2月在美中经济与安全审议委员会听证会上的证词,http://usinfo.state.gov/xarehives/disp lay.html?p=pubs-chinese&y=2007&m=February&x=20070307154842 ibnij. 4213678.
    [2]Thomas J.Christensen,"Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster?",p.108.
    [3]Alastair lain Johnston and Paul Evans,"China's Engagement with Multilateral Security Organizations," in Johnston and Robert S.Ross,eds.,Engaging China:The Management of an Emerging Power(New York:Routledge,1999),pp.258-260.
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    72、Barry R.Posen and Andrew L.Ross,"Competing Visions for U.S.Grand Strategy", International Security, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Winter 1996/1997), pp. 5-53.
    73 Robert S. Chase, Emily B. Hill, and Paul Kennedy, "Pivotal States and U. S. Strategy", Foreign Affairs, January/ February 1996.
    74 Hugh De Santis, "Mutualism: An America's strategy for the Next Century", World Policy Journal (Winter 1998/1999), pp. 41 - 52.
    75 Robert S. Ross, "The Geography of the Peace: East Asia in the Twenty-1st Century", International Security, Vol. 23, No. 4 (Spring 1999), pp. 81 - 118.
    76 Glen Stafford and Purnendra Jain, "Asia Pacific and a new international order: responses and options" , Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 375-381, September 2005.
    77 Aaron L. Friedberg, "Ripe for Rivalry: Prospects for Peace in a Multipolar Asia", International Security, Vol. 18, No. 3. (Winter, 1993-1994), pp. 5-33.
    78 Eric Heginbotham; Christopher P Twomey, "America's Bismarckian Asia Policy", Current History, Sep 2005, p. 243.
    79 Alastair Iain Johnston, "Is China a Status Quo Power?", International Security, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Spring 2003), pp. 5-56.
    80 Richard K. Betts, "Is Strategy an Illusion?", International Security, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Fall 2000), pp. 5-50.
    81 Kenneth N. Waltz, "Structural Realism after the Cold War", International Security, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Summer 2000), pp. 5-41.
    82 Aaron L. Friedberg, "The Future of U.S.-China Relations: Is Conflict Inevitable?", International Security, Vol. 30, No. 2 (Fall 2005), pp. 7-45.
    83 Thomas J. Christensen, "Will China Become a "Responsible Stakeholder"? The Six Party Talks, Taiwan Arms Sales, and Sino-Japanese Relations", China Leadership Monitor, No. 16, pp. 1-11.
    84 Sean M.Lynn-Jones, "Realism and America's Rise: A Review Essay", International Security, Vol. 23, No. 2 all 19981, pp. 157-182.
    85 Richard L. Armitage, Joseph S. Nye, "The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right Through 2020", February 2007, pp. 1-28.

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