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Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of measuing the glomerular filtrtion rate with ~(99)Tc—DTPA (Gates method) to obtain GFR.
     Methods: Select one hundred and four patient of diabebets nephropathy previously and range them examination group. Those patient accord with diagnosticate standard of non insulin dependentdiabetesmellitus of WHO. Wo eliminate some influence diathesis, for example acute badness of nephridium function、oedema、deformity and wangting hesrt function. These researched patient we do include sixty male and fourty-four female, from twenty-one to eighty years, them average age is fourty-six and third years. We dispart these patient four group dissimilitude, the average course of disease is (11.9±4.5) ages. We make use of ~(99)Tc—DTPA to chick sixty-four patient of internal medicine range again. We phlebotomize thest patient to examine BUN and SCr at the same time nuclide examination and before and after a day. This work is need to register them avoirdupois and stature before the examination. A 3 mci(111MBq)/0.5 ml dose of 99mTc—DTPA was injected as a bolus in an antecubital vein. Renal scintigraphic images were collected immediately and the images were processed according to standard procedure to obine GFR. We describe nephridium function images background make use of region of interested (ROI). Draw the outline of nephridium alonge skinniness. The background of ROI is located belowe nephridium.
     Our research outcome come from GFR and BUN and SCr of in-patient of disparate nephridium function. These compare rates include also GFR of therapy range to take Chinese traditional medicine up and down.
     Results: The value of GFR obted form Gated method accorded with the renal function, and han negative correlation with BUN and SCr. The GFR of azotimia of renal dynamic imaging、prophase of uremic、uremic is (61.5±27.6)、(50.1±18.3)、(20.7±12.4). The GFR of taking Chinese traditional medicine up and down is (50.1±2.3)、(92.0±1.2),the connection of both is(p<0.05).
     Conclusion:The patient of forepart diabetes nephropathy exhibition nephridium guomerolos high transir. These things happen in five years of diabetes nephropathy except albuminuria. The more short of course of disease, the more evidence of GFR. GFR is sensitive on observing renal function. It can evaluate the function of ill kidney and estimate residual renal function after excision. Gates method is acceptable fore evaluating the GFR in patients with normal to moderately diminished renal function, bur it is less precise in those with severe renal insufficiency.
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