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溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis UC简称溃结)是一种病因未明的结肠粘膜炎症。多为慢性过程,患者病情轻重不一,以腹泻、脓血或粘液便、腹痛、里急后重为主要症状。病程迁延,症状反复,被世界卫生组织列为现代难治性疾病之一。本病在欧美国家十分常见,我国通过多中心回顾性调查近14年溃结病例,显示我国溃结发病正呈逐年上升趋势。目前溃结病因尚不十分明确,现代医学认为遗传、感染、免疫、心理及环境因素与溃结发病有一定关系,氨基水杨酸类、皮质激素、免疫抑制剂等为主要治疗药物,但存在明显副作用。
The Research of experience on the influence of "YU CHANG TANG" toUlcerative Colitis Mouse
     Specialty: internal medicine of TCM Graduate student: Wang xiliGuiding teacher: Professor Shi yan
     Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is one kind of inflammation of unknownreason of colitis. The course is mostly chronic .Some patients areserve, and some patients are not. The main symptoms are diarrhea,stool of pus and blood or sticky fluid, pain of abdomen and tenesmus,it is called one of diseases that are difficult to cure by WHO.Itis common in Europe and America, and incidence of disease isincreasing these years in our country. Now the reason of the diseaseis not very clear. Modern medicine think that there is somerelationships between heredity, infection, immunity, psychology andthe reason of the disease. The main treating medicines areaminosalicylic acid, corticotropin and immunosuppressivepreparation and so on , but the side-effect are obvious.
     TCM think that the reasons of UC mainly are six-excess externalcontraction, dietary irregularities, disfunction of affect-mind,and taxation fatigue internal injury, etc. The main reason isspleen vacuity. Many reasons cause spleen failing to move andtransform, damp-heat brewing in the intestines, large intestinesfailing to conveyance, the network vessels of intestines, rottenblood and meat, at last being ulceration. The ways by taken orally,enema, internal and external treating and acupuncture treating UChave achieved curative effect. So the key question on improving theclinic curative effect and resisting recurrence is finding out the reason, pathomechanism and rules of patterns and treating of TCMof UC. The essay put forward that disfunction of the lung and spleen,phlegm-stasis obstructing the network vessels is one ofpathomechanisms based on the theory of TCM, modern research andclinic experience. It thinks that disfunction of the lung and spleenis the root of the disease, and phlegm-stasis obstructing the networkvessels is the tip. Through the theory it put forward the method ofdiffusing the lung and fortifying the spleen, transforming phlegmand moving stasis. Diffusing the lung make it recover the functionof promoting diffusion and depurativing downbearing, andfortifying the spleen make it recover fortifying and transforming.So the liquid can transporting and the blood can unobstruct with thenormal function of lung promote the large intestine recover thefunction of conveyance. Because phlegm and stasis are sticky, asdiffusing the lung and fortifying the spleen treat the root,transforming phlegm and moving stasis treat the tip. The aid oftreating UC is strengthening the spleen and lung, dispelling thephlegm-stasis. At the same time researching the theory ofpathomechanism of UC and the systematic experiments that testify thetheory is established. Hoping that will be good to probe how totreating diseases difficult to cure by TCM.
     The experience is divided into five parts. Fromimmunohistochemistry, tissue morphology, biological chemistry andmolecular biology etc we discuss the reason of disfunction of thelung and spleen, phlegm-stasis obstructing the network vessels. Fromthe cells, hemorheology, apoptosis of epithelial cells of intestineetc we discuss the mechanism of Yuchang tang.
     1 the influence of Yuchang tang to tissue morphology of intestineof UC mouse
     We discuss the influence of Yuchang tang to tissue morphology ofintestine of UC mouse by observing it. UC model group showedintestinal membrane edema, ulcer, corrupt and the invasion ofinflammation cells and leukocytes. Yuchang tang group showedintestinal membrane little edema, do not ulcer and corrupt. Thereare some invasions of lymphatic cells, plasmacells and EOS. It showedthat Yuchang tang is good to UC.
     2 the influence of Yuchang tang to oxygen radicals of intestineof UC mouse
     We discuss the relationships between phlegm and UC, and themechanism of Yuchang tang to UC by studying MDA, the activity of SODof UC mouse. The result is that MDA of Yuchang tang group is morethan model group, and the activity of SOD is stronger It shows thatYuchang tang can do away with phlegm evil and oxygen radicals, andprotect the membrane of intestine. The mechanism maybe is that phlegmis the reason of the disease, and the good way of Yuchang tang toUC is doing away with phlegm evil and oxygen radicals.
     3 the influence of Yuchang tang to hemorheology of intestine ofUC mouse
     We discuss the relationship of stasis between UC and the mechanismof Yuchang tang to UC by studying the blood. It shows that Yuchangtang can quicken the blood and transform stasis, lessen the harm oftissue ofintestine. It shows that stasismaybe is the reason of UC,and the mechanism of Yuchang tang to UC is quickening the blood andtransforming stasis.
     4 the influence of Yuchang tang to apoptosis of epithelial cellsof intestine of UC mouse
     We discuss the relationship between spleen vacunity and theprotection of membrane of mouse intestine by studying apoptosis of epithelial cells of intestine of UC mouse. The epithelial cells ofintestine of UC mouse of model group is quicken, the expression ofprotein Bcl-2 is lessen, the expression of protein Bax is higher.It shows that spleen vacunity maybe is the reason of UC, and themechanism of Yuchang tang to UC is supplementing spleenqi, raisingright qi, lesseningapoptosis of epithelial cells of intestine andprotecting the membrane of intestine.
     5 the influence of Yuchang tang to expression of TNF-αproteinand mRNA of intestinal tissue of UC mouse
     We discussed the relationship between vacunity of spleen,inhibition of lung qi and the reason of UC and the mechanism ofYuchang tang to UC through the research of expression of TNF-αprotein and mRNA of intestinal tissue of UC mouse. The result shownthat the expression of protein TNF-αand TNF-αmRNA promoted ingroup of model, and that dropped in group of Yuchang tang. It shownthat Yuchang tang can recover the function of the lung and spleen,regulate the immunity and protect the membrane of intestine. It shownthat there is close relationship between vacunity of spleen,inhibition of lung qi and the reason of UC. The mechanism of Yuchangtang to UC maybe is recovering right qi, reducing the expression ofinflammation factor and reducing the harm of intestinal membrane.
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