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As the development of computer technique and Artificial Intelligence, the exam
     paper generating system is more and more paid attention to by a lot of scientists. It
     not only comes down to the establish of mathematics model, but also relates to the
     applied arithmetic. The author analyzes a great deal of articles, based on Genetic
     Arithmetic, aiming at the Auto generating exam paper question of examination
     system, builds a suitable mathematics model. At the same time, use the properties of
     Genetic Arithmetic of full-selecting-excellent and intelligence searching, so we can
     obtain a satisfying test papers from test storeroom. We also use Faintness theory and
     auto feedback to research test questions attribute guidelines as the difficulty value,
     then the value of difficulty can be altered dynamic. On the base of these work, the
     author made a programme of testing, managing, grading system using
     the exam paper generating system refers to lots of theories itself, the author
     mainly use Genetic Algorithm to research a algorithm to settle the questions of test
     system, and how to confirm property values of test question storeroom. Because of
     the importance of algorithm on intelligence teaching system theory research and fact
     applying, our research is necessary, it is the basis of building a perfect system about
     Intelligence Computer Assisted Instruction.
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