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  • 英文题名:Open to Self-construction
  • 副题名:关于研究性学习的研究
  • 英文副题名:A Research on Research-based Learning
  • 作者:王海澜
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:课程与教学论
  • 学位年度:2002
  • 导师:高文
  • 学科代码:040102
  • 学位授予单位:华东师范大学
  • 论文提交日期:2002-10-01
    J 而且上海研究性学习的开展较为普及,因此本文就以上海为例,首先分析专题研
    足 学习的发展去向。可以得出这样的结论:研究性学习虽然普遍展开,但存在着多
     学习” 或“研究型课程”的实践策略,还是协调不了传统教学与研究性学习两_
    八 第六章对本文的基本观点进行归纳,其中包括已经解决的问题、可能引起_
That the research-based learning becomes this paper' objective is based mainly on the following reasons:
    Firstly,the research-based learning is a new project in present. It requires us to make greater efforts altogether.
    Secondly,the concrete practice of research-based learning""demands the responding theoretical guide. Because of the governmental promotion,research-based learning has been practiced vigorously,but the theoretical research about it is relatively behind the practice. Although the articles being named research-based learning has mushroomed,the majority is the summary about the practical experiences,lack of the thorough exploration about the theoretical framework of research-based learning. A great number of the practices are becoming gradually superficial and formalistic due to lack of the advanced theories.
    Thirdly,theoretical research about the research-based learning must be intensified. Both the theoretical researchers and practical persons hold the same opinions that the "research-based learning" course and the discipline courses should be stood side by side,thus the curricular structure of high schools shows itself a dualistic pattern <> But The dualistic curricular structure creates a dilemma for the survival of research-based course,driving research-based course to face a danger of dying out 9
    The purpose of this paper is to focus on constructing macro research-based learning system,which the focus is on exploiting the discipline-based research-oriented courses and on its learning activities,at the same time .considering the present research-oriented course and its learning activities. The present research-oriented course is based its starting point on projectsN special topics and problem. Namely,materials for learning and research are organized around projects % special topics and problem and so on. Discipline-based research-oriented courses mean to organize core content in discipline into projects> special topics and problem in the presence of the existing discipline structure not being altered. Because starting point of this kind of courses is core contents of discipline rather than projects or problems,I call it as discipline-based research-oriented courses. Obviously,two kind forms of course have different starting point and train of thought. However,the students'learning activities has cente
    red on the projects> special topics or problems.
    Base on forenamed different starting point,the author attempts to redefine research-based learning.
    The paper's basic train of thought is:at first,to reveal the inevitability of:research-based learning through probeing into its developmental traits;afterwards,to analysis its current situation in purpose of showing its significance and its predicament.Around research-based learning's predicament,the thesis tries to point out clearly a new road of promoting research-based learning. Following,the author analyses the relevant theories and its views.lastly,based on the new theory and new views,the paper elaborates the possibility and its basic frame of exploiting Discipline-based research-oriented courses.
    There are five chapters in this paper:
    The first chapter "introduction" mainly explains the reasons of researching research-based learning,and introduces the existing research literature and points out their basic features:clinging a dualistic pattern in curricular structure for high school. Further,this chapter brings forward the core problem,namely constructing research-based macro learning and curricular system.
    I.The second chapter "historical background of research-based leamin-gSrto reveal the inevitability of research-based learning.
    The third chapter " practical look-through about research-based learning" includes three parts:the implementation of the research-based learning and discipline-based research-based learning;correlative problems about developmental orientation of research-based learning.
    The fourth chapter "theoretic discourse about research-based learning" explores its theoretic premises and hypotheses,includ
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