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With the more severe problem of energy short and environment pollution, Chinese government increase the work power for energy efficiency and emission reduction and civil building region becomes the key point of energy efficiency and emission reduction. China building energy efficient work starts in the beginning of 1980’s, which is pushed by government’s administrative and compulsive measures. Therefore, it becomes the key research point that how to play the role of government’s macro regulating and controlling to induce the market agent’s enthusiasm and active for that market agent is absent of enthusiasm of voluntary investment and building energy efficient work is pushed slowly. The study deeply analyzes the system obstacle for building energy efficiency (BEE) in China and makes research on how to effectively promote the development of building energy efficient work by fiscal policy. It adopts the method with combining quantitative and qualitative research method. Get some results with much reference value on establish fiscal policy. The study contents are as followings.
     From the practice, analyze the requirement of fiscal policy of BEE in China, and propose the necessary and importance of research problem. In China, there is the condition of big energy consumption, low energy efficiency and serious pollution in building energy consumption. At the same time, it quickens energy utilization requirement that quickly development of city, improvement of resident consuming level, changing energy utilization frame in country, adjustment of industry structure and other factors. The study qualitatively analyzes the requirement of energy efficiency in China. And through analyzing and forecasting the influent factors of building energy utilization requirement and building energy efficiency, establish dynamic evaluation model of energy efficient potential ability. Quantitative analysis result proved that there is big potential ability in BEE. Analyze the development condition and existing system obstacle of BEE in China in detail. Through analyzing the existing problem, propose that absence of fiscal policy of BEE is one of important factors of slowly propelling BEE. Comment on the problem of implement condition of fiscal policy of BEE and absence of incentive role, and propose the necessary and important meaning of researching on policy.
     Combination with theory analysis and experience references, research on the problem of government orientation on fiscal policy of BEE in China. Using externality theory of public finance theory, analyze the market equilibrium condition departure with optimized social collocation by positive externality of building energy efficient investment and market failure. At the same time, analyze the incentive role of tax credit, fiscal subsidy and other policy measures to propelling energy efficiency and restricting non-energy-efficient behavior, and propose the effectiveness of fiscal policy propelling BEE. In macro-level, analyze cost and benefit of implementing fiscal policy of BEE, construct the index system of cost and benefit of policy, and evaluate macro-economic performance of policy implement. Utilizing public goods theory, analyze the quasi-public goods characteristics of building energy efficient goods and reason of absent of implement agents. Reference on the experience of implementing fiscal policy of BEE in foreign country and China, analyze the government behavior orientation by critical quality model.
     Design fiscal policy system of BEE to market agents. According the theory of mechanism design, design fiscal policy should satisfy with participant restriction and incentive compatible restriction so as to induce market agent to select total social aim under the self principle. On the basis of confirming aim and key fields of fiscal policy of BEE, utilize supply and demand theory to analyze the condition and tendency of building energy efficient goods market, and refer that investment decision on supply sides of building goods has the bigger determinative role to BEE. Through establishing evolutionary game model with bounded rationality between developers and consumers, the proportion energy efficient building established by developers and purchased by consumers are goods that the market is tend to optimized equilibrium. Government can select fiscal policy measure through evolutionary study speed of two groups. Through establish evolutionary game model with rationality between government and developers, analyze the theory basis of government selecting incentive degree of fiscal policy. On the basis of following research, propose the fiscal policy scheme including new building energy efficiency, existing building energy efficient retrofit and renewable energy applied in building.
     Establish investment game model between central government and local government, prove that regional difference has the influence on game result, carve up the regional difference of BEE in China, and propose suggestions on selecting different fiscal policy according to the regional characteristics. According to the national condition of wide field and big regional difference, analyze the different index of data on special checking on BEE, refer that there are big difference in basis condition on having building energy efficient work so as to un-balanced development. Analyze the economic factor influencing BEE, basic factor of existing building energy efficient work, energy factor, building energy consumption factor and other factors, utilize principal component analysis and system clustering analysis method to carve up the regional practical condition of each province taking building energy efficient work. And propose the corresponding fiscal policy suggestions according to the region carving results according to the result of regional carving.
     According the research contents, select Shanghai as the experimental analysis object, analyze energy consumption condition and energy efficient potential in Shanghai. And comment on the condition of fiscal policy of BEE. Considering the region characteristics of Shanghai, optimized design fiscal policy, and forecast the economic, social and environmental benefit.
     Research on fiscal policy for BEE is good for government fully playing the macro regulating and controlling function, inducing the energy efficient investment behavior of market agent by economic lever. Effectively utilize fiscal policy measures, fully utilize financial capital, take the role of market mechanism, and fully dig energy efficient potential in building field. Realize the general macro economic benefit including social benefit and environmental benefit, general energy efficient aims and energy sustainable development.
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