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Process industry involves many industries,for example chemical industry,metallurgical industry,energy industry,nuclear power industry as well as petroleum industry and so on,which has contained the majority heavy industries. These industries have something great in destroying resources,environment and ecosystem. With the emissions standard becoming increasingly strict,this kind of industry's pollution treament duty becomes more and more heavy. The source of solving these problems lies in analyzing the envirommental effects of developing activities,puting environment into overall policy-making and realize the integration conception of the process industry(department)development strategic policy. Following this idea, this article chooses process industry strategic environmental assessment(PISEA) as its target,and the development strategy of boron resources,which is a kind of specialized chemical engineering resource(minerals),as the actual industry background,carrying out the corresponding theoretical research and the practice exploration. It's goal is to provide the synthesis management of the industry(department) development with a kind of the technical support of the environmental management dimension,realizing the sustainable development way of process industry.
     Firstly,On the basis of totally analysis of the evolution advancement of the strategic environmental assessment and the present domestic and foreign situation of development and the tendency,we propose the feasibility and the practical significance of carrying out strategic environmental assessment in process industries. At the same time,analyze the special theoretical structure of stratic environmental evaluation of process industry. By the view of the technical philosophy,we comprehensively analyze some essential attributes of PISEA. for example,the subject and the object,the goal and the standard,the content and the methods and so on. In this sense,we propose some principles in carrying out PISEA.
     Summarizing the boron resources development leads to the resources and environment questions. Taking dissipative structure and industry ecology theory as the starting point,we comprehensively analyze the mechanism of the dissipative structure of process industrial exploitation system and it's apparent attributes and propose the inevitability of ecological tendency of process industrial exploitation system. On this base,we systematically analyze the ecosystem characteristics as well as the strategy characteristics of process industrial exploitation;Meanwhile we research and study the occurrance mechanism of the strategical environmental effects of process industrial exploitation.
     Secondly,Based on dissipative structure and industry ecology theory,construct a methodological framework and technical architecture of PISEA. it is an excellent reference in promoting theory research and practice to our industry environmental impact assessment. The content frame of PISEA takes the entire process,the multi-level as the basic characteristics,namely including the present situation assessement, the review assessement and the retrospective assessement. It systematically summarizes the key techonology of PISEA,including the present environment situation assessement,the review assessment,the environmental impact assessment of the power flows of process industry exploitation strategy,the society-economy-culture system influence assessement,the environmental risk assessment,the alternative plan and the related policy-making support assessetment technology of process industry exploitation strategy and so on. It explains the concept attributes respectively,the ultimate goal and the method formation separately,making the environment assessment method system of the process industry strategy to be richer.
     At last,We research the case of our country's boron resources. Taking the boron-iron mine development process in Liaodong of the northeast as the actual case,we have an empirical study about the profession strategy environment assessement,which provides the reference for the process industry strategy environment assessment practice.Moreover,the method system of the process industry strategy environment assessment is applied to the resources consumption of the industry ecology park of the boron industry and the process of the environmental impact analysis. On this foundation,we propose the the preliminary frame of the ecology park plan design of the boron industry(the boron industry ecology park involves many leading technology,which are the technical ways of the manufacture and application of boron-iron mine,the boric acid and the borate). By analying the real case,we examine the theories and the method system of PISEA to instruct the process industry exploitation practice.
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