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    李西军 铁高压熔化线研究2000.4
     单位是*比,c.的单位是Ms,表明在该压力区,多孔铁具有固体性质:在阶157 GPGP。
     区测得的是体声速C旷 表明该压力区多孔铁己转变为液体。因此,可以把该多孔铁
     *)根据 Tan等人提出的金属样品发生熔化情况下的界面温度模型,用模型计算和实
Recently, one of the hot topics on the physical property studies of the materials in the earth deep
     interior is: it seems there is a gap between the melting temperatures of iron obtained by the shock
     compression (SC) method, measured at the pressures of PH>200GPa and extrapolating it to the lower
     pressure region, and those obtained by diamond anvil cell (DAC) method, measured at the pressure of
     p<200GPa and extrapolating it to the higher pressure region. Strictly speaking, the former is higher
     than the latter, and the difference can not be explained as experimental error. This is an important
     issue because it constraints the thermal structure of the earth core, and therefore, influences upon the
     geomagnetic field characteristics and even related to the mantle convection. In this dissertation, we
     attempt to utilize the specific property of the shock temperature of porous sample is higher than that
     of non-porous ones to directly measure the melting temperatures of iron by SC method in the region
     of p<200GPa. And use them to testify whether the above-mentioned gap between the SC
     extrapolation and the DAC measurements is true since one may doubt about the reliability of SC
     extrapolation. If so. we will try to resolve this gap as the physical phenomena based on the recent
     developed theories of melting of solids.
     Based on experimental results and analysis, some new data and new understanding obtained in this
     dissertation can be summarized as follows:
     (1) A comparative systematic discussion and comment have been made on the interface temperature
     solution since they are important to the data processing in shock temperature determination. In
     this regard, a commonly used solution given by Grover and Urtiew from the Fourier heat
     conduction model is believed to be a fairly good approximation. But there are two results in this
     model: One is the physical non-consistency, i.e. infinite thermal wave velocity implicated in the
     model contradicts larger shock wave speed than the heat transfer speed assumed in the model; the
     other is to determine the shock temperature, one should know the thermal properties of related
     materials at high pressures and high temperatures, but this quantities are not obtainable at such
     extreme conditions. So, we reviewed the non-Fourier heat conduction model solution, heat
     resistance model solution and apparent initial interface temperature speak solution due to the
     finite optical thickness of the shocked metallic samples proposed b Tang et al.. Though the
     physical essences of the three models are different with each other, these solution indicates a
     initial interface temperature speak, which corresponds to the release temperature; in 10 ns or more,
     it will decays to a plateau, which corresponds to the solution proposed by Grover and Urtiew. In
     other words, Grover model is reasonable only if the temperature measurement system is of the
     time resolution 1 0-2Ons. But according the later three models, release temperature of metals in
     shock experiments can be directly obtained (within the accuracy of 95%), only if the measurement
     system is of time resolution Ins.
     (2) The technical basis or measuring melting temperature is the shock temperature determination. In
     the shock temperature data processing, an important parameter, namely Greisen ratio y, is also
     required. For this reason, we have measured the Hugoniot Equation of state (EOS) of a kind of
     porous iron with average initial density Poo=6904 glcm3. The results of the shock velocity relation
     can be fitted as D2.997+ 1 .603u.,, (knils), where D and u is the measured shock wave speed and
     the calculate
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