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     结果:1、注射STZ 48-72小时后大鼠开始出现多尿、多饮症状,并伴有活动减少。2、糖尿病大鼠较正常对照组血糖明显升高,尿量明显增加,体重明显减轻,在各个时间点上均具有统计学意义;两组24小时尿蛋白排出量、肾重/体重、肌酐清除率均有显著性差异。3、不同时间点亚组间比较:正常对照组血糖、尿量无明显差异,体重随时间延长逐渐增加;糖尿病组各时间点上大鼠体重随时间延长未见明显增加,血糖及尿量组间有所差异,但并未体现出具有一定规律的变化趋势。正常组大鼠24小时尿蛋白排出量、肾重/体重、肌酐清除率均无明显差异,DM组24小时尿蛋白排出量呈现出随病程延长逐渐增加的趋势;肾重/体重各时间点上有差异,但未见明显的随病程进展的变化趋势;肌酐清除率呈现先上升后下降的趋势。4、光镜下,NC组大鼠肾小球结构正常,DN可见肾小球基底膜增厚,而部分DM组大鼠仅见肾小球肿胀,而无明显的基底膜增厚。随病程进展未见DM大鼠肾脏有时间特异特征性病理学改变,但随病程进展出现的肾脏病变程度不同,基底膜增厚的程度逐渐加重,并且出现明显肾脏病理性变化的大鼠的数目渐增多。
PartⅠEstablishment of diabetic rats model and identification early diabetic nephropathy
     Objective To establish a experimental diabetic rats model observe and identify the early kidney damage features and change trend during desease process in order to provide a good experimental model for the Study of metabonomics.
     Methods(1) 84 health SD rats were divided into normal NC group and DM group. Intraperitoneal injection of STZ for latter,abdominal aortic blood before take away the kidney at 4,8,12,16,20 and 24 weeks respectively.(2) Determine body weight,blood glucose,24-hour urinary protein,Ccr and KW/BW.(3) Renal morphology observed by light microscopy.
     Results 1) symptoms of more urine and drink and activities reduction appear after STZ injection 48-72 hours.2 random blood glucose higher than 16.7 mmol/L,defined as diabetes.2) diabetes mellitus model rats charactered as increased blood sugar and urine output,reduced body weight;between the two groups 24-hour urinary protein excretion, KW/BW,Ccr were significantly different.3) at different time points:no significant difference in blood sugar,urine and body weight at different time points in NC group,;DM group rats weight,blood glucose,urine have no a marked increase during the process. Normal rats 24-hour urinary protein excretion,KW/BW,Ccr had no significant difference, 24-hour urinary protein excretion show a gradual increase with disease proceeding in the model group,and KW/BW in each time point are different,but no obvious trend,Ccr show increase first and decline in 16 weeks.4) glomerular structure in NC is normal,and glomerular basement membrane thickening,in DN.some DM rats glomerular only see swelling,but no obvious thickening of the basement membrane.
     Conclusion Intraperitoneal-injection-STZ-induced diabetic rats is a successful model.In the course of 24 weeks,24-hour urinary protein excretion and creatinine clearance rate changes regularly.Therefore,STZ-induced diabetic rat model can be used as study of early diabetic kidney damage ideal animal model.
     PartⅡMetabonomics on early diabetic nephropathy
     Objective:To find diabetes and early diabetic kidney damage characteristic metabolites through Metabonomic Analysis.
     Methods:(1)Samples collection same to the first part.(2) detect all small molecule metabolites by LC/MS,analysis data by PLS-DA,and selected some metabolites based on a structure identification in the end.(3)According to the metabolites,combinating SVM,establish early renal damage of diabetic rats prediction model.
     Results:1) metabolites are difference between NC and DM group.There are quality mumber of 588.323,566.339,540.321,568.353,303.229,554.341,564.321,339.228, 327.229 are selected respectively,.2) more than 10 diabetic nephropathy early renal damage makers are selected and HEME and 5-acetyl-propionate are indentified by structure analysis.3) the 28 suspected diagnosis of early diabetic kidney damage in rats forecast results are coincidence with the pathological diagnosis with 82.7%by disease prediction model established.
     Conclusion:Metabonomics is a good technology to study diabetic kidney damage HEME and 5-Amino are different significantly before and after disease,they may play an important role in early diabetic nephropathy.
     PartⅢProtection of Tongluo Recipe on early diabetic kidney damage
     Objective:compare Tongluo Recipe effection between two groups,and find possible mechanism of protection for diabetic nephropathy.
     Methods:1) Experimental animals 48,including two groups of 12W and 24W respectively, each one include NC Group 6,DM Group 8,TL Group10.Preventive group rats were administrated TLR immediately after glucose increasing,,while therapeutic group rats start to drug in the 12 weeks after the successful model set up.Determination of 24- hour urinary protein excretion,KW/BW,Ccr,and light microscopy HE staining histopathological examination,and metabonomics analysis.
     Results:1) Preventive and therapeutic drug intervention on early kidney damage in diabetic rats,show the improvement on urinary protein,Ccr,and KW/BW.Efeect of prevetion treatment is better than therapeutic intervention.2) Whether preventive or therapeutic intervention,metabolites of intervention and DM group are different in spectrum.
     Conclusion:1) Preventive group diabetic rats could maintain urinary protein level as normal in 12 weeks.Therapeutic intervention also can protect the kidneys in decreased exclusion of urinary protein.Former is slightly better than the latter in improvement of urine protein 2) After Tongluo Prescription,metabolites significantly changes in TLR and other rats.The change of HEME and 5-amino acid,is obviously.
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