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Background:Intracranial infection is a common complication of neurosurgery, it has high mutilation rates and mortality rates.Due to blood brain barriers, routine vein administration could hardly gain satisfactory therapeutic effects in some CNS diseases. There is only ependyma or piamater between the cerebralspinal fluid and brain tissue, so it is easier for matter exchange and therapeutic effects would be more optimal.At present, clinical doctors still use normal sodium in cerebrospinal fluid replacement and intraspinal injection of medication, but this will induce secondary damages to the injured brain tissue. Because of this, using artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacing normal sodium mayhave better protective effects on central nervous system (CNS).Although studies have approved the protective effects of moderate hypothermia treatment on the brain tissue, cerebrospinal fluid replacement combined with the moderate hypothermia treatment will gain more better effects on intracranial infection diseases. Objective :To explore the best treatment for intracranial infection. Methods:Patients were randomly divided into 4 groups, the experimental group l(artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacement combined with the moderate hypothermia treatment), the experimental group 2 (only artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacement) , experimental group 3(only the moderate hypothermia treatment) and experimental group 4 (only normal sodium replacement). Monitoring indexes as follows: body temperature (BT), routine blood test, the pressure of cerebralspinal fluid, the routine tests and biochemistry tests of cerebralspinal fluid. Observing items: the time of infection control, the time of clinical symptom improvement and the mean hospitalization time. At last,evaluating prognosis and safety, Comparing the differences in the 4 experimental groups. Results:(1) Artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacement combined with the moderate hypothermia treatment is significantly better than artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacement alone;(2) Artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacement is significantly superior to the conventional therapy;
    (3) Artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacement is significantly superior to normal sodiumreplacement.Conclusion:Artificial cerebrospinal fluid replacement combined with the moderate hypothermia treatment has more advantages over conventional therapy, replacement normal sodium with artificial cerebrospinal fluid can provide maximum extent protections for CNS and better clinical prognosis.
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