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     在本研究中,我们应用单细胞全基因组多重替代扩增技术(Multiple displacement amplification, MDA)、单细胞巢氏PCR(polymerase chain reaction)、单细胞实时荧光定量PCR以及微卫星标记(microsatellite marker, STR)连锁分析等现代分子生物学技术建立了单细胞基因诊断的方法体系,并初步应用到遗传性耳聋的PGD临床工作中;另外以微卫星分子标记(STR)作为遗传标记,在一个常染色体显性非综合征型高频频感音神经性耳聋大家系中进行筛查并成功定位及筛查出致病基因;完成Treacher Collins综合征致病基因的突变筛查。本研究包括如下三部分:
     遗传性耳聋绝大多数为单基因特异性点突变,符合辅助生殖技术(in vitro fertilization, IVF)胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(preimplantation genetic diagnosis,PGD)医学指征,可有效避免传统中期妊娠异常胚胎的治疗性流产对患者本人和家属造成的身心伤害。本课题组朱玉华博士在前期研究中,鉴定了一个常染色体显性遗传非综合征型耳聋DFNA64家系的致病基因DIABLO,该家系的先证者夫妇在了解胚胎植入前遗传学诊断技术(PGD)可预防聋儿出生后,有进行此项研究的强烈意愿,并签署了知情同意书。
     第三部分Treacher Collins综合征致病基因筛查及分子机制研究
     Treacher Collins综合征(Treacher Collins syndrome, TCS)是一种常见的遗传疾病,发病率为1/50,000,主要表现为双侧颧骨骨结构发育异常造成颅面部的发育不全。本研究对两例TCS疑似病例进行了TCOF1基因的直接测序,一例患者携带TCOF1的第2外显子c.146 T>C杂合突变,此突变位点将编码第49位的异亮氨酸替换为苏氨酸,对其父亲、母亲进行该位点突变筛查,未发现突变,该位点突变为一新生突变。本研究结果为该家系下一步遗传咨询和产前诊断的需求提供了资料和依据。同时对TCS发病机理及该病致病基因分子机制的研究进展做了深入的分析和总结。
Hearing impairment is the most common birth defect and sensorineural disorder. Based on the national survey of disabled population in 2006, the total number of hearing impairment in China has reached 27.8 millions. The number of newborn with congenital hearing impairment is 20-30 thousands every year. Therefore, diagnostic techniques and interventions should be established to reduce the risk of future recurrence of deafness. It has very important long-term significance of improving the quality of the population in China.
     In this study, we have established preimplantation genetic diagnostic (PGD) technique for hereditary hearing loss by multiple displacement amplification, nested PCR, real-time quantitative PCR and microsatellite marker. Using microsatellite marker, we have successfully identified a novel hearing loss locus and the gene in a family with autosomal dominant non-syndromic deafness. We Successful identify TCOF1 gene mutation in a He-Nan family with Treacher Collins syndrome.
     PART1:Establishment and application of PGD technique for hereditary hearing loss
     The vast majority of genetic deafness was a single-gene disease. Therefore, it is in line with the medical indications for PGD, and can be effectively prevented abnormal embryos for therapeutic abortion, which would avoid the physical and psychological harm for patients. In the previous study of our research group, we have demonstrated that mutation in DIABLO underlying non-syndromic hearing impairment in a large Chinese family. The couple of the proband had very strong demand for PGD, and signed informed consent. We applied the multiple displacement amplification of whole genome, nested PCR, real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR and microsatellite marker to establish the PGD techniques from single lymphocytes of the couple of proband and superseded single blastomere. We have successfully performed an intact PGD cycle in the couple of proband and identified a healthy fetus for implantation. Unfortunately, this fetus did not successfully get nidation due to poor endometrium environment.
     PART 2:Identification of gene underlying autosomal-dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss in a Chinese family
     In this study, we identified the causative gene in an autosomal-dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss Chinese pedigree named SD-L030 and analyzed DFNA5 mutation. This Chinese family spanned four generations and comprised 30 members. Application of microsatellite markers on DFNA 23 loci preliminary screening of 25 genes, data were analyzed by linkage analysis. We mapped the locus to the region between D7S629 and D7S516 (two-point lod-score of 5.39) with application of 8 microsatellite markers. By direct sequencing of best candidate genes in mapping region, we identified a novel missense mutation ivs7-2 A>G in DFNA5 gene, which was faithfully cosegregated with hearing loss in the family. This mutation causes skipping of exon 8, resulting in premature termination of the open reading frame. In order to understand DFNA5 mechanisms and to gain more insights into the function changes of protein resulting from the missense mutation, we will establish effective experimental model in near future.
     PART 3:Mutational screening of TCOFl gene in patients with Treacher Collins syndrome
     Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is characterized by hypoplasia of the zygomatic bones and mandible, and so on. Almost 40%-50% of individuals have conductive hearing loss attributed most commonly to malformation (including ankylosis, hypoplasia, or absence) of the ossicles and hypoplasia of the middle ear cavities. We have collected two sporadic patients with conductive hearing loss and notching of the lower eyelid recruited from clinic of Department of otolaryngology of PLA General Hospital. By direct sequencing TCOFl, we identified a novel missense mutation c.146 T>C (p.I49T) in the second exon of TCOFl gene in one patient, but was not found in the gene in his parents. Furthermore, the amine acid of isoleucine in this site is highly conservative across eight species. This result can be used to conduct prenatal diagnosis in this family.
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