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As special enterprise, commercial banks' capital can resist risk. One of the major goal of the commercial bank is profit. They should raise their capital adequacy ratios, thereby further strengthening their risk-prevention capacity and improve their management performance.
     After entering WTO, commercial banks develop steadily in the process of reform. All banks have carried out active exploration in such areas as establishing and perfecting capital structure, deepening internal reform, strengthening enterprise management, conducting effective supervision over risk and so on. How is the relationship of commercial banks' capital structure and management performance?
     In view of other documents on commercial banks' capital and bank efficiency, integrating book capital and custodial capital, this article carries out preliminary research. The second section carries out the mechanism of the relationship. The third section carries out research on book capital. The forth section carries out authentic research on economical capital. The fifth section obtains the conclusion. A negative correlation was found between commercial banks' capital structure and management performance. And increased risk assets were reflected in little lower profits.
     This article examines the relationship between capital structure and management performance from capital of balanced sheet and economical point of view. Then conducts theory testing, calculation and substantial testing. Content and texture come as a logical consequence, this looks upon as innovation.
1 参照《商业银行资本充足率管理办法释义》第24页至第30页的相关内容
    1 机械工业出版社翻译的原书第2版的第195页
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